Decision details
Residential Retrofit – grant funding opportunities to accelerate delivery
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Decision Made (subject to call-in)
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report will provide an update on
residential retrofit projects led by the City of York Council
alongside opportunities to accelerate delivery further through
grant funding. The Executive will be asked to enter into grant
funding agreements to enable delivery of works and necessary
delegations to procure and deliver projects.
i. Delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Communities in consultation with the Director of Finance, and Director of Governance, to accept funding offered by the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero for the Warm Homes: Local Grant programme and to sign the memorandum of understanding to enable delivery of the works;
ii. Delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Communities in consultation with the Director of Finance, and the Director of Governance, to procure a partner to the deliver the Warm Home: Local Grant programme, including entering into the delivery contract with the successfully procured new partner for April 2025 to March 2028 or March 2030 if funding is provided beyond 31 March 2028;
iii. Delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Communities in consultation with the Director of Finance, and the Director of Governance, to accept funding offered by the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero for the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund programme and to sign the memorandum of understanding to enable delivery of the works;
iv. Delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Communities in consultation with the Director of Finance, and the Director of Governance, to procure a partner to the deliver the Warm Home: Social Housing Fund project, including entering into the delivery contract with the successfully procured new partner for April 2025 to March 2028.
Reason: To deliver the council’s ambitions for minimising the
energy bills of those residents facing financial challenges, supporting health and wellbeing, building the local green economy, and retrofit supply chains, and reducing carbon emissions in the city and to ensure the provisions of the Subsidy Control Act 2022 are complied with.
Report author: Michael Jones
Publication date: 13/03/2025
Date of decision: 11/03/2025
Decided at meeting: 11/03/2025 - Executive
Date comes into force if not called in: 19/03/2025
Call-in deadline date: 18/03/2025
Current call-in Count: 0
Accompanying Documents: