Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, York

Contact: Judith Betts  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 37 KB

At this point in the meeting Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda. A list of general personal interests previously declared are attached.


Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests, other than the standing declarations that they might have in the business on the agenda.


Councillor Potter declared a personal non prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 4 (2011/12 Finance and Performance Monitor 3 Report) in her role as an employee of York Wheels and in her responsibility running the Dial a Ride contract.


Councillor D’Agorne declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 5 (Update on the implementation of recommendations arising from the Water End Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) ) as a member of the York Cycle Campaign group.


Councillor Semylen declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 6 (Update Report- ‘Reducing the Carbon Footprint in the Privately Rented Sector’ Scrutiny Review) as a landlady. It was deemed that as the only decision to be made in the report was when Members might like to recommence the review, that her interest was not prejudicial.


No other interests were declared.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting of the Economic & City Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 24 January 2012.


RESOLVED:       That the minutes of the Economic and City Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 24 January 2012 be agreed as a correct record subject to the following alterations;


Minute Item 41:  “The coverage of 20mph speed limit zones in the city and outlying areas”, that limit be changed to limits and zones be deleted.


Public Participation

It is at this point in the meeting that members of the public who have registered their wish to speak on an item on the agenda or on an issue within the Committee’s remit can do so. The deadline for registering is Monday 12 March 2012 at 5.00 pm.


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


2011/12 Finance and Performance Monitor 3 Report pdf icon PDF 306 KB

This report provides details of the 2011/12 forecast outturn position for both finance and performance in City Strategy and Housing Services. 



Members received a report which provided them with details of the 2011/12 forecast outturn position for finance and performance in City Strategy and Housing Services.


Members raised a number of questions in relation to the Officer’s report such as;


·        Clarification on the latest data for CO2 per head as 5.4 tonnes (2009 figure) seemed very low in comparison to the national average.

·        How the number of small business start-ups in the city were measured.

·        What were the reasons for the increase in bus passenger numbers?

·        How savings had been achieved in bus concessionary fares.


It was reported that the increase in bus passenger numbers had occurred due to changes that had been made in collecting the information. These figures also included concessionary fares, but it was noted did not include students using the campus shuttle.


In relation to savings that had been made in bus concessionary fares  Officers explained that a fixed price deal had been reached with a bus company. This therefore allowed for an ongoing saving against the budget.


RESOLVED:       That the report be noted.


REASON:           To update the scrutiny committee of the latest finance and performance position.


Update on the implementation of recommendations arising from the Water End Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) pdf icon PDF 85 KB

This report presents Members with an update on progress made in implementing the recommendations arising from the Water End Councillor Call for Action.



Members received a report which presented them with an update on progress made in implementing the recommendations arising from the Water End Councillor Call for Action.


Officers informed the Committee that findings from the public consultation that had taken place as a result of the review would be considered by the Cabinet at their meeting in April.


In relation to the outstanding recommendation, some Members pointed out that the consultation only seemed to address the first part namely; that Council Officers urgently develop new, comprehensive proposals for the Water End junction to improve the current junction’ . There was a second part to the outstanding recommendation; ‘...and reduce greatly traffic flows in Westminster Road/The Avenue’ and it was not clear that the consultation addressed this.


Officers explained that they felt it better to do the public consultation in a more sequential manner, that is to first ask a question about the alteration of the junction and then to address the monitoring of traffic flows.


It was suggested that a further update report on the implementation of the recommendations be considered by the Committee at a later date, following consideration by Cabinet.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the report be noted.


(ii)      That a further update report be brought to a future meeting of the Committee.


REASON:           To raise awareness of recommendations that still need to be implemented.


Update Report- 'Reducing the Carbon Footprint in the Privately Rented Sector' Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 101 KB

At their last meeting Members were verbally informed, under the work plan item, that the ‘Reducing the Carbon Footprint in the Privately Rented Sector’ scrutiny review had been postponed. This report sets out a summary of the information received by the Task Group working on the review and the reasons for postponement.



Members received a report which set out a summary of information received by the Task Group working on the review and the reasons for why the scrutiny review had been postponed.


Members were informed that a report would be brought back for consideration, once details on the Government’s Green Deal had been released.


RESOLVED:       That the report be noted.


REASON:           To formally inform the Committee of the postponement of this review.


Work Plan 2012 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Members are asked to review the Committee’s work plan for 2012.



Members considered a report which presented them with the Committee’s work plan for 2012.


Discussion took place on whether to schedule an additional meeting into the work plan to receive an update report on Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPS) in early May. It was decided that an additional meeting did not need to be scheduled in order to consider this sole item.


RESOLVED:       That the work plan be noted and that the following item be added to the Committee’s work plan;


·        At a date to be confirmed - an update report on the implementation of the recommendations arising from the Water End Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) following consideration of the matter by the Cabinet at their April meeting.1


REASON:           To keep the Committee’s work plan up to date.


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