Agenda item

Work Plan 2012-13

Members are asked to consider the Committee’s work plan for the remainder of the 2012-13 municipal year.



Consideration was given to the Committee’s work plan for the remainder of the 2012/13 municipal year. A new topic registration form which amalgamated topics submitted by Cllrs Healey and Runciman had been included in the republished agenda.  Copies were also circulated at the meeting which suggested  the broad area of how loans/grant from CYC to outside organisations were monitored as the topic.


Reference was made to an email, circulated at the meeting, from Cllr Alexander, regarding the recent collapse of the North Yorkshire Credit Union. He outlined a number of reasons for the collapse and requested scrutiny examine these reasons and form recommendations for future improvements with South Yorkshire Credit Union.


The Scrutiny Officer confirmed that information had already  been sought on the current monitoring processes for the various loans/grants of which there were many different types. During this examination it had become apparent that it also depended on the type of loan or grant as to the level of monitoring undertaken.


Some Members expressed the wish that any review in this area should look forward to provide guidance for any future grants/loans provided rather than apportion blame.


Other Members raised concerns at the issues raised in Cllr Alexander’s email pointing out that there was a need for his attendance at a future meeting to expand on the issues raised. Reference was also made to the possible amalgamation of these topics.


It was pointed out that a separate investigation was being undertaken into the collapse of the North Yorkshire Credit Union. However, as the Cabinet Members were due to attend the Committee’s April meeting to present their end of year updates they may also be in a position to update Members on the results of this investigation.


Following further lengthy discussion Cllr Barnes moved and Cllr King seconded, the amalgamation of the suggested loans/grants topic, with the points raised in Cllr Alexander’s email, and using the North Yorkshire Credit Union as an example, to form the basis of the new review. On being put the vote the motion was lost and it was 


RESOLVED:   i)           That a Task Group comprising of Cllrs Potter, Runciman and Steward be appointed to undertake a scrutiny review into how loans/grants from CYC to outside organisations are monitored, based on the amalgamated topic registration form submitted by Cllrs Healey and Runciman.


    ii)           That a meeting of the Task Group be arranged prior to the next meeting to expand on the scrutiny topic and report to the next meeting of the Committee.


   iii)           That the Chair provide a formal response to Cllr Alexander’s email detailing the Committee’s decision regarding the review, with the suggestion that he may like to submit a separate scrutiny topic and/or attend a future meeting to expand on the issues raised.


     iv)         That the work plan be received and noted subject to incorporation of the following:


       11 March 2013

·               Addition of Scoping Report on Loans/Grants Review

·           Staff Sickness Absence Draft Final Report


8 April 2013

·      Addition to ‘Attendance of Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Corporate Services - End of Year Update’ and Priorities for Forthcoming Year and Financial Inclusion Strategy

·      Update on Financial Services Authority findings North Yorkshire Credit Union (if available).


REASON:             To assist in the formulation of the Committee’s work plan for the remainder of the municipal year.

Supporting documents:


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