Agenda and minutes

Venue: York Railway Institute Rugby Union Football Club, YO24 4NT

Contact: Matthew Ward 

No. Item


Drop-in surgery 6.30pm

The drop-in surgery gives you the opportunity to talk to your councillors, street environment officer, safer neighbourhood team, neighbourhood management officer and visiting speakers in an informal setting.


1.1       Residents had the opportunity to talk with Cllr Sonja Crisp; Cllr Joseph Riches; Matthew Ward, Neighbourhood Management Officer; Rachel Steward, Street Environment Officer, Michal Czekajlo, Neighbourhood Management Support Officer; Ed Gray, Community Payback Manager; Simon Haddock, Street Sport York Manager; Gail Goodall, CYC Integrated Strategy; PC Jon Bostwick; Insp Neil Drummond.

1.2       Residents had the opportunity to look at Local Development Framework, Just 30, Street Sport York and Community Payback displays.





Police Update

Your local police team will give an update on issues in your ward and answer any questions you have.


2.1    Neil Drummond – York West Inspector introduced himself and gave an update on current changes within the Safer Neighbourhood Team.

          One of the main issues that need to be looked at is to improve communication with the public, Sgt Iain Sirrell has taken over that task.


2.2    PC Jon Bostwick gave an update on Police work in the area.

General crime and ASB has been reduced comparing to previous year.

          House burglaries are the major issue in Holgate. Residents were asked to be more watchful and remember to close doors and windows at their premises. ‘Light Up Lock Up’ leaflet was presented to residents.


2.3    There is ongoing work to restore the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. The plan is to build up on the existing network and recruit new volunteers to join the scheme.  


2.4    ‘Light Up Lock Up’, ‘Neighbourhood Watch’, ‘Securing Your Shed’ leaflets were presenter to the meeting.


2.5    Operation ‘Paint’ is currently taking place in the ward. The purpose of it is to target metal thefts across North Yorkshire.


Residents were given opportunity to raise questions.


Q       The use of Neighbourhood Watch stickers on the window of houses would definitely deter potential burglars, is it possible to get them?

A       It is good idea and it will be considered. Once the scheme has been refreshed this can be looked at.


Community Contracts launch

Find out about how residents and the council will work together to improve environmental services in the ward.


3.1    Kristina Davey – Neighbourhood Management Unit Project Officer gave an overview and the background information about community contracts.


3.2    The Neighbourhood Management Unit has been trialling a 12 month area-based working approach in six wards in the West of the city since October 2010.  This is due to be rolled out across the rest of the city from October 2011. A key output of area-based working is to improve service delivery at a local level. Community contracts will offer the opportunity for residents to engage with service providers to improve services based on the needs of communities.


3.3       A community contract will provide a framework for residents to:

·        Influence service delivery in their wards.

·        Monitor the performance of service providers in wards.

·        Hold service providers to account, identify gaps in service delivery and identify and help deliver solutions to those gaps.

·        Have the opportunity to be included in the process regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality or socio-economic background in a way that suits their needs.


3.4       The key functions of a community contract will be to:

·        Create a partnership between residents and service providers in each ward committee area.

·        Provide residents with clear information on what services they can expect in their ward.

·        Provide details of the outcomes of negotiations with residents on their responsibilities.


3.5       Community contracts will have vital impact on building community spirit and bringing cohesion to the community. ‘Snow Wardens’ initiative was brought up as an example.


3.6       York has a history of developing agreements on service delivery between service providers and residents. Bell Farm's estate agreement was the first in the country (launched in 1995) to be set up and is the longest running. Foxwood Neighbourhood Agreement was developed in 1998 and monitored by FCAG (Foxwood Community Action Group). Clifton Pride Neighbourhood Agreement was developed on the back of the Clifton Regeneration Project in 2004 and monitored by the Clifton Partnership.


3.7       Neighbourhood Management Unit will begin the process in the 3 ward committee areas. Residents will be recruited to form Ward Action Groups (WAP’s). WAP’s will identify problems,  opportunities and monitor services delivery. Training for residents involved in WAP’s will be provided by Neighbourhood Management Unit.


3.8       Environment Services to be the first service area to be included in a community contract.


At this point Kristina Davey addressed the meeting with four questions regarding community contracts. Residents were able to cast their answers with the aid of OptiVote.


Q 1   How do you think Community Contracts would benefit your ward the most?


A.  Give residents information about service standards1 vote

B.  Improve service delivery                                             1 vote

C.  Encourage residents’ influence in service delivery   1 vote

D.  Encourage community involvement                            2 votes

E.  All of the above                                                            9 votes

F.   I can’t see a benefit                                                     1 vote

G.  Other                                                                                       0 votes


Q 2   Would you go to regular meetings?


A.  Held locally                                                                             14 votes

B.  Held in the city centre                                                  0 votes

C.  I don’t want to go to regular  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Planning Panel Elections

Your chance to join the planning panel.


4.1    Matthew Ward – Neighbourhood Management Officer gave an overview of planning panels.


4.2    General aims of planning panels are:

·        To scrutinise planning applications on behalf of local residents and to make appropriate comments and recommendations to the planning authority.

·        To work in partnership with the local Ward Committee.

·        To report activities of the Planning Panel to the local Ward Committee on at least two occasions each year.


4.3    Holgate Ward had no planning panel for some time, therefore decisions on planning applications were made without local residents views and comments.


Cllr Crisp stated that she is representing residents of Holgate Ward on Planning Committee for 3,5 years now, however planning panel consisted of local residents would be more beneficial.


4.4    Two local residents expressed their interest in becoming planning panel members. No objections were raised by the meeting and they were formally elected.

The planning panels members are

                    Mr Peter Mawer

Mrs Heart



Ward scheme suggestions for 2012-13

Come along to find out more about the schemes on the ballot list. If you have made one of the suggestions, you can tell people more about it at the meeting.


5.1    The following representatives of groups/organisations gave further information in support of their ward funding applications.


Scheme number 5 - Street Sport York

To provide 10 sport sessions for 5-18 year olds, this include multi-sport activities, archery, a mobile skate park, a climbing tower and KMX Karts. The sessions are 2 hours long and are delivered throughout the ward.


Scheme number 27 – Holgate Scout Group

The group is providing adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for young people in the Holgate Ward. The grant is to support  the cost of transport to activities.



Scheme number 23 - Active York

Cllr Crisp spoke on behalf of Jo Gilliland – Head of Sport and Active Leisure. The grant is to help cover expenses and develop young sports people potential in Holgate Ward. The meeting was asked to spread the word around and forward information about potential young sports people to either councillors, or Matthew Ward – Neighbourhood Management Officer.


Cllr James Alexander was asked by members of Millennium Green Trust to speak on their behalf and express their gratitude to the meeting for the funds they have received previous year towards grass-cutting, maintenance, insurance and work on their website.



Have your say

Your chance to ask questions about local issues and concerns not covered by the agenda.


6.1    Residents  were given opportunity to raise questions.


Q       What has happened with Loco Pub on Watson Street?

A       The planning permission for the property was to turning it in to housing.


Q       There is an ongoing issue with cars parking on the grass verges and ruining the grass, can that be stopped?

A       We are aware of the problem, but have no enforcement powers to stop people from parking on grass verges, as there is no law that regulates this matter. 


Q       Some residents of Gale Lane have put stones/rocks on the grass verges outside their homes to stop people from parking there. Is that legal?

A       If someone reports it we will have the duty to enforce and ask for the objects to be removed.


Q       There are issues with parking near new English Martyrs’ RC School. Can something be done to stop parents and teachers from blocking driveways and parking on grass verges?

A       We are aware of the problem. Public meeting about this specific matter will be arranged. School representatives will be invited to that meeting.


Caroline Knight – York RI Manager stated that English Martyrs’ School was offered free parking facility outside York RI, Hamilton Drive, but never took the advantage of it.


Q       Almost half of the grass verges on Beech Avenue were coated with tarmac. Could that be implemented on the entire street?

A       It was done 6, or 7 years ago at the cost of £15.000. With current budgetary restrictions it will not be possible to implement that.


Q       Could you provide me with information on where I am allowed to park around Beech Avenue in Holgate?

A       Please leave your details with Matthew Ward – Neighbourhood Management Officer and he will get that information for you from Parking Services.


Q       There were plenty of beech trees along Beech Avenue in the past, could that appearance be restored?

A       That cannot be implemented, as the number of cars in the area has increased over the years and most of Beech Avenue residents choose to have the benefit of parking outside their house. There are also issues with underground utilities.


Q       Why does the council spend money on repairing grass verges?

A       It is cheaper to repair the grass than cover the verge with tarmac. Flat tarmac surfaces can also be hazardous in winter when covered with ice.


Q       Who owns the gardens in St Pauls Square?

A       They are owned by local residents who pay yearly membership for being a member of local residents association. Only members of that association are allowed to those gardens.


Q       Who owns the land opposite Loco Pub on Watson Street?

A       That land is in use by  St Pauls School as playing area.



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