Agenda item

Have Your Say

A opportunity for you to raise any local issues and concerns


A discussion took place regarding the Local Plan which had identified a piece of land off Common Lane and Hassacarr Lane in Dunnington as a potential area for a gypsy and traveller site. 


6.1  Councillor Jenny Brooks advised residents that City of York Council has a statutory obligation to put forward a plan for the development of the city over the next 15 years.  The process begins with a ‘call for sites’ where landowners are invited to propose land for potential developments.  This particular area of land has previously been rejected as it does not meet the criteria for housing but is potentially suitable for a gypsy and traveller site.  


The following questions and comments were noted:


a)     Who put this area of land forward for a potential gypsy and traveller’s site?

Response was given was submitted for consideration by the agent of the trust who are the landowners


b)    Where do we get a copy of the local plan map?

Response was given that maps will be available when the official consultation starts


c)    When does the official consultation start?

Response was given that dates of the consultation period are unknown at this stage.  Dunnington Parish Council will publicise the dates when they are known. 


d)    When did the council buy the land?

Response was given that the council have only proposed that the land is suitable for this use, no decision or purchase has been made.


e)    I was told that the landowner has said that the land is not for sale.

Response was given that the land had originally been put forward for consideration for housing but it was rejected.  It is not known whether the landowner will sell it for the development of a gypsy and traveller site.


f)     Do we know whether the powers of compulsory purchase could be triggered?

Response was given that verbal advice is that the landowner cannot be forced to sell the land. 


g)     Has anyone been in contact with the landowner’s agent about this?

Response was given that Dunnington Parish Council are in contact with the agent.


h)   The whole area of land is a flood risk.  If the land is not deemed suitable for housing how can it be suitable for a gypsy and traveller site?

Response was given that it is believed most of the land will be used for grazing horses. 


i)     Dunnington Parish Council are holding a public meeting on this issue on 14th May and residents were encouraged to attend.  Leaflets about this will be delivered to every house in the village.


j)      It is important for the village to formulate a considered response to the proposals.  Discriminatory arguments will not hold any weight.


k)    Who has made the decision that York has to provide a particular number of gypsy and traveller sites?

Response was given that City of York Council has a statutory responsibility to provide gypsy and traveller sites.


l)     There are a large number of older people and young families living in Dunnington, what about the effects of this on them?

Response was given that national guidelines state that gypsy and traveller sites should not adversely impact on existing settlements so it would have to be proved that it would.


m)  Which other sites have been considered?

Response was given that this is not known.  Residents were reminded of their rights to submit Freedom of Information requests.


n)   This site is in greenbelt land and guidelines state that gypsy and traveller developments are not appropriate on greenbelt land.

Response was given that it would be the responsibility of the council to show there are no other suitable options.


o)    Is it inevitable that we have to have a gypsy and traveller site in Dunnington?

Response was given that no it is not.  A good use of the land would be to develop sporting facilities in the village.  


p)    What is the size of the land?

Response was given that it is believed to be just over 12 acres.


q)    Will businesses on the industrial estate be part of the consultation?

Response was given that yes they would.


r)     The ward councillors are entitled to see the documentation that sits behind the plan, have you asked for it?

Response was given that it has been requested and includes the statistics that are informing the housing needs figures.


s)    The proposed travellers site is only one aspect of the effects of the Local Plan on Dunnington.  10 other areas have also been identified for housing. 



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