
Proposed venue: English Martyrs Church Hall

Contact: Michal Czekajlo 

No. Item


Welcome and introductions


1.0    Cllr S. Fraser welcomed everyone and described the purpose of the meeting. Apologies were given for Cllr D. Merrett who could not attend the meeting.


Holgate Junction Capacity Improvements


2.0    Nick Hilton - Network Rail Project Manager have introduced the team.

2.1           Statistics show that over the next 25 years demand on journeys to London will rise by 40%, long distance journeys by 70% and regional/urban journeys by 100%.

2.2           Catalyst for enhancements.

1 billion of the 1.3 billion journeys made on the railways are people commuting or travelling on business for whom journey time and reliability are particular important.

Every day rail transports 100 million tonnes of goods.

Britain’s roads are full: with road congestion already costing the economy £7-8 billion every year as a result of time lost in delays.

The railway is nearly full, there is no space for more trains on the busiest parts of the network, and demand is still growing.

Investment in rail is not a luxury – it’s a necessity: roads cannot accommodate growth in travel – road congestion is already impacting on British business.

2.3           Outputs of the development.

Eliminate conflicting movements between the lines south of the station for passenger services that are operating to the North East and Scotland and all other passenger services.

Removes a major constraint on developing timetables on the ECML allowing an increase in Long Distance High Speed services as part of the programme of schemes identified.

Performance improvements and reduction in journey times due to less pathing time being required.

2.4           The project will involve:

·        An additional line and new junction from Holgate bridge into platform 11;

·        Modifications to signalling;

·        New overhead line electrification;

·        Civil engineering;

·        Electrical works.

2.5           The project key dates:

·        Project commenced on site - April 2011;

·        Railway engineering works April – November 2011;

·        Weekend works commence on 11th June 2011;

·        Main engineering works 0 August Bank Holiday (Friday pm – Tuesday am) 2011;

·        Project commissioning  - November 2011;

·        New timetable in use – December 2011.

2.6           All works will be pre-notified to residents, Environmental Health Team and Ward Councillors.

2.7           Access point to the site via Leeman Road Underpass. Access via  Cinder Lane and Station car parks, National Railway Museum and York IECC. The road leads to a vehicle track access point onto Network Rail’s infrastructure, known as the ‘Engineer’s Triangle’.

2.8           Noise will be managed to minimise its impact on residents by:

·        No piling, all civils bases to be excavated;

·        Limited ballast trains required and loaded during the day;

·        Silenced plant to be deployed (generators etc);

·        Noise screens to be deployed in required;

·        Review of plant operations at night – reversing moves and klaxons;

·        Staff briefings over night time noise;

·        Back to back radios to limit shouting;

·        Day works from April to June for some track works;

·        Safety of Railway workers is paramount.

2.9           Lighting to be managed to minimise light pollution by:

·        Lights will not shine towards housing where practical;

·        Careful location of tower lighting positions;

·        Task lighting where possible;

·        Lighting screens where no other solution exist.

2.10     Works programme:

·        June – August – weekend night preparation works;

·        August 13th – install new track and points;  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Proposed hotel development at Holgate Villa


3.0           Cllrs Gunnell and Crisp had to leave the meeting at this point because, as members of planning committee they cannot be involved in a debate about the planning application. Cllr Riches had to leave the meeting due to another appointment.

3.1    Cllr Fraser said that developer was invited to the meeting, but chosen not to attend.

3.2    Andy Chase has explained to the meeting the application process and offered to go through the current hotel development application with whoever was interested.

3.3           It was explained to the meeting that the application was not yet approved and residents have the right to make a representation and register to speak at Planning Committee meeting next week.


Residents were given opportunity to raise questions.


Q -    Why the developers are not here today?

A -     The developer was invited, but decided not to attend. We have also asked if the developer would like to hold separate meeting that we would advertise and this offer was turned down as well.


Q -    The developer has done absolute minimum regarding the consultation with residents and it’s apparent that there was no good will to make representation to this meeting.

A -     We are not here to defend them, the developer was asked to make the representation to the meeting, but that opportunity was turned down.


Q -    Why the developer is planning to build a hotel, is there a demand for it?

A -     It is entirely up to the developer what their plan for the investment is. We cannot stop developers from making applications.


Q -    The planned hotel is a low budget investment and it might attract drug users and dealers. What will you do in our estate to keep the children safe from drugs? We have asked for the park to be located on that site, not the hotel. What provision are you planning for those children?

A -     We don’t know if the planning permission will be granted and when the developer will proceed with works. They will have 5 years to start works before the planning permission expires. We will address those questions with developer and get back to you. The purpose of the meeting today is to hear your comments and concerns.


A -     I don’t understand the planning application process entirely and how planning officers make their decisions.

Q -           Planning officers make their recommendations purely on the project plan. Police Architectural Liaison Officer will make comments on application on how the development will impact on crime.


Q -    It seems that the planning permission will be granted anyway, as there is press for it in the area. Let the developer pay for the planning permission and then start to protest. Surely developer cannot run the business without local residents support.

A -     Not necessarily, not all submitted applications are going ahead. Residents should make the representation and pass the concerns forward to planning panel. Planning Committee has to consider all aspects before making the decision. There  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


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