Agenda item

Living and Working Well Theme - Establishment of a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board will be asked to receive a presentation outlining proposals for a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board to be established as a sub-group of the Board.




The Director of Public Health for the City of York and the Executive Director for Primary Care and Population Health, NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group, provided a presentation (this can be found on line at item of the agenda) outlining proposals for a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board to be established as a sub-group of the Board.


Key points arising from the presentation included:


·        This area of work had arisen due to conversations with health colleagues and is an area of work which Humber, Coast and Vale along with Integrated Care partnerships were very focused on.

·        Key areas that needed to be considered were: (i) how could we scale up the work on prevention undertaken in York (ii) coming to a shared understanding of the term ‘prevention’ and of what is meant by a population approach (iii) How might a sub-group of this board take forward this area of work to implement the system changes that are required.

·        Compared to regional or national averages, York scores at about average in terms of this area of work.  Considering the assets York has it should be leading the way.  The health programme board needs the right level of ambition for better outcomes for York’s population.

·        The health programme board would need to ensure effective links with Primary Care Network’s (PCN) long term plans.  There had been a discussion on whether clinical leads on the PCN should be members of the health programme board. 

·        The Executive Director for Primary Care and Population Health, NHS VOY CCG, proposed that PCN’s needed to be feeding into this work in an effective way so that they share the obstacles they are facing and so that we are working together on delivering the objectives. 

·        Talked about linking York as an area to Humber, Coast and Vale as increasingly services are planned, commissioned and delivered on a wider geographical footprint.  York needs to be an active player in these systems.  This could be achieved through the work of a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board.

·        The presentation talked about the four pillars of health which are interconnected.  This model accords with the discussion, strategies and priorities of the HWBB.

·        Members were very supportive of using this model and agreed that going forward as reports are received from the health programme board, they could use this model to assess how far the board was meeting this criteria in its proposals.

·        The HWBB considered what was meant by ‘prevention’ to reduce demand and to prevent or delay the need for healthcare. 

·        The HWBB considered the ‘window of need’ model as developed by East Midlands CCG.  It was evident that the window of need was wider in areas of deprivation.  This evidence base helps in terms of planning and commissioning services in areas of deprivation.

·        The HWBB discussed how prevention of health problems was relevant to every sector of health care including secondary and tertiary care.  This programme was broader than primary health care.

·        Barnsley CCG were leading the way on undertaking work in the area of prevention.  The chair of HWBB suggested that we should consider exemplars such as Barnsley to see how their work could fit within a York scenario.


It was agreed that the HWBB would receive a progress report on this area of work in due course.


Resolved: The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the presentation and approved the proposals.


Reason:     To ensure that the board is kept informed of the Living and Working Well theme and the establishment of a Prevention and Population Health Programme Board.

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