Agenda item

York St John University Playing Fields, Windmill Lane, York [18/02824/REMM]

Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for a residential development of 69 dwellings with associated access roads and public open space [Hull Road Ward] [Site Visit]




Members considered a major reserved matters application from Yorkshire Housing for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for a residential development of 69 dwellings with associated access roads and public open space.


Members were provided with an update to the report. It was reported that there had been amendments to condition 2 due to revised plans indicating minor amendments to the layout of the equipped play area, adopted highway limits, boundary treatment along the main access to David Lloyd and minor parking adjustments. There had also been one additional objection regarding the provision of hedgehog and wildlife boxes.  In response to a Member question it was clarified that a requirement for hedgehog tunnels could be requested from the applicant.  Members were informed that the additional information had been assessed and the planning balance and recommendation remained unchanged from the published report. 


Chris Wedgewood  (Save Windmill Lane Playing Fields) spoke in objection to the application on the grounds of a material difference from the site plans, the destruction of trees, the site being in the Green Belt, a lack of cycling provision, the layout and type of housing and a disproportionate housing mix.


Fiona Fayre (Save Windmill Lane Playing Fields) spoke in objection to the application. She was a local parent opposed to building on playing fields, and she accepted that whilst concessions needed to be made, there needed to be work on maintaining the balance at that side of the city. She added that there needed to be the protection of trees.


Peter Sheaf (York Cycle Campaign) spoke in objection to the application. He asked for improvements in cycling provision on the site, specifically a cycle route to the west of the site which would adhere to planning and policy requirements. He suggested that traffic forecasts had been underestimated and he noted the benefits of encouraging residents to cycle. Mr Sheaf was asked and confirmed that York Cycle Campaign did not submit an objection to the application.


The Applicant, Steve Hughes (Yorkshire Housing) spoke in support of the application. He noted that the application would provide new high quality affordable homes that would provide people the opportunity to access housing at all levels. He added that Yorkshire Housing had worked hard with consultants to consult with residents.


Mr Hughes was asked and confirmed that:

·        Save for a number of trees, the mature and protected woodland and public access remained on the site.

·        The woodland management plan had been submitted as part of the planning application.

·        Yorkshire Housing would be responsible for the long term management of the woodland and would be willing to engage with residents on this.

·        The roof tiles were a standard roof tile and the use of solar roof tiles was part of the outline planning requirements.

·        The hedgehog boxes could be included in the boundary treatment.

·        The pumping station had not moved and a small number of self seeded trees near it would be removed and there had been significant planting proposed for the removed trees.


Cllr Pavlovic spoke as Ward Member on the application. Having consulted with residents he acknowledged that the development was the best option for local residents. In respect of the reserved matters application he asked that the newly planted trees remained in perpetuity, that building machinery access the site along Hull Road, and that construction staff did not park along Windmill Lane. He would have liked some of the homes to be allocated to Key Workers.


In response to Member questions concerning the use of solar roof tiles, the CEMP and landscape, officers clarified the conditions that had been included and could be imposed. It was clarified that officers were satisfied that the trees being removed were being replaced by a suitable stock of trees.


Resolved: That Delegated Authority for the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection to Approve subject to a variation of the Section 106 Agreement in respect of affordable housing to be provided in the development and subject to the conditions listed in the report and an informative regarding the use of solar roof tiles.



                        i.      The principle of the use of the site for residential was approved at outline stage under permission 16/02358/OUT. The application is in line with the requirement of the outline permission in terms of the number of dwellings, access to the site, public open space provision and the management of the protected tree belts. The reserved matters create a development comprising 100% affordable housing of a design and layout which is compatible with the surrounding area.


                       ii.      Wider development impacts are controlled via conditions imposed on the outline consent including land contamination, acoustic issues, construction environmental management plan, archaeology, drainage and landscaping.


                     iii.      In conclusion, it is considered that the proposed scheme would not have adverse impact that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh its benefits when assessed against the policies in the NPPF taken as a whole, taking into account the details of the scheme and any material planning considerations. The proposal is thus sustainable development for which the NPPF carries a presumption in favour. As such, the proposal is considered to accord with national guidance in the NPPF and the Draft Development Control Local Plan Policies subject to other relevant conditions.





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