Agenda and minutes
Contact: James Nicholson
No. | Item |
Welcome and Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting will be signed and there will be an update on any action points Minutes: 1.1 The meeting was chaired by Cllr Richard Cregan who introduced the recently elected councillor for Hull Road ward Cllr Mick Hoban. 1.2 The minutes from the july meeting were agreed and signed. |
2. Police Update - PC Danny Barrow The safer neighbourhood team will give an update on police operations in the area and answer any questions you have. Minutes: 2.1 An outline of the current work of the safer neighbourhood team was given including the work they are doing to target and prevent cycle crime. In response to a question from a resident it was explained that they are issuing fixed penalties fro cyclists riding with no lights. 2.2 A brief outline was given in relation to crime figures in the ward being similar to last year which was still considered low compared to similar areas. 2.3 PC Barrow invited people to come along to consultation days, details of which can be found on 2.4 PC Barrow asked for the support of residents on the scheme put forward by the safer neighbourhood team to provide football coaching for young people in the ward and explained the success of the programme up till now. 2.5 It was announced that PC barrow was leaving the safer neighbourhood team and he was thanked for his hard work across the years. |
3. Cold Calling Controlled Zones - Dawn Clarkson from Trading Standards Dawn Clarkson from Trading Standards will be advising on cold calling controlled zones and the effectiveness of deterring doorstop traders. Minutes: 3.1 Information was given to residents on how to apply to make an area a cold call controlled zone and what in turn that would mean and how it can make a difference to the area. 3.2 Residents asked questions on the application process and the impact it can have on where they live. 3.3 Information was also given on the Home Service Directory, a list of CRB checked traders that is regularly updated with information about the work they do. These are available at libraries and from age concern as well as from trading standards. 3.4 Information was given also on the telephone preference service, a service that can help to reduce cold calling from within the UK. |
4. Local Improvement Schemes 2011-2012 We will talk about the proposed schemes for next year. This is your chance to tell people about any schemes you have suggested and to get more information about schemes you may support. Minutes: 4.1 James Nicholson went through the Schemes in order on the ballot, inviting residents and representatives to discuss their applications. This started with apologies that Street Sport York’s application was un-intentionally missed from the list and was explained that members would still like to consider the scheme. Simon Haddock from Street Sport York gave an overview of the work they have been doing and what they would like to achieve next year in the ward. 4.2 Representatives from Safe and Sound Homes, Little Badgers, and York Youth Council were there to discuss their applications and ask for support. 4.3 Residents shared their views on the schemes proposed. |
5. Have Your Say Your chance to ask questions about local issues and concerns not covered on the agenda. Minutes: 5.1 A resident wished to say that a measure they have found to reduce theft where she lives would be to ask the agents to remove the ‘let by’ signs outside houses as it makes them an easy target as can often mean that students are living there. 5.2 A resident wanted to know if it would be possible to have a salt bin in place within St Nicholas fields, to which she was advised the possibility would be looked into further. 5.3 The councillors were asked what happened to the recycling facilities they were told they were getting, with their belief that the bins that arrived were not as advised. 5.4 Residents of Badger Hill and Tang Hall wished to express their views that they had been let down over the local parking and traffic issues, with the extension of the University of York bringing in significantly more vehicles that park outside the houses of residents that at times mean it impossible to get residents cars off their driveways. This as well as the increased traffic problems. |