Agenda and minutes
Venue: Huntington Community Centre, Strensall Road
Contact: Claire Taylor
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7pm - Drop in surgery The drop in surgery gives you the opportunity to talk with your Councillors, Street Environment Officer, Safer Neighbourhood Police Team, Neighbourhood Management Officer and visiting speakers in an informal setting. Minutes: 1.1 Residents had the opportunity to speak to Councillors Hyman, Orrell and Runciman, Claire Taylor, Iain Dunn, PC Andy Thompson, PC Mike Brocken and Parish Councillors Richard Revell and Don Crawford. |
7.30pm Main Meeting Welcome and minutes Minutes: 2.1 Cllr Carol Runciman welcomed residents to the meeting. 2.2 The minutes of the last meeting on 19th October 2010 were agreed and signed. |
Safer Neighbourhood Team An update from your ward police team and your chance to ask any questions. Minutes: PC’s Mike Brocken and Andy Thompson from the Heworth Safer Neighbourhood Team explained that they were attending on behalf of the Huntington SNT who were on a rest day. They gave an overview of crime and community safety issues in the ward. The following points were noted:
3.1 The Safer Neighbourhood Teams across the city are being restructured as of 21st March. This ward will have a new Inspector, Sergeant and PC. PCSO Katie Milner is moving to Heworth ward and is being replaced by PCSO Richard Parry. Response teams are being localised alongside the Safer Neighbourhood Team. 3.2 Overall crime in the ward has increased by 1.5% compared to last year. In January 2011 there were 37 crimes reported in Huntington and 13 in New Earswick. There has been an increase in sneak in home burglaries and residents were advised to ensure their home is secure when they are out, in the garden or upstairs. 3.3 Cycle theft continues to be a problem in this ward and across the city. The team are still doing free cycle security marking as part of Operation Spoke. Residents should contact the team on 0845 6060247 to arrange an appointment.
The following questions and comments were noted:
a) Can something be done about the motorists speeding down Kettlestring Lane whilst talking on their mobile phones. Response was given that this is in Skelton, Clifton Without and Rawcliffe ward and this would be passed onto to the team for that area.
b) Parents are parking on the yellow lines on Garth Road and the zig zag lines outside Huntington Primary School when they are picking up/dropping off their children. Response was given that this will be passed onto the parking enforcement team. If the vehicles are causing an obstruction to property then residents should contact the police on 0845 60 60 247. |
2010-11 Local Improvement Scheme Updates Hear from some of the 2010-11 grant recipients about the work that has been done in the ward. Minutes: This was an opportunity for local community groups to give feedback on how the ward committee grants received in 2010/11 had been spent. The following points were noted:
4.1 Huntington Parish Council thanked the ward committee for the grant of £2500 for their community gardening scheme. This enabled the parish council to help over 100 elderly and disabled residents to maintain their gardens. 4.2 A representative from Huntington Community Centre thanked the ward committee for the grant of £1000 towards the modernisation of the kitchen/café area. The work to install suspended ceilings and modern lighting is now complete and this has helped to greatly reduce the energy bills. 4.3 New Earswick Community Association thanked the ward committee for the grants totalling £5000 for the community gardening scheme, the summer scheme for 8-17 year olds and the junior club for 8-11 year olds. The gardening scheme has helped 91 residents in New Earswick to maintain their gardens. Unfortunately, the interest in the Junior Club has dwindled so it has been suspended as of January 2011 and the future of this group is being reviewed. The summer scheme has been a success although some events were better attended than others. The association is reviewing the format of the scheme for 2011. 4.4 Cllr Keith Hyman stated that the ward committee has funded additional salt bins in the ward and reminded residents that these are for anyone to use. |
Local Improvement Schemes This is an opportunity for discussion on the provisional list of schemes for 2011-12. Minutes: 5.1 Cllr Keith Hyman invited residents to make any comments on the provisional list of ward committee schemes for 2011-12 published in the January Your Ward. 5.2 No comments were noted. 5.3 The following scheme were formally agreed subject to them being legal, feasible and within budget.
Have Your Say Your chance to discuss local issues. Minutes: The following questions and comments were noted:
6.1 Are there any plans for the village to hold an event to celebrate the royal wedding? Response was given that residents should contact their parish councils who may be organising something.
6.2 The ward committee is supporting the 68 centre in 2011/12. Is this in the ward? Response was given that although technically it is in the Heworth ward, it is on the boundary of Huntington & New Earswick and is accessed by a lot of young people in the ward.
6.3 I would like to say thanks to the people that cleared the paths of snow during the bad weather.
6.4 What has happened to the street sweeper on Whenby Grove? Action – CT to investigate.
Cllr Carol Runciman explained that due to the ‘purdah’ period in the run up to the local elections in May, there would not be a ward committee meeting in April. The next meeting would be in July 2011. |