Outside bodies
- Acaster Malbis Knowles Educational Foundation
- Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE)
- British Sugar Community Forum
- Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Forum
- City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership
- City of York Trading Company
- Clifton Backies Management Board
- Derwenthorpe Partnership Advisory Committee
- Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual Limited
- f40
- Foss 2008 Internal Drainage Board (IDB)
- Fostering and Sharing Care Panel
- Friends of St Nicholas Fields
- Fulford Parish Council Cemetery Committee
- Germany Beck Community Forum
- Heslington East Community Forum
- Higher York
- Human Rights and Equalities Board
- Joint Member Working Group on the Joint Mineral and Waste Plan
- Kyle and Upper Ouse Internal Drainage Board (IDB)
- Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (Mental Health and Learning Disabilities)
- Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool Joint Committee
- Leeman Road Millennium Green Trust
- Local Government Association - Councillors' Forum
- Local Government Association - General Assembly
- Local Transport Plan Steering Group
- Make It York Board
- Migration Yorkshire Board
- North Yorkshire Flood Risk Partnership
- North Yorkshire Pension Fund - Local Pension Board
- North Yorkshire Pension Fund Committee
- North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel
- Ouse and Derwent Internal Drainage Board (IDB)
- PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Adjudication Joint Committee
- Regional Audit Committee Forum (Yorkshire & Humberside)
- Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for Yorkshire and the Humber
- Safer York Partnership
- Schools Effectiveness and Achievement Monitoring Group
- Schools Forum
- Shopmobility York
- St Michael le Belfrey with St Wilfrid Charities for the Poor
- St Wilfrid's Eleemosynary Charity
- Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
- Terry's Community Forum
- The City Partnership
- Veritau Limited
- West Yorkshire Business Board (formerly Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership Board)
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Climate, Energy and Environment Committee
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Culture, Heritage and Sport Committee
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Economy Committee (merger of Business, Economy & Innovation Committee with Employment & Skills Committee)
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Scrutiny Committee
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Transport Committee
- York & North Yorkshire Housing Board
- York & Scarborough NHS Trust Council of Governors
- York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority
- York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Audit and Governance Committee
- York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Business Board
- York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Skills and Employability Working Group
- York Business Improvement District (BID)
- York Central Lead Members (formerly York Central Steering Board)
- York Citizens Theatre Trust
- York City Charities
- York Climate Commission
- York Culture Forum Executive
- York Enhanced Partnership for Buses Forum
- York Environment Forum
- York Fair Trade Forum
- York Health and Care Partnership
- York Learning Improvement Board
- York Museums Trust
- York Outer Ring Road (YORR) Lead Members Board
- York Skills & Employment Board
- York UK Shared Prosperity Fund Partnership Board
- York Wheels Ltd
- York's Economic Partnership
- Yorkshire and Humber ( Local Authorities) Employers Association
- Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission
- Yorkshire and Humber Leaders Board
- Yorkshire and Humber Strategic Migration Group
- Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Audit & Governance Sub-Committee
- Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Management Committee
- Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Procurement Holdings Limited
- Yorkshire Regional Flood and Coastal Committee
- Yorwaste