Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Thornton Room - Ground Floor, West Offices (G039). View directions

Contact: Bartek Wytrzyszczewski  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting, the Executive Member is asked to declare:


·        any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests

·        any prejudicial interests or

·        any disclosable pecuniary interests


which they may have in respect of business on this agenda.



The Executive Member was asked to declare, at this point in the meeting, any personal interests, not included on the Register of Interests, or any prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests that he might have had in respect of business on the agenda.


The Executive Member declared a personal interest in relation to item 9 (Local Bus Services to Wheldrake and villages to the South East of York) due to having previously been employed in the bus industry and receiving a pension from FirstGroup. Officers clarified that the bids had been anonymised in order to avoid any potential conflict of interests.  


Minutes pdf icon PDF 132 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the decision session held on 15 March 2018.


Resolved:                     That the minutes of the Decision Session held on 15 March 2018 be approved and signed by the Executive Member as a correct record.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 152 KB

At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered to speak can do so. The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Wednesday, 11 April 2018.  Members of the public can speak on agenda items or matters within the Executive Member’s remit.


To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda.


Filming, Recording or Webcasting Meetings

Please note that, subject to available resources, this meeting will be filmed and webcast, or recorded, including any registered public speakers who have given their permission. The broadcast can be viewed at or, if recorded, this will be uploaded onto the Council’s website following the meeting.


Residents are welcome to photograph, film or record Councillors and Officers at all meetings open to the press and public. This includes the use of social media reporting, i.e. tweeting. Anyone wishing to film, record or take photos at any public meeting should contact the Democracy Officer (contact details are at the foot of this agenda) in advance of the meeting.


The Council’s protocol on Webcasting, Filming & Recording of Meetings ensures that these practices are carried out in a manner both respectful to the conduct of the meeting and all those present.  It can be viewed at




It was reported that there had been six registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Paul Hepworth was not able to attend the meeting. He sent a written representation on behalf of Cycling UK in relation to item 4 (Fossgate Experimental Traffic Regulation Order), suggesting that contraflow cycle facilities at Fossgate be installed on a trial basis.


John Pybus, landlord of the Blue Bell at Fossgate, spoke in relation to item 4, supporting the reversal order at Fossgate. He commented on the reduction in traffic after the introduction of the reversal order and on increased safety on the street. He also elaborated on unresolved issues such as the disabled parking in the area and the uneven road surface which prevented the business owners from putting the tables and chairs on the road during summer period.


Cllr Craghill also spoke in relation to item 4, in support of the reversal order. She suggested that the reversal remained temporary so that the consultations could be organised in order to deal with all the outstanding issues. She also spoke in relation to item 8 (Removal of Parliament Street Fountain and Saint Sampson Square Toilets), expressing her disappointment that the fountain had not been made operable over the past eight years, taking into account the low financial investment needed for its restoration. She called for explicit reasons for the proposed removal to be given and for the Parliament Street improvement plan to be presented.


Sian Wiseman, representing the Earswick Parish Council, spoke in relation to item 7 (Strensall Road Speed Limit – Update), supporting the approval of the speed reduction to 40mph for safety and consistency reasons. She commented on the increased traffic on Strensall Road and the need to alleviate the residents’ concerns. She mentioned that the feasibility study to construct the cycle path in the area did not recommend pursuing the project due to its costs. She also added that the road was frequently used by children on the way to Huntington School as there was no footpath or kerb along most of its length.


Cllr Doughty also spoke in relation to item 7, supporting the reduction of speed to 40mph. He presented evidence demonstrating that there had been instances of road accidents in that sector within the past three years. He also added that Strensall was now of size of a small town, with numerous agricultural vehicles on site and residential houses where residents had difficulties with accessing their properties. He also commented on dangers of cycling within the 60mph zone and on the fact that the proposal of speed reduction had received support from ward councillors and numerous residents.


Cllr Mercer then spoke in relation to item 9 (Local Bus Services to Wheldrake and villages to the South East of York), supporting a proposal to procure a reduced service replicating route 18, highlighting that this was, however, a short-term solution. She added that route  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


Fossgate Experimental Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 811 KB

This report sets out the representations made during the six month period of the Fossgate Experimental Traffic Regulation Order and asks the Executive Member to decide how this scheme should proceed.

Additional documents:


Resolved:                     That the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (the reversal of the one way and change to the access restriction in Fossgate) be made permanent.

Reason:                        Because the experiment has achieved the objective of reducing the volume of through traffic. In addition, there has been very little in the way of representations against the experiment.


The Executive Member considered a report setting out representations made during the six-month period of the Fossgate Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). The report asked the Executive Member to decide how this scheme should proceed.


The Officers confirmed that part of the capital budget had been allocated to the refurbishment of Fossgate and the report on its physical infrastructure would be presented to the Executive Member in the future.


The Executive Member highlighted that the decision related exclusively to making the reversal order permanent. Some of the issues highlighted in public participation would, therefore, be considered at a later stage. With this in mind, it was then


Resolved:                     That the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (the reversal of the one way and change to the access restriction in Fossgate) be made permanent.

Reason:                        Because the experiment has achieved the objective of reducing the volume of through traffic. In addition, there has been very little in the way of representations against the experiment.


St Aelred’s Safe Routes to School Parking Restrictions - Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 222 KB

This report presents responses received following the advertisement of no stopping restrictions in Penyghent Avenue and Darnbrook Walk, forming part of a ‘safe routes to school’ scheme for St Aelred’s Primary School, and seeks approval for the advertised restrictions.

Additional documents:


Resolved:                       That the scheme be approved as shown in Annex B of the report.


Reason:                                   To regulate parking at the junction of Penyghent Avenue / Darnbrook Walk in order to improve the route to school for pupils and encourage safer walking.


The Executive Member considered a report presenting responses received following the advertisement of no stopping restrictions in Penyghent Avenue and Darnbrook Walk, forming part of a ‘safe routes to school’ scheme for St Aelred’s Primary School. The report sought approval for the advertised restrictions.


There was no Officer update to the report and it was



Resolved:                     That the scheme be approved as shown in Annex B of the report.


Reason:                                 To regulate parking at the junction of Penyghent Avenue / Darnbrook Walk in order to improve the route to school for pupils and encourage safer walking.


Turner Close & Huntington Road: Proposed Amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 108 KB

This report seeks permission to advertise waiting restrictions on the recently adopted development of Turner Close, and additional restrictions on Huntington Road.

Additional documents:


Resolved:                     That a proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order be advertised, in order to:

                                                                 (a)        introduce waiting restrictions on Turner Close as outlined in Annex A of the report;

                                                                 (b)        introduce waiting restrictions on Huntington Road to remove parked vehicles as outlined in Annex A;

                                                                 (c)        introduce Give Way markings at the access points highlighted in Annex A.


Reason:                        To remove obstructive parking and improve sight lines for residents of Turner Close, the customers of the vets and Spar/Post Office, and to improve access for the ambulance service.


A report seeking permission to advertise waiting restrictions on the recently adopted development of Turner Close and additional restrictions on Huntington Road was presented to the Executive Member.


There was no Officer update to the report and it was



Resolved:                     That a proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order be advertised, in order to:


                                                                 (a)        introduce waiting restrictions on Turner Close as outlined in Annex A of the report;

                                                                 (b)        introduce waiting restrictions on Huntington Road to remove parked vehicles as outlined in Annex A;

                                                                 (c)        introduce Give Way markings at the access points highlighted in Annex A.


Reason:                        To remove obstructive parking and improve sight lines for residents of Turner Close, the customers of the vets and Spar/Post Office, and to improve access for the ambulance service.


Strensall Road Speed Limit - Update pdf icon PDF 201 KB

This report presents the results of an investigation into reducing the speed limit on the rural road between Earswick and Strensall to 40 mph, and asks the Executive Member to decide whether the limit should be reduced.

Additional documents:


Resolved:                     That the progression of Option 2


To reduce the speed limit to 40mph, creating a consistent speed limit from Earswick to Strensall


be approved, under condition of using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for its implementation.


Reason:                        To enable any objections to be reviewed and the impact of the speed limit changes to be understood and kept under review during the experimental period.


The Executive Member considered a report presenting the results of an investigation into reducing the speed limit on the rural road between Earswick and Strensall to 40mph and asking the Executive Member to decide whether the speed limit should be reduced.


The Executive Member asked for an update should the option to reduce the speed limit be pursued. The following was then noted:

·        the implementation of a change to the speed limit may reduce the speeds in the area but significant layout changes/physical measures would be needed to be certain the speeds would reduce;

·        there were two potential implementation routes available: experimental or permanent TRO. An experimental TRO could be introduced (and removed) more quickly; a permanent TRO would need to be advertised in advance and all objections would need to be considered prior to the decision-making process;

·        the impact of an experimental TRO would be kept under review throughout the experimental period of up to 18 months. After six months, any objections would be considered and the vehicle speeds would be reviewed. Subject to consideration of any objections and the 85th percentile speed being below the Association of Chief Police Officers Speed Enforcement Policy Guidelines for a 40mph area in both directions, the order could be made permanent. Otherwise, a decision to reinstate the current arrangements would need to be made or consideration to the implementation of further measures would need to be given;

·        physical measures could be introduced during the experimental audit period.


The Executive Member thanked the Officers for their update and it was



Resolved:                     That the progression of Option 2


To reduce the speed limit to 40mph, creating a consistent speed limit from Earswick to Strensall


be approved, under condition of using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for its implementation.


Reason:                        To enable any objections to be reviewed and the impact of the speed limit changes to be understood and kept under review during the experimental period.


Removal of Parliament Street Fountain and Saint Sampson Square Toilets pdf icon PDF 168 KB

This report presents options for the redundant Parliament Street fountain and St Sampson Square toilet block, recommending that both be removed and the fountain replaced by a temporary feature.

Additional documents:


Resolved:                     That Option 3

To remove the toilet block and fountain replacing the Fountain with an intermediate floral display and to establish a task and finish group to bring forward proposals for the use of the space created by the removal of the fountain. These proposals will be brought back to the Executive Member.

                                      be approved.

Reason:                        To improve the public realm of Parliament Street and support the economic growth of the city.


A report outlining options for the redundant Parliament Street fountain and St Sampson Square toilet block, recommending that both be removed and the fountain replaced by a temporary feature was presented to the Executive Member.


In response to comments made during public participation, the Officer clarified that the annual running cost for the fountain was £10k per year. It was also clarified that the report recommended the removal of the redundant features; any permanent replacement proposals would be brought forward at a later stage.


The Executive Member queried whether there was no risk of potential antisocial behaviour associated with the temporary floral display (i.e. stealing flowers). He also suggested that seats be installed as part of any future bids. It was then



Resolved:                     That Option 3

To remove the toilet block and fountain replacing the Fountain with an intermediate floral display and to establish a task and finish group to bring forward proposals for the use of the space created by the removal of the fountain. These proposals will be brought back to the Executive Member.

                                      be approved.

Reason:                        To improve the public realm of Parliament Street and support the economic growth of the city.


Local Bus Services to Wheldrake and villages to the South East of York pdf icon PDF 599 KB

This report responds to a decision by East Yorkshire Motor Services to discontinue the route 18  bus service and presents options for the replacement of this service, to retain bus links between the city centre and villages to the south east of York.



Additional documents:


Resolved:                     (a) That the award of a short-term (3 month) contract for the service outlined at option B be agreed.


(b) That a full procurement exercise, to secure best value for money from the service and to ensure that it is delivered with a vehicle meeting the latest emissions standard, be undertaken. If this is beyond the current budget, it will be brought to a future decision session.


(c) That the use of a Euro IV emissions vehicle for the short-term contract be agreed, in light of the short notice and duration of this contract.


Reason:                        To ensure the continued operation of a local bus service to Wheldrake and other villages to the south east of York.


The Executive Member considered a report responding to the decision by East Yorkshire Motor Services (EYMS) to discontinue the route 18 bus service and presenting options for the replacement of this service, in order to retain bus links between the city centre and villages to the south east of York.


The Officer provided a post-procurement update to the report (available online) and confirmed that CYC would need to allocate addition funding of £5,000 to retain the operation of this service for the following three months or approximately £20,000 for a full year (pending a further tender and with no change to contributions from neighbouring local authorities). It was also confirmed that any tenders exceeding the budget pre-allocated to the Executive Member by the Full Council would need to be approved by Executive. It was then



Resolved:                     (a) That the award of a short-term (3 month) contract for the service outlined at option B be agreed.


(b) That a full procurement exercise, to secure best value for money from the service and to ensure that it is delivered with a vehicle meeting the latest emissions standard, be undertaken. If this is beyond the current budget, it will be brought to a future decision session.


(c) That the use of a Euro IV emissions vehicle for the short-term contract be agreed, in light of the short notice and duration of this contract.


Reason:                        To ensure the continued operation of a local bus service to Wheldrake and other villages to the south east of York.


Highway Maintenance Delivery Report for 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 236 KB

This report provides a review of the highway maintenance programmes undertaken over the past financial year.


Resolved:                     That the report be noted.


Reason:                        To keep the Executive Member informed about the highway maintenance delivery 2017/18.


The Executive Member considered a report providing a review of the highway maintenance programmes undertaken over the past financial year.


Civil Engineering Supervisor and Flood Risk Manager provided a summary of the report, highlighting deliverables achieved during the period of particularly harsh weather conditions over Winter 2017/18 and recent government cuts. The Executive Member reiterated his appreciation of the hard work of all frontline staff, especially the programmes of regular and on-demand road inspections.


Resolved:                     That the report be noted.


Reason:                        To keep the Executive Member informed about the highway maintenance delivery 2017/18.


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