Committee details

Planning Committee

Purpose of committee

The Terms of Reference of the Planning Committee are:

To consider and determine applications for planning permission and other related consents, arising under the Town and Country Planning Act and associated legislation as set out in Part A of Schedule 1 of the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities)(England) Regulations 2000 as amended, which have not been delegated to the Planning Area Sub-Committee or to officers.



To approve (other than repeat or Section 73 applications involving minor modifications or extensions of time) or refuse, applications for planning permission and other related consents under the appropriate legislation in accordance with the following criteria:

(a)     Outline planning applications for:

i.        residential development on sites over 1.0 hectare in

          area and

ii.       non-residential development on sites over 1.5 hectares

          in area.

iii.      40 dwellings or more


(b)      Full detailed, or reserved matters applications for :

                 i.    residential development (including conversions/changes

of use) of 40 dwellings or more and

          ii  non-residential development, including extensions and

             changes of use, of over 3,000 square metres gross floor



(c)       Any application or proposal which raises significant strategic

      or policy issues for the city.


(d)      Any non-residential or domestic application for which there is

     a policy presumption against development in the Green Belt.


(e)    Changes of Use of land of 5.0 hectares or more


(f)      Any application that the Corporate Director Economy and Place  or  the Assistant Director (Planning and

           Public Protection) considers should be presented to

            the Planning Committee for decision.


To enter into Section 106 Agreements, in respect of proposed developments which fall within the scope of the Planning Committee to determine


The renewal, modification and revocation of planning permissions and other related consents and agreements.



Contact information

Support officer: Angela Bielby. Democracy Officer

Postal address:
West Offices
Station Rise



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