Agenda and minutes
Venue: Holy Redeemer Church, Boroughbridge Road
Contact: Julie Hood
No. | Item |
Surgery 6.30pm - 7.00pm The drop in surgery gives you the opportunity to talk to your ward councillors, ward team and visiting speakers informally before the meeting Minutes: Residents had the opportunity to talk with Cllr Tracey Simpson-Laing; Cllr David Horton; PC Andy Chapman; PCSO Sarah Dale; PCSO David Hale; Tony Clarke, Transport Programme Manager; Sue Houghton, Senior Officer, Major Development Project & Initiatives; Rachel Stewart, Street Environment Officer; Ian Tomlinson, Treemendous; Graham Pearson, Treemendous; Dee Bush, Older Citizens Advocacy York, Julie Hood, Neighbourhood Management Officer. |
Welcome Minutes: Cllr David Horton welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Street Environment Hear what Michelle Watling, Street Environment Officer is doing in the ward Minutes: Rachel Stewart, Street Environment Officer, gave an update on the work of Street Environment Officers and explained that any ward specific questions would be passed to Michelle Watling for a response when she returns to work.
She highlighted the following:
Street Environment Officers work on all environmental issues including fly tipping, waste presentation, litter etc.
Love Where You Live is a three year project which is about encouraging local volunteers of all ages across the ward to organise and take part in their own community improvement events. To find out more visit or contact Street Environment on 01904 553110.
Waste carriers and scrap metal dealers are also a part of their work. Householders have a responsibility for their own waste. If a carrier is used, householders must ensure they have a waste carrier licence and should receive a receipt for the goods they have removed. The receipt should include the following information, each item they have removed, the date and the name and address from where the goods have been removed.
The following questions were raised:
Q. How will the proposed closure of the Beckfield Lane Site affect the levels of recycling in the ward?
A. The Street Environment Team will investigate any issues which occur and will closely monitor the area. Landfill costs are increasing annually and the Beckfield Lane site does not offer full recycling facilities. Hazel Court, James Street offers full recycling and is a new modern facility.
Q. What can not be put into grey (landfill) bins?
A. Electrical items are the only items which cannot be put into these bins. |
Safer Neighbourhood Team Get an update from the team and find out what they are doing in the ward Minutes: PC Andy Chapman introduced PCSO Sarah Dale and PCSO David Hale. He explained that the Acomb Safer Neighbourhood Team are a pro active team who rely on intelligence obtained from residents and act on it where possible.
Crime in the ward is down by 7% over the past seven months. York and North Yorkshire continue to be very safe places to live.
PC Chapman reminded residents to keep doors and windows locked at all times. Many burglaries happen through unlocked doors when residents are at home. Locking doors will not stop a burglary but it will stop you being the victim.
He also reminded residents about the new 101 non-emergency contact number. This is a national number and should be used in place of the old 0845 6060 247 number.
The Acomb Police office remains open at specific times with the Acomb Safer Neighbourhood Team and the response team being based there.
The following questions were raised:
Q.There has recently been an increase in cars driving on the footpaths on Beckfield lane.
A.PC Chapman reassured residents that his team will patrol the area frequently when on duty and will address any issues which arise.
Q.Parked cars on the footpaths cause an obstruction for pedestrians, can this be included?
A.The Team will check for all illegal issues as they are patrolling so will pick up on these issues as well.
Q.What do the red markings on Beckfield Lane mean. They cover both the cycle and pedestrian part of the footpaths and are not clear in their meaning, they are open to misinterpretation.
A.These are non standard marking which do not give priority to any group. They are intended to highlight the junction so all groups take care. |
York West Site Sue Houghton will give an update on the York West site Minutes: Sue Houghton, Major Development Projects and Initiatives, gave an update presentation around the British Sugar site.
The Local Development Framework core strategy planning submission will go to planning inspectorate on 14th February. There will then be an examination in public in May/June. Hopefully York will then have a document adopted. The British Sugar Site has a strategic allocation in the document.
A report, based on previous consultation (more than 1,000 comments were received) will be presented to the LDF working group on March 5th and will go to Planning Committee on March 22nd.
A revised report will be taken to Cabinet on 3rd April which will set the guidance for master planning.
The master planners have an agreement with City of York Council and Associated British Foods to produce a comprehensive scheme for the British Sugar and former Manor School sites.
The timescale and programme is still to be agreed
There is a desire to set up a Community Forum based on the Forum for the Terry’s and Nestle sites which will be tailored to the needs of the community.
Jacquie Dale, Director of Housing and Community Services, Joseph Rowntee Foundation has agreed to be the independent chair. She has extensive experience of working with communities, particularly around sustainability and sustainable communities.
The focus of the forum will need to be those living directly adjacent to the site and those who might be directly affected by the development. There would also be representatives from local organisations with a maximum number of 20 or 25.
The suggestions proposed were: Nether Poppleton Parish Council; Schools; Sovereign Park Residents Association, Churches.
There would be a responsibility for representatives to feedback to their organisation.
The following questions were raised:
Q. As the LDF which incorporates this site needs approving, if this is delayed will it hold up the work?
A. No, if the core strategy is not adopted the work can still go ahead.
Q. If the inspector disagreed with the core strategy would there be an effect?
A. This could have an effect but objections are not anticipated.
Q. As the site falls within three wards, Acomb Rural West and Holgate would the Community Forum have representation from all wards?
A. The Community Forum would have representatives from Nether and Upper Poppleton Parish Councils as well as from Millgates, Langholme Drive, Plantation Drive and Sovereign Park etc. The Community forum would only be one aspect of the consultation process which will be put into place. There will be many different opportunities for residents to get information.
Q. The Examination in Public, will this be held in York?
A. Yes, people will be able to register to speak, it will be open to anyone who chooses to go. It should last 3 or 4 days.
Q. Global provide useful events and activities for the ward, will they be on site for much longer?
A. Their tenancy is due to finish on March 31st. They are being ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Park and Ride Following the recent government approval to support funding for ‘Access York’ plans, Tony Clarke, City Strategy Capital Programme Manager will give an update Minutes: Tony Clarke, City Strategy Capital Programme Manager, presented information on the Park and Ride proposals. The proposal is for two new park & ride sites, the A59 including an upgrade to the roundabout and Askham Bar. The consultation period will run through February with construction in early 2013.
The proposal is for a bus lane from Plantation Drive to Cranbrook Avenue, an upgrade to the junction at Water End and bus lanes from Holgate Park to Acomb Road.
The timeline for works include highway layout consultation in February 2012 with the design complete in spring 2012. The tender process will follow in summer 2012 with the construction of the bus priority lane in autumn 2012 and the main site construction in 2013 and the opening in spring 2014.
The highways works consultation is underway, comments should be submitted before March 3rd. The designs will then be revised based ont he comments received and the final design will be presented at the April Decision Session for approval.
There are two websites for more information
or email
The following questions were raised:
Q. Where, in the timeline, would the roundabout be included?
A. It would run with the main park and ride s the works on the highway will be coordinated.
Q. There are lots of lanes on the road, will there be enough space for them?
A. There is some space but space is limited for some of the lanes. The three lanes will not come in until the roundabout due to the lack of space.
Q. Will there be street lighting for the cycle lane and the subway?
A. The number of lighting columns will be kept to a minimum but the subway will be well lit.
Q. Will Boroughbridge Road and Poppleton Road be widened to accommodate the bus lane?
A. It is possible to include a bus lane on these roads at certain wider points of the road.
Q. Will there be further consultation on the detail of the proposals
A. Yes, possible at future Ward Committee meetings.
Have your Say Your opportunity to raise issues or concerns about the ward Minutes: The following issues were raised:
At a recent meeting a Hawthorn hedge was reported as needing cutting. This work has now been completed to a high standard, thanks were expressed for the quality and workmanship.
Q. The recent bad weather has caused some issues, particularly because the cycle paths have been cleared but not the footpaths.
A. Across the City the arterial routes are cleared first followed by some shopping areas and areas identified as needing clearing e.g. sheltered schemes. Sustrans clear some of the cycle paths.
Q. There has been a lot of snow and ice on Melanders Close, is it possible to have a salt bin?
A. Highways are unable to provide further bins, the ward committee need to review their salt bin provision.
Q. Why have the lamp post been cut down.
A. A recent safety check of the posts identified a high number of dangerous lamp posts which needed to be removed for Health and Safety reasons. A budget has been identified to replace all these lamp posts, work will being at the end of March. The lights will be modern white lights which will be focussed on the footpath. These lights are more efficient and will be cheaper to run.
Q. The Your Ward was not delivered to all areas of the ward
A. The production and delivery of Your Ward has been under review, with two different methods being used over the past two ward committee rounds. Following the completion of this round a review of the effectiveness will take place, these comments will be fed into the review. If residents want to receive information regarding the date and time of the next meeting please give your contact details to Julie who will make sure you are informed. |