Issue details
Residential Retrofit – Grant Funding Opportunities to Accelerate Delivery
This report will provide an update on
residential retrofit projects led by the City of York Council
alongside opportunities to accelerate delivery further through
grant funding. The Executive will be asked to enter into grant
funding agreements to enable delivery of works and necessary
delegations to procure and deliver projects.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Decision Made (subject to call-in)
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/01/2025
Decision due: 11/03/25 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities
Lead director: Director of Housing and Communities
Department: Directorate of Housing and Communities
Contact: Michael Jones, Head of Housing Delivery and Asset Management Email: Email:
Consultation process
The City of York Retrofit Action Plan which
guides investment into retrofit projects was produced following
significant engagement across the council and with interested
parties across the city, including energy organisations and skills
providers. The plan was also discussed with Housing and Community
Safety Policy and Scrutiny Committee.
City wide open consultation
Energy providers
Skills providers
Housing and Community Safety Policy and Scrutiny Committee
Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: Yes
Agenda items
- 11/03/2025 - Executive Residential Retrofit – grant funding opportunities to accelerate delivery 11/03/2025
- Residential Retrofit – grant funding opportunities to accelerate delivery