Agenda item

Children and Young People's Mental Health and Well-Being Local Transformation Plan Refresh 2019/2020

The Health and Wellbeing Board will consider the Local Transformation Plan (LTP).



The Health and Wellbeing Board considered the refreshed Local Transformation Plan (LTP).  The Commissioning Manager, NHS Vale of York CCG, was in attendance to present the report and to respond to questions.


The following areas were highlighted and discussed:


·        Positive progress had been made against the five year forward view for mental health which were aligned with the five themes of the LTP.

·        Prevention and early intervention was a key theme throughout the current approach to children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

·        Further work was required in relation to promoting positive messages around mental wellbeing in secondary care.

·        The achievements of the last year were set out in the report.  Of particular note was the peri-natal service.  This was a preventative service that works with mothers with serious mental health disorders, over the course of a year.  Fostering good emotional resilience, which benefits to the child’s wellbeing.  This service is intended to expand to offer support to the mother’s partner. 

·        An additional £250k funding had been allocated to the child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) this year.  This would be spent on Lime Trees, York and the Selby Clinic.  This was in addition to significant money allocated to the first of the mental health support teams within the CCG area.

·        Another initiative in the coming year was a possible mental health support team bid for the City of York in relation to ‘school refusal’.  This is children who were finding it difficult to be in school and were in need of support to either remain in school or at least attend school part time.  This initiative was designed as a prevention, promotion and early intervention approach as children with difficulty in this aspect often ended up on exclusion pathways.  This would support children at primary school and for the first few years of secondary school. 

·        Another significant change in the report and referenced within the LTP is a strong development of the understanding that integration across the system is key for ensuring that children and young people were able to easily access services according to the level of need they have. There were still significant gaps in provision.  Tees, Esk and Wear Valley (TEWV) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), VOY CCG, North Yorkshire CCG, were working with colleagues at the City of York Council (CYC) and at North Yorkshire County Council to develop a fully articulated whole pathway for children and young people’s emotional mental health to support young people up to the age of 25.

·        At a recent stakeholder meeting which had involved children and young people, as well as a wide range of professionals working across the board in terms of children and young people’s mental health, the perennial difficulty around information sharing had been discussed, i.e. can I or should I be sharing this information with you? I don’t know if I can share this information with you? and not realising it would be a good idea to share this information.  This had resulted in young people having to explain things multiple times, which had led to misunderstandings and potentially preventing young people from accessing the services they needed.

·         NHS England were eager to develop a service for those aged 0 – 25 years, which would support service users in the transition from CAMHS to adult services in recognition of the consequences of a difficult transfer, which could lead to a deterioration in health, refusal of help and accessing hospital or wider services.

·        VOY CCG were working closely with colleagues in York Council in relation to the Children and Young People’s Plan and how this would reflect the health (including mental health) needs of children and young people.

·        The VOY CCG were working with colleagues in CYC and at Lime Trees, York on the autism pathway and whether or not need was being met in the right place.  This led to a discussion regarding the number of children being referred for assessment.  The Commissioning Manager explained that the messages coming from parents was that having a diagnosis made it easier to explain and understand these behaviours.  Parents had also considered that their child would only receive extra support from the school if there was a confirmed diagnosis.  The HWBB discussed how this could lead to label impairment.

·        The Director of Operations, North Yorkshire and York – TEWV NHS Foundation Trust highlighted that an area that might also contribute towards the LTP refresh for the HWBB to consider was the additional investment that had been agreed with CCG colleagues in relation to the early intervention psychosis team which would work with the upper age group of young people.  This funding allocation was extremely important for children that may end up with a life-long condition from psychosis.  With this investment it would be possible to develop the ‘at risk’ pathway.  This would be online in the York area in the coming year. 


Resolved: The Health and Wellbeing Board considered and noted

the Children and Young People's Mental Health and Well-Being Local Transformation Plan Refresh 2019/2020 and looked forward to receiving a progress report in due course.


Reason:     So that the Health and Wellbeing Board are kept informed of the Children and Young People's Mental Health and Well-Being Local Transformation Plan Refresh 2019/2020.

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