Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Financial Strategy 2011-2017'

  • Councillor Andrew Waller - Personal - In matters relating to schools, as a school governor, and matters relating to allotments, as an allotment holder
  • Councillor Ann Reid MBE - Personal - In matters relating to schools, as a school governor
  • Councillor Carol Runciman - Personal - In matters relating to schools, as a school governor
  • Councillor Jonathan Morley - Personal - In matters relating to benefits for the over-60s, as a person over the age of 60, and matters relating to allotments, as an allotment holder
  • Councillor Nigel Ayre - Personal - In matters relating to the CAB, as a Trustee of York CAB
  • Councillor Steve Galloway - Personal - In matters relating to benefits for the over-60s, as a person over the age of 60


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