Agenda item

Access York Phase 1 Best and Final Bid Submission

This report recommends that the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee approve the submission of the ‘Best and Final Bid’ for the Access York Phase 1 Project to the Department for Transport (DfT) on 9 September 2011, following the decision of the Cabinet at the 6 September 2011 meeting to select a preferred option for the Access York Phase 1 scheme.



Members considered a report which requested that the Best and Final Bid for the Access York Phase 1 Project be approved and submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) on 9 September 2011, following the decision of the Cabinet at the 6 September 2011 meeting to select a preferred option for the Access York Phase 1 scheme.


It was noted that the Committee needed to make an urgent decision, as it was not feasible for it to be made by Full Council at their next scheduled meeting in October, due to the submission deadline.


Officers informed Members of the decision of the Cabinet, to recommend proceeding with Option 2b) to develop Askham Bar and Poppleton Bar with additional Council funding of  £2.9m (total £6.6m). The additional funding would be provided by New Homes Bonus and/or Prudential Borrowing, existing Capital Programme, Future Developer Contributions and the Local Transport Plan (LTP) grant.


Officers were asked the reason for why some of the New Homes Bonus would be used to develop the two Park and Ride sites. They responded that the money was not ringfenced and that it was not specific to housing schemes. Guidance given alongside the New Homes Bonus stated that supporting infrastructure, such as transport schemes could be financed from this source.


Some Members asked Officers why costs had increased by £2.2m. It was reported that the principal reason was that the new Askham Bar site was on a former tip site which needed more remediation work than had originally been anticipated. 


Members expressed their disappointment at the Clifton Moor scheme not being included as part of the final bid, but acknowledged that due to the large number of bids being submitted nationwide and the competitive nature of the process that the option recommended should be approved.


RESOLVED:          (i)   That Option 2b (Askham Bar & Poppleton Bar) with an approximate amount of 30% local contribution level be approved.


                               (ii)   That the funding approach identified in Option 2b in Table 1 in Annex 2 of the Cabinet report be approved.


                              (iii)    That the allocation of £3.305m from within the Council’s existing capital programme be approved.


                              (iv)   That an increased allocation of LTP grant funding (up to £0.7m) to the scheme as part of the local contribution, with the expectation that additional developer contributions be used when received, be approved.


                           (v)       That the use of £2.2m from the New Homes Bonus and/or Prudential borrowing, with the actual split to be determined at a later date, with a commitment to fund any shortfall in funding from prudential borrowing, and to meet any consequent revenue implications that arise, be approved.


                         (vi)        The use of £350k value of the Sim Hills tip site as part of the Council’s contribution.


                         (vii)       That the additional risk to the Council, such as funding all cost over-runs, which result from the changes to the DfT funding processes be noted.


                        (viii)        That the increased revenue risk from operating additional Park & Ride services be noted.



REASON:                     To maximise the likelihood of a successful bid for funds from the DfT. 


RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet’s commitment to achieve the future development of the Clifton Moor site for Park & Ride, separately from the Access York bid process be noted.


REASON:                     In view of the importance of the site.








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