Committee details
Health and Wellbeing Board
Purpose of committee
The overall purpose of the Board is to bring together key partners from the NHS, Public health and Local Government, including Healthwatch as the patient’s voice to jointly plan how best to meet local health and care needs.
The Board’s three principal statutory duties are:
· To assess the needs of the local population through a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
· To set out how these needs will be addressed through a Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWBS) that offers a strategic framework in which Integrated Care Boards, Local NHS Place Boards, Local Authorities and NHS England can make their commissioning decisions.
· To promote greater integration and partnership, including joint commissioning, integrated provision and pooled budgets.
The Board will:
· Agree the strategic health and wellbeing priorities for the city, as a board and with the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, respecting the fact this group covers a wider geographic area.
· Make a positive difference, improving outcomes for all our communities and those who use our services.
· Lead on the production of a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.
The Board will not:
· Manage work programmes or oversee specific pieces of work.
· Focus on the delivery of specific health and wellbeingservices.
· Scrutinise the detailed performance of services.
· Take responsibility for the outputs and outcomes of specific services.
· Be the main vehicle for the patient voice as this is the responsibility of Healthwatch.
The Board’s Terms of Reference can be found here:
- Sara Storey
- Councillor Lucy Steels-Walshaw (Chair)
- Councillor Carol Runciman
- Councillor Robert Webb
- Councillor Chris Cullwick
- Siân Balsom Manager, Healthwatch York
- Dr Emma Broughton Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative & Primary Care Network Clinical Director
- Zoe Campbell Managing Director (North Yorkshire, York and Selby)- Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
- Sarah Coltman-Lovell (Vice-Chair) NHS Place Director for the York Locality – Humber & North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
- Martin Kelly Coperate Director of Children and Education, City of York Council
- Simon Morritt Chief Executive, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Mike Padgham Chair, Independent Care Group
- Tim Forber
- Peter Roderick Director of Public Health, City of York Council
- Alison Semmence Chief Executive, York CVS
- Councillor Claire Douglas (Substitute)
- Councillor Michael Pavlovic (Substitute)
- Andrew Bertram (Substitute) Deputy Chief Executive and Finance Director, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Lucy Brown (Substitute) Director of Communications, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Anita Dobson (Substitute)
- Michelle Carrington (Substitute)
- David Harbourne (Substitute) Chair of York CVS
- Brian Cranna (Substitute) Director of Operations and Transformation, Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation
- Scott Bissett (Substitute)
- Emily Douse (Substitute)
- Dr Rebecca Field (Substitute) Chair of York Health Care Collaborative
- Elliot Foskett (Substitute) Assistant Chief Constable- North Yorkshire Police
- David Kerr (Substitute) Community Mental Health Transformation Programme & Delivery Lead (NYY&S) & TEWV Lead Master Coach (NYY&S)
- Denise Knightingale (Substitute)
- Christine Marmion-Lennon (Substitute) Deputy Chief Executive Officer, York CVS
- Michael Melvin (Substitute) Director of Adults Safeguarding
- John Pattinson (Substitute) Operations Director- Independent Care Group
- Maxine Squire (Substitute)
- Janet Wright (Substitute) York Healthwatch
- Danielle Johnson (Substitute)
- Peter Otter (Substitute)
Contact information
Support officer: Ben Jewitt. Democracy Officer
Postal address:
West Offices
Station Rise
Phone: 01904 551088
Web site: