Agenda and minutes

Venue: The George Hudson Board Room - 1st Floor West Offices (F045). View directions

Contact: Michelle Bennett 

Webcast: video recording

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting, Board Members are asked to declare:


·        any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests

·        any prejudicial interests or

·        any disclosable pecuniary interests


which they may have in respect of business on this agenda. A list of general personal interests previously declared is attached.


Board Members were invited to declare any personal, prejudicial

or disclosable pecuniary interests, other than their standing

interests, that they had in relation to the business on the

agenda.  None were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 170 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 4 December 2019.


Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of the

committee held on 4 December 2019  be approved and signed as a correct record.




Public Participation

It is at this point in the meeting that members of the public who have registered their wish to speak can do so. The deadline for registering is by 5.00 pm Tuesday 3 March 2020.


To register please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of this agenda.


Filming, Recording or Webcasting Meetings

Please note that, subject to available resources, this meeting will be filmed and webcast, or recorded, including any registered public speakers who have given their permission. This broadcast can be viewed at


Residents are welcome to photograph, film or record Councillors and Officers at all meetings open to the press and public. This includes the use of social media reporting, i.e. tweeting.  Anyone wishing to film, record or take photos at any public meeting should contact the Democracy Officer (whose contact details are at the foot of this agenda) in advance of the meeting.


The Council’s protocol on Webcasting, Filming & Recording of Meetings ensures that these practices are carried out in a manner both respectful to the conduct of the meeting and all those present.  It can be viewed at:




It was reported that there had been one registration to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme


Mr Ocean Melchizedek spoke on behalf of 5G Awareness York

to highlight the potential negative health risks in relation to the lack of testing of 5G and that these risks were uninsurable.  He requested that that the HWBB set up a working group to consider these concerns further.


The Director of Public Health (CYC) responded that she was aware that there was a live petition to the council on these concerns.  As this was very technical, advice would be sought from the scientific section of Public Health England.  A response to the petition would also be made in due course.


Report of the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board's Ageing Well Partnership December 2018 to February 2020 pdf icon PDF 288 KB

Health and Wellbeing Board members will consider the report of York’s Ageing Well Partnership covering the period December 2018 to February 2020.  The partnership is chaired by the Director of Public Health for the City of York who will present the report at the meeting.


Additional documents:


The Health and Wellbeing Board members considered the report of York’s Ageing Well Partnership covering the period December 2018 to February 2020.  The partnership is chaired by the Director of Public Health (PH) for the City of York who was in attendance to present the report and respond to questions.


The following information was provided in response to questions from board members:


·        A key priority agreed at the last meeting had been in relation to York becoming an age friendly city.

·        Some members of the HWBB were members of the partnership.

·        HWBB members were pleased to note that the partnership were considering work on creating a more dementia friendly area and improving the situation regarding getting about the city – which would benefit everyone.  This included drop kerbs which would be great for mothers getting about. 

·        Members noted the huge amount of work which had been undertaken over the last year.

·        The partnership were incorporating and trying to influence the various schemes of work across the city.  Therefore, there was a lot of focus on transport at the moment due to the fact that there was currently a lot of work underway in the city of York in relation to transport.

·        The partnership were considering how to align with the emerging Primary Care Networks to provide accessible health services in areas where our population wish to access this.

·        Colleagues from the Health and Care Resilience Board had been invited to attend the partnership.  This was to ensure that the voice of the partnership could influence that area of work, as it was noted that none of the members of the HWBB were linked to the Health and Care Resilience Board (formerly the Accident and Emergency delivery board).


Resolved:  The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the report of the chair of the Ageing Well Partnership.

Reason:     To give the Health and Wellbeing Board oversight of the work of the Ageing Well Partnership and assurance in relation to strategy delivery.


Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2022: Draft Supplementary Document - March 2020 pdf icon PDF 220 KB

This report asks the Health and Wellbeing Board to provide feedback and comment on the draft supplementary document March 2020 (Annex A refers) which is intended to accompany the current joint health and wellbeing strategy 2017-2022.

Additional documents:


The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) were invited to provide feedback and comment on the draft supplementary document March 2020 (Annex A refers) which is intended to accompany the current joint health and wellbeing strategy 2017-2022.  The Director of Public Health for the City of York was in attendance to present this document and to respond to questions.


The following information was provided during discussion of this item:


·        The YorOK Board were undertaking some work in relation to the priorities outlined, in their capacity as a sub-group to the HWBB.  For example the ‘starting and growing well’ priority and priorities arising from their draft Children’s and Young People’s Plan.

·        Once the YorOK Board had agreed their priorities this would be considered at this board.  The HWBB would then take forward one key priority. 

·        YorOK’s work would be reflected in the final report. 

·        The Children’s and Young people plan and the draft priorities were on the agenda for discussion at the next YorOK Board meeting to be held on 17 April.  Provided this is confirmed, the plan would be received at a multi-agency conference.

·        No date had been agreed regarding the multi– agency conference.  Information would be sent out after the next YorOk meeting.

·        In relation to the ‘living and working well’ priority and the wider determinants of health, it should be noted that the council’s scrutiny committees were undertaking a wide reaching scrutiny review of all aspects of poverty which included: income, employment, affordable housing, and homelessness.


The Executive Director for Primary care and Population Health, NHS VOY CCG, suggested that the York Health and Care Collaborative be invited to attend this board meeting in relation to the synergy between their priorities and ours, particularly in relation to the delivery of the NHS aging well programme. 


Resolved:  The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the Joint Health

and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2022: Draft Supplementary Document - March 2020 are asked to comment and provide feedback on the supplementary document.


Reason:     To ensure that the Health and Wellbeing Board are

responsive to system changes and progress made towards delivering the joint health and wellbeing strategy’s aims and ambitions.


Children and Young People's Mental Health and Well-Being Local Transformation Plan Refresh 2019/2020 pdf icon PDF 251 KB

The Health and Wellbeing Board will consider the Local Transformation Plan (LTP).


Additional documents:


The Health and Wellbeing Board considered the refreshed Local Transformation Plan (LTP).  The Commissioning Manager, NHS Vale of York CCG, was in attendance to present the report and to respond to questions.


The following areas were highlighted and discussed:


·        Positive progress had been made against the five year forward view for mental health which were aligned with the five themes of the LTP.

·        Prevention and early intervention was a key theme throughout the current approach to children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

·        Further work was required in relation to promoting positive messages around mental wellbeing in secondary care.

·        The achievements of the last year were set out in the report.  Of particular note was the peri-natal service.  This was a preventative service that works with mothers with serious mental health disorders, over the course of a year.  Fostering good emotional resilience, which benefits to the child’s wellbeing.  This service is intended to expand to offer support to the mother’s partner. 

·        An additional £250k funding had been allocated to the child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) this year.  This would be spent on Lime Trees, York and the Selby Clinic.  This was in addition to significant money allocated to the first of the mental health support teams within the CCG area.

·        Another initiative in the coming year was a possible mental health support team bid for the City of York in relation to ‘school refusal’.  This is children who were finding it difficult to be in school and were in need of support to either remain in school or at least attend school part time.  This initiative was designed as a prevention, promotion and early intervention approach as children with difficulty in this aspect often ended up on exclusion pathways.  This would support children at primary school and for the first few years of secondary school. 

·        Another significant change in the report and referenced within the LTP is a strong development of the understanding that integration across the system is key for ensuring that children and young people were able to easily access services according to the level of need they have. There were still significant gaps in provision.  Tees, Esk and Wear Valley (TEWV) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), VOY CCG, North Yorkshire CCG, were working with colleagues at the City of York Council (CYC) and at North Yorkshire County Council to develop a fully articulated whole pathway for children and young people’s emotional mental health to support young people up to the age of 25.

·        At a recent stakeholder meeting which had involved children and young people, as well as a wide range of professionals working across the board in terms of children and young people’s mental health, the perennial difficulty around information sharing had been discussed, i.e. can I or should I be sharing this information with you? I don’t know if I can share this information with you? and not realising it would be a good idea to share this information.  This had resulted  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69.


Verbal Update from the Director of Public Health: Coronavirus


The Director of Public Health for the City of York provided an oral update on the coronavirus situation to provide assurance to York residents that the council was adequately prepared.  Her department had been instructed by government and public sector organisations to prepare for the worst case scenario.  It was reported that the council’s co-ordinator - North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum were meeting weekly and were closely monitoring this ever-changing situation.  The Community Monitoring service would be in place as of tomorrow.


Resolved: Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board noted the

work underway in relation to managing the coronavirus situation.


Reason:     So that the Board are kept up to date regarding how coronavirus is being managed in York.



Living and Working Well Theme - Establishment of a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board pdf icon PDF 121 KB

The Health and Wellbeing Board will be asked to receive a presentation outlining proposals for a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board to be established as a sub-group of the Board.




The Director of Public Health for the City of York and the Executive Director for Primary Care and Population Health, NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group, provided a presentation (this can be found on line at item of the agenda) outlining proposals for a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board to be established as a sub-group of the Board.


Key points arising from the presentation included:


·        This area of work had arisen due to conversations with health colleagues and is an area of work which Humber, Coast and Vale along with Integrated Care partnerships were very focused on.

·        Key areas that needed to be considered were: (i) how could we scale up the work on prevention undertaken in York (ii) coming to a shared understanding of the term ‘prevention’ and of what is meant by a population approach (iii) How might a sub-group of this board take forward this area of work to implement the system changes that are required.

·        Compared to regional or national averages, York scores at about average in terms of this area of work.  Considering the assets York has it should be leading the way.  The health programme board needs the right level of ambition for better outcomes for York’s population.

·        The health programme board would need to ensure effective links with Primary Care Network’s (PCN) long term plans.  There had been a discussion on whether clinical leads on the PCN should be members of the health programme board. 

·        The Executive Director for Primary Care and Population Health, NHS VOY CCG, proposed that PCN’s needed to be feeding into this work in an effective way so that they share the obstacles they are facing and so that we are working together on delivering the objectives. 

·        Talked about linking York as an area to Humber, Coast and Vale as increasingly services are planned, commissioned and delivered on a wider geographical footprint.  York needs to be an active player in these systems.  This could be achieved through the work of a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board.

·        The presentation talked about the four pillars of health which are interconnected.  This model accords with the discussion, strategies and priorities of the HWBB.

·        Members were very supportive of using this model and agreed that going forward as reports are received from the health programme board, they could use this model to assess how far the board was meeting this criteria in its proposals.

·        The HWBB considered what was meant by ‘prevention’ to reduce demand and to prevent or delay the need for healthcare. 

·        The HWBB considered the ‘window of need’ model as developed by East Midlands CCG.  It was evident that the window of need was wider in areas of deprivation.  This evidence base helps in terms of planning and commissioning services in areas of deprivation.

·        The HWBB discussed how prevention of health problems was relevant to every sector of health care including secondary and tertiary care.  This programme was broader than primary health care.

·        Barnsley CCG  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Better Care Fund 2019 - 20 Update pdf icon PDF 156 KB

This report is for information only and sets out the following:

·        2019-2020 Better Care Fund Plan for York – approved status

·        Winter pressures grant assurance process

·        2020-2021 Planning Requirements and timeline


Additional documents:


The above item had been included in the agenda for information.


Members were pleased to note that the Better Care Fund plan 2019 – 20 had been approved.


Healthwatch York Report: Changes to Repeat Prescription Ordering pdf icon PDF 252 KB

This report is for information only.  The report is from Healthwatch York and provides information to help understand people’s experiences in relation to the changes to repeat prescription ordering.

Additional documents:


The above item had been included in the agenda for information only.


The Executive Director for Primary Care and Population Health, NHS VOY CCG reported that concern in relation to these changes had settled.  Significant savings had been made in relation to people not being prescribed medicines unnecessarily and the CCG were continuing to monitor this.


Members of the HWBB expressed some concern in relation to these changes which they would raise at the Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee.  These concerns included:

·        Consultation and communication with service users at the planning stage in relation to these changes.   

·        Adverse effect on vulnerable service users and some carers,

some of whom had experienced difficulty in obtaining exemptions.

·        Community pharmacists not being contracted to deliver these changes.


The Head of Clinical Strategy (North Yorkshire and the Humber) NHS England had requested a response on these concerns from NHS England.


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