Agenda item

Racecourse Racecourse Road Knavesmire York YO23 1EJ (07/01311/FULM)

Widening of South Bend of race course, surfacing of service track and associated works including drainage works.


Members considered a major full application for the widening of the South Bend of the Racecourse, surfacing of service track and associated works including drainage works submitted by York Race Committee.


The Officer updated that he had received a response from the Structures and Drainage Section; the development was in a high risk flood zone and regularly suffered from flooding. However, no objections were raised as the proposals were compatible with the zone. The developer would liaise with the Council’s drainage section regarding existing land drainage that may be affected by the proposals.


An additional letter had been received from a local resident who aid that:


-              The additional hard surfacing would add to the saturation of land on both sides of the proposed road

-              Where were the yellow publicity notices displayed?

-              There would be easy access to the new road from Cherry Lane and use by unlicensed vehicles could become a problem

-              Could the existing grass surface be levelled as an alternative, or other materials used such as plastic mesh which would allow rain to drain away safely.


The Officer clarified that the yellow site notices had been displayed in four locations these being, Cherry Lane, Bracken Road, Alongside the Green Lane Cycle Path and the Knavesmire Road entrance to the site. A Newspaper advert had also been in the Evening Press of 20th June 2007.


Representations were received from the Applicant who said that the aim of the proposals was to improve the racing surface and to reduce the risk of having to abandon race meetings. There would be improved Health and Safety on the course and improvements to the service track.


Members asked the applicant if it was possible to tone down the colour or seek an alternative material for the service track and the applicant  said that the present material had been chosen because it was the best for what they needed. The blackness would fade and blend in over time.  The Applicant was asked if the installation of an improved drainage system would lessen the chance of having to abandon race meetings and he replied that it would. The water from the racecourse itself would be more quickly and effectively drained.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the following additional condition.


1.      Prior to the commencement of the development, details of the surface colour of the service track shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority, and the proposed development shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved details.


                                                Reason: In the interests of visual amenity.


REASON:                  That, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the above additional condition, the proposal would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to:


-        Impact on the openness of the Green Belt

-        Visual impact of service road


As such the proposal complies with Policy E4 of the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan (Alteration No.3 Adopted 1995) and Policies GB1 and HE2 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.

Supporting documents:


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