Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Dunnington Primary School, Pear Tree Lane, Dunnington, YO19 5QG
Contact: Claire Taylor
No. | Item |
7.00pm Surgery An opportunity to speak informally to your ward councillors, council officers and other partners working in the Derwent, Heworth Without and Osbaldwick ward. Minutes: 1.1 Prior to the start of the formal meeting, residents had the opportunity to speak to the Ward Councillors, Michelle Watling, Claire Taylor, PC Alex Dobson and PCSO Laura Harper. Fiona Williams and Jane Wilson from Libraries were present to provide information on the proposal to transfer the libraries and archives service into a community benefit society.
1.2 The formal meeting began at 7.15pm.
7.30pm Welcome and Minutes Minutes: 2.1 Councillor Jenny Brooks welcomed residents to the meeting.
2.2 The minutes of the last formal ward committee held on 4July 2012 were approved. |
Partner Updates Updates from partners working in the ward. Minutes: PC Alex Dobson and PSCO Laura Harper gave an update on crime and community safety issues in the ward. The following points were noted:
3.1 Levels of crime are low in this area.
3.2 The team rely on intelligence from local residents; please contact the them on 101 if you see anything suspicious.
3.3 Residents were reminded to be secure their property when out in the garden over the summer months.
3.4 A range of leaflets with information about home security and a free timer switch were available for residents to take away.
The following questions and comments were noted:
a) There has been a rumour of arson in the area Response was given that there has been a recent fire at a farm but the circumstances were not suspicious.
b) Is there a drug problem in the area? There have been suspicions of drug dealing in one particular area of the ward but investigations found no evidence. |
Libraries and Archives Fiona Williams, Head of Libraries and Archives will give a presentation on the proposed plans to transfer the service into a community benefit society. Minutes: Fiona Williams, Head of CYC Libraries and Archive Service gave an overview of the proposals to transfer the service into a Community Benefit Society. The following points were noted:
4.1 The Libraries and Archives Service were asked to investigate alternative ways to deliver the service and in January 2013 the City of York Council Cabinet agreed that we could continue to develop a business plan for transferring the service into a community benefit society.
4.2 The service has received ongoing support from the Cabinet Office’s Mutual Support programme to develop a five year business plan.
4.3 The proposal is to form a Community Benefit Society with charitable status which will work in close partnership with the council to deliver the Libraries and Archives Service.
4.4 The Community Benefit Society will be owned one third by staff and two thirds by the community. York residents will have the opportunity to be a member of the society with voting rights and the chance to be elected to the board.
The following questions and comments were noted:
a) What pension security will the staff have? Response was given that the intention is for staff pensions to transfer over into the North Yorkshire Pension Fund.
b) The Council must be offering some funding, libraries are a statutory service. Response was given that a large portion of the funding will come from the council but as a charity the Community Benefit Society will have more opportunities to find other income streams and develop existing ones.
Ward Committee budget An update on the 2012-13 budget was allocated and the arrangements for spending the 2013-14 funding. Minutes: 5.1 Councillor Brooks announced that the ward funding of £4340 for the 2012-13 financial year had been awarded in the following grants:
· £500 to Dunnington Scout Group towards maintenance of the scout hall · £750 to Dunninton Cricket Club for fencing around the practice area · £1425 to Osbaldwick Sports Club for the provision of cricket coaching · £396 to Friends of Stray Road for a picnic table · £530 to The Hut for sporting equipment
5.2 Final reports on these projects are due in June 2013 and information will be available at the next meeting.
5.3 Councillor Brooks announced that the ward budget for 2013-14 was £4340 to be divided up by ward area; £1426 to Derwent ward, £1425 to Osbaldwick ward and £1488 to Heworth Without ward.
5.4 The funding would be spent to address the ward priorities:
· A cleaner environment for all villages · Safer communities across the area · More community and youth opportunities
5.5 Applications are invited from community groups in the ward for projects which help to achieve the ward priorities.
5.6 Application packs were available for groups to take away. |
Have Your Say A opportunity for you to raise any local issues and concerns Minutes: A discussion took place regarding the Local Plan which had identified a piece of land off Common Lane and Hassacarr Lane in Dunnington as a potential area for a gypsy and traveller site.
6.1 Councillor Jenny Brooks advised residents that City of York Council has a statutory obligation to put forward a plan for the development of the city over the next 15 years. The process begins with a ‘call for sites’ where landowners are invited to propose land for potential developments. This particular area of land has previously been rejected as it does not meet the criteria for housing but is potentially suitable for a gypsy and traveller site.
The following questions and comments were noted:
a) Who put this area of land forward for a potential gypsy and traveller’s site? Response was given was submitted for consideration by the agent of the trust who are the landowners
b) Where do we get a copy of the local plan map? Response was given that maps will be available when the official consultation starts
c) When does the official consultation start? Response was given that dates of the consultation period are unknown at this stage. Dunnington Parish Council will publicise the dates when they are known.
d) When did the council buy the land? Response was given that the council have only proposed that the land is suitable for this use, no decision or purchase has been made.
e) I was told that the landowner has said that the land is not for sale. Response was given that the land had originally been put forward for consideration for housing but it was rejected. It is not known whether the landowner will sell it for the development of a gypsy and traveller site.
f) Do we know whether the powers of compulsory purchase could be triggered? Response was given that verbal advice is that the landowner cannot be forced to sell the land.
g) Has anyone been in contact with the landowner’s agent about this? Response was given that Dunnington Parish Council are in contact with the agent.
h) The whole area of land is a flood risk. If the land is not deemed suitable for housing how can it be suitable for a gypsy and traveller site? Response was given that it is believed most of the land will be used for grazing horses.
i) Dunnington Parish Council are holding a public meeting on this issue on 14th May and residents were encouraged to attend. Leaflets about this will be delivered to every house in the village.
j) It is important for the village to formulate a considered response to the proposals. Discriminatory arguments will not hold any weight.
k) Who has made the decision that York has to provide a particular number of gypsy and traveller sites? Response was given that City of York Council has a statutory responsibility to provide gypsy and traveller sites.
l) There are a large number of older people and young families living ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |