Agenda item

Bonneycroft, 22 Princess Road, Strensall, York. YO32 5UD (12/01013/OUT)

This application seeks outline consent for the erection of nine houses with all matters reserved except access and layout. The application is a resubmission of 11/01831/OUTM for 10 houses following the committee’s refusal in September 2011 and dismissal of the subsequent appeal. [Strensall]




Members considered an outline application by Bonneycroft LLP for a residential development of 9 detached dwellings (amended scheme).


Officers circulated an amended plan of the site to Members. This was subsequently attached to the agenda, which was republished following the meeting.


In response to a question from a Member regarding comments raised by the Parish Council regarding the retention of a grass verge along the highway boundary, Officers responded that a condition could be attached to planning permission if the application was approved.


Representations in support were received from the agent for the applicant. He spoke about the reasons for why a previous application on the site had been dismissed by a Planning Inspector, following the dismissal of appeal against a previous refusal in September 2011. He stated that amendments had been made to the application including;


·        The gardens of the dwellings would be facing each other.

·        That the gardens would be screened from the conservation area.

·        The unit 9 had been moved further back from its original proposed location in order to protect trees on the site.


Representations were received from a local resident who spoke about the removal of Permitted Development rights from any approval as the proposed dwellings were adjacent to bungalows. He also added that residents were concerned about overshadowing from the proposed dwellings on to their properties and suggested that the ridge heights of the roofs be lowered. He also wished to receive confirmation about the distance of the trees away from the dwellings.


Further representations were received from a representative of Strensall with Towthorpe Parish Council. Further to a Member’s earlier comment about the retention of the grass verge, he explained that this would avoid a footpath being built on the boundary. He also asked if the owners of the proposed dwellings would deal with the maintenance of the existing trees on the boundary. Officers confirmed this to be the case.

In response to a Member’s query about what the removal of Permitted Development Rights would mean in regards to what could be done to the dwellings, Officers gave a brief explanation.


It was reported that, their removal would allow householdersthe right to alter or extend their properties within certain limitations without planning permission.


Officers deemed that Permitted Development Rights should be removed due to the close proximity of the proposed dwellings to existing properties and trees. Members were informed that the removal of Permitted Development Rights would mean that if the owners wished to carry out development on their property, that they would have to apply for planning permission. It was also noted that any such application would not be subject to a planning administration fee.


It was also noted that if approved, condition 8, as detailed in the Officer’s report would include the necessity for street lighting to be installed.


RESOLVED:       That the application be approved.


REASON:           The proposal subject to the conditions listed in the Officer’s report, would cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to:


·                     The Principle of Development for Housing

·                     Impact on Protected Trees

·                     Access and Highway Safety

·                     Cycle Parking

·                     Density of Development

·                     Design and Street Scene

·                     Neighbour Amenity

·                     Flood Risk and Drainage

·                     Bio-Diversity

·                     Sustainability

·                     Public Open Space

·                     Education


As such the proposal complies with the National Planning Policy Framework and policies GP1, GP4a, GP10, GP15a, H4a, H5a, NE1, NE6, NE7, L1c, T4 and ED4 of the City of York Local Plan.


Supporting documents:


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