Agenda item

Proposed University Campus Lying between Field Lane, Common Lane, A64 Trunk Road and Hull Road, York (09/00165/REM)

Erection of a biomass boiler, 2 no. gas oil boilers and associated fuel tanks, fence enclosure, access and landscaping [Heslington Ward]


Consideration was given to a reserved matters application, submitted by the University of York, for the erection of a biomass boiler, 2 no. gas boilers and associated fuel tanks, fence enclosure, access and landscaping.


Officers circulated an update, which had been prepared following further discussions with the applicant. This covered the following points:

  • Amendment of Condition 4 to read: “Full details of the biomass boiler to be installed in the proposed premises including maximum power output shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the authorised development is commenced. The biomass boiler shall not thenceforth be used other than in accordance with the written approval of the Local Planning Authority”;

Reason: To protect the amenity of nearby residents;

  • Condition 8 to be deleted as it duplicated Condition 4;
  • Condition 11 to be amended to remove reference to foul drainage as no foul drainage was intended for the site;
  • Items ii) and v) of the informative to be deleted as they duplicated the provisions of the Outline Permission;
  • In view of the difficulties in sourcing fuel for the proposed boiler, the applicant, had requested that Condition 10 be amended to alter the radius for sourcing the biomass fuel from 25 to 40 km;
  • In response to a Member enquiry, further discussions had taken place with the University’s agent and it was confirmed that there would be a maximum of 3 fuel deliveries by HGV per week. This was felt to be acceptable and colleagues in Highway Network Management confirmed that this would be acceptable;
  • Copies of plans detailing an example of a biomass boiler installation and the planting plan for the site were also circulated.


Officers further updated, that following legal advice, they had been advised to further amend Condition 4 to request details of the delivery and sourcing of biomass fuel to be submitted for approval by the Local Planning Authority before the development commenced.


Representations in objection to the application were received from a resident of Field Lane adjacent to the site. She confirmed that she supported the principle of the development and the use of biomass fuel but expressed concerns in particular the need for a 1000KW Gas Oil Boiler back up system when the main Biomass Boiler was only 250Kw.  She pointed out that Condition 4 was confusing, that the length of the temporary permission should be reduced and requested Members to arrange for the monitoring of energy use by the University and to refuse permission for the Gas Oil boilers.


A representative of the University’s Planning Consultants confirmed that the biomass boiler would provide 10% of the annual energy needs for Cluster 1. He made representations in support of the proposals and confirmed that wood chips were a sustainable renewable fuel, which they were confident, could be sourced locally. He also stated that they were investigating the possibility of sourcing fuel from the University’s land in the longer term.


Members then questioned the following points:

  • Expressed concern regarding the need for two large back up gas/oil boilers. Questioned the possible restriction of these boilers to when the biomass boiler was not in use or during its service or repair;
  • Mechanism for periodic feedback from the Sustainability Officer of monitoring to ensure that 10% of the University’s energy demand was met from renewable sources. 1.


A representative of Arup, Consulting Engineers for the project, confirmed that they were on a tight schedule for the Cluster 1 site. He stated that if there were any unforeseen problems and the proposed utilities corridor was not operational by the October date that there may be a need to commission heat from this system but that it was still very much only a contingency measure.



RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the report and the following amended and additional conditions: 2.


Amended Condition 4 - Full details of the biomass boiler to be installed in the proposed premises including maximum power output, details of delivery and sourcing of biomass fuel shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the authorised development is commenced. The biomass boiler shall not thenceforth be used other than in accordance with the written approval of the Local Planning Authority;


Deletion of Conditions 8 and 10


Amended Condition 11 –  Development shall not begin until details of all surface water drainage works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and carried out in accordance with these approved details.


Deletion of items ii) and v) of the informative.



REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to impact of the proposal on residential amenity, securing sustainable sourcing of the biomass fuel, suitability of the plant to secure the requirement for 10% of the energy needs of the site to come from renewable sources, ensuring the safe and efficient drainage of the site and the general requirement for the proposal. As such the proposal complies with ****IN of Policies ED9, ED10, GP4a), GP4b) and GP5 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.

Supporting documents:


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