Agenda item

York St John University Sports Centre, Haxby Road, York, YO31 8TA (14/02836/FULM)

Construction of sports hall with associated changing, teaching and social facilities following demolition of pavilion. [Huntington/New Earswick Ward]  [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application (13 weeks) from York St John University for the construction of a sports hall with associated changing, teaching and social facilities following demolition of pavilion.


Officers reported that a consultation response had been received from the council’s Sport and Active Leisure Team. They advised that the provision of the sports hall was supported by the city’s Built Sports Facilities Strategy.  The layout and dimensions of the hall were consistent with Sport England design guidance, and would provide a facility able to accommodate a wide range of sports up to regional competition standard. They noted that the level of community use was unclear and as the sports hall was to be unheated the hall was likely to be cold in winter and hot in summer. This was not consistent with Sport England’s sports hall design guide which recommended a hall temperature of between 12 and 20 degrees centigrade.


Officers advised that a response had also been received from Councillor Keith Orrell advising that the additional sports facilities were welcome, however greater consideration should be given to the impact these facilities were having, and would have in the future, on the residents of Huntington Road in Huntington. Councillor Orrell had stated that Huntington Road residents had suffered from light pollution, excessive noise and the loss of tree coverage and this application should take these concerns into consideration with conditions that would ameliorate the impact on local residents.


Officers advised that an additional condition with regard to the minimum requirement of a BREEAM assessment of “Very Good” after construction was recommended as well as an informative advising that the landscaping scheme should include the provision of six extra heavy standard trees to replace those lost as part of the development proposal


Mr Richard Hirst, Estates Manager at York St John University, addressed the committee in support of the proposals which he explained would create a central hub at the sports centre on Haxby Road. In response to concerns which had been raised about the sports hall being unheated, he advised that this was suitable to meet the needs of its proposed users and would provide a covered sports park suitable for active sport. He explained that the sports hall on Lord Mayor’s Walk was just too warm for some activities. With regard to community use, he confirmed that access would be made available where possible between the University’s commitments for sport, research and teaching.


One Member raised the issue of road safety around the junction to the site, pointing out that the entrance was on a 40mph section of the road and stating that accidents could be caused by motorists/cyclists slowing down to find the entrance to the site. He asked that consideration be given to looking at making road safety improvements on this stretch of road. Officers advised that this was outside the applicant’s control and it was agreed that the member would follow up his concerns with highway safety officers.


Members expressed their support for the proposed scheme.


Resolved:  That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the additional condition below:


Additional condition

Prior to commencement of development the developer shall submit to the local planning authority a formal pre-design BREEAM assessment for the design and procurement stages of the development. The developer shall submit a further BREEAM assessment after construction, at a time to be agreed in writing by the local planning authority. All assessments shall confirm

the minimum 'Very Good' rating anticipated in the preliminary BREEAM assessment submitted with the application.


Reason: To ensure the development complies with the principles of sustainable development in accordance with the Interim Planning Statement on Sustainable Design and Construction.


Additional Informative

You are advised that the landscape scheme should include the provision of six extra heavy standard trees to replace those lost as part of the development proposal


Reason:     It is considered that the proposed development is acceptable. The resultant building would be located within a sustainable location where the principle of sporting facilities has previously been established. It would be visible from outside of the site, within the open aspect, but landscaping would reduce the prominence of the development. The loss of the trees can be justified on the basis that replacement planting takes place on site. There would be little additional impact in terms of noise disturbance and highway implications were assessed as part of the original application.


Supporting documents:


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