Agenda item

Block B Vanbrugh College, Wentworth Way, Heslington, York (14/00363/FULM)

A major full application for the erection of a 4 storey research office and teaching building for the Environment Department following the demolition of existing residential building. [Heslington Ward] [Site Visit].


Consideration was given to a major full application by Mr. Jon Meacock for the erection of a 4 storey research office and teaching building for the Environmental Department, following the demolition of an existing residential building.


Officers provided an update to advise that since the committee report was prepared, a supplementary consultation response had been received from the authority’s Landscape Architect. It was advised that Architect did not object to the redevelopment of the site or the removal of existing trees, but objected to the proposed design as it represented a significant diversion from the original design intention of the University campus by removing an open space that was identified as protected lakeside landscape that should be retained in accordance with the campus development brief. In addition, existing buildings on both sides of the water create a quadrangle across the lake, thereby affording views for all the buildings and providing a significant outdoor space by the lake. The proposal also results in a further restriction of the lakeside circulation route. The lakeside setting would be significantly diminished since it would result in buildings tight up to the edges of both sides of the lake.


Janet O’Neill had registered to speak as the agent for the applicant. She advised that the building to be demolished originated from 1973 and had 109 bed spaces. The University was opening a new 680 bed college in September and as such, there would be no loss of accommodation at the University. In response to the comments made by the Council’s Landscape Architect, it was accepted that some green space would be lost but there was plenty of other green spaces still remaining. The new building was aiming for BREEAM excellent and would be highly sustainable.


Members had the following questions:

·        If any of the 66 new jobs being provided as a result of the new department would be for local people. The agent confirmed that it was anticipated that some jobs would be specialised but the servicing of the building would be fulfilled by people employed locally.

·        In response to a question about the cooling system, it was confirmed by the agent that the use of the lake to cool the building would not impact on the ecology in the area.


Following further discussion  it was:


Resolved:           That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the committee report.

Reason:              The proposed building would be designed to blend in with the recently constructed Biological Sciences building to the north west, which it would match in terms of its scale, massing and palette of materials. It has also been designed to achieve a high degree of sustainability with the aim of achieving a BREEAM standard of Excellent.


Concerns have been expressed in terms of the proposed surface water drainage  arrangements and the proposed replacement bed spaces for the accommodation lost. In terms of surface water drainage, it would be possible to effectively drain the site by means of a bespoke attenuation scheme which can be secured by condition. Subject to inclusion of such a condition the development as amended is felt to be acceptable and approval is therefore recommended. The applicant has indicated that a replacement accommodation block would be brought on stream within the Heslington East Campus a short distance away in September 2014.







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