Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Guildhall

Contact: Jill Pickering  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Members were invited to declare, at this point in the meeting, any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.


Cllr Hogg declared a general personal and prejudicial interest as his mother received respite care in City of York Council homes.


Cllr Fraser declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 8 (Petition Relating to the Closure of Yearsley Bridge Day Centre) as a member of the retired section of UNISON.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 29 October 2007.


RESOLVED:             That the minutes of the last meeting of the Panel held on 29 October 2007 be approved and signed by the Chair and Executive Members as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Panel’s remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is Friday, 7 December at 5:00 pm.


It was reported that there had been three registrations to speak under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Councillor Potter spoke to Members regarding the rent levels of the bungalows, which were being erected to replace the Discus bungalow. She stated that they would be significantly higher than those previously paid with an additional £5 service charge, which it would be hard for residents on a fixed income. She asked if the Authority were able to hold rents at the existing level for existing residents or phase in the new rate.


Alice Gomez spoke to Members on behalf of Save Yearsley Bridge Group in relation to agenda item 8 (Petition Relating to the Closure of Yearsley Bridge Day Centre). She referred to the two petitions containing 5400 signatures objecting to the closure of the Day Centre. She stated that all users of the centre valued choice for all and that they felt the consultation had been a sham. Users and their families all had their preferred needs and felt that the Yearsley Bridge Centre had been well designed to accommodate these.   She expressed disappointment that the Centre was to be closed as they felt this was a backward step.


Jack Archer spoke on behalf of the Older People’s Assembly in relation to agenda item 9 (Changes to Continuing Care and Funded Nursing Care). He stated that the Assembly felt that the funding arrangements were very contradictory and complicated and they questioned whether the new arrangements would cost the Authority more than anticipated.


Housing and Adult Social Services 2007/08 Service Plans and Budget Second Monitor pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This report advises of progress against the service plan targets for Housing and Adult Social Services and the projected financial outturns for 2007/8, based on second quarter results, and seeks approval for budget virements exceeding £100,000.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members be advised to note the contents of the report and agree the virements between £100k and £250k outlined above.


Decision of the Executive Members


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  So that the Executive Members are briefed on the projected performance and financial outturns for housing and adult social services based on the second quarter of 2007/08.


Members considered a report, which advised them of progress against the service plan targets for housing and adult social services and the projected financial outturns for 2007/08, based on second quarter results.


The report summarised performance for each of the following service areas in relation to the key objectives:


·          Housing Revenue Account (Landlord services)

·          Housing General Fund

·          Corporate Services

·          Older People and Physical Disability

·          Mental Health

·          Learning Disabilities


It was reported that there had been some transitional issues associated with analysing adult social care data from the new Frameworki system that replaced ISIS after the first quarter. Following a recent software upgrade and at the time of publication not all the data was validated or available.


Directors had delegated authority to transfer available resources up to £100k from one budget heading to another but details of any budget variation in excess of £50k and those above £10k where the variation was greater than 2% above the budget heading. The virements within Housing and Adult Social Services to reflect current spending pressures were:



Variation  £’000

·          Corporate Services


·          Housing


·          Learning disabilities


·          Mental Health      



·          Older People and Physical Disabilities




The overall departmental position was now a projected net general fund overspend of £247k. It was reported that the Departmental Management Team were working towards bringing the expenditure back within budget by the end of the year which it was felt should be achievable.


Officers referred to Cllr Potters comments in relation to the rents on the new Housing Association homes to replace the Discus bungalows. Bill Hodson stated that tenants had been made aware that rents would increase and that the Authority had no direct influence over this. It had not been possible until recently to calculate the increase. He confirmed that approximately 70% of council tenants received housing benefits and that there will be a targeted take up campaign for current tenants of the Discus as they may also be able to claim additional benefits e.g. attendance or mobility allowance.


Some Members questioned the possibility of phasing in the increases where tenants were not receiving benefits to assist them in the transition period.


The Executive Member for Housing confirmed that the increase in rent levels had been discussed with tenants and that it was the Housing Association that set the level. She stated that the increase in rent might now take some tenants up to the threshold where they are entitled to receive benefits.


Following further questions from Members on the principle of assisting tenants during the transition period. Officers confirmed that they would need to seek further legal advice about the council’s powers in this situation and report back.


Members confirmed that they were pleased at Officers hard work, which would result in the Arclight Centre and the redevelopment of the Peasholme site both being completed by 2008. They also were encouraged by the reduction in the number of people going into residential care and improvements in the sickness rate.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.


Housing and Adult Social Services Capital Programme 2007/08 Monitor 2 pdf icon PDF 49 KB

This report presents the second quarter review of the 2007/08 Housing and Social Services Capital Programmes and seeks approval for budget variations.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members be advised to:


i)                    Note progress on the various schemes;

ii)                  Approve the variations listed in tables 1,2,3, and 4 of the report;

iii)                Note the minor variations made under officers delegated authority;

iv)                Agree to the Buy-Back and disposal of 2 Barmby Close as recommended in paragraphs 13 to 15 of the report;

v)                  Recommend the variation in table 1 (Repairs to Local Authority Properties) to the Executive.


Decision of the Executive Members


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  So that Executive Members are briefed on progress on schemes and variations required in the Housing and Adult Social Services Capital Programme for 2007/08.


Consideration was given to a report, which presented the second quarter review of the 2007/08 Housing and Social Services Capital Programmes and the resources available to support them.


It was stated that there were no variations in the Social Services Capital Programme for 2007/08, which stood at £646k of which £311k was funded from, grant income giving a net programme of £335k. The Housing Capital Programme for 2007/08 stood at £9,453k but the minor variations outlined in the report resulted in a nil affect in the programme.


In answer to Members questions Officers confirmed that the department did have a programme for the checking and replacement of heating systems and that alternative heating was always provided if, for safety reasons, a system had to be taken out of use.  Certain Members stated that the type of alternative heating provided in these cases was not always suitable.


It was also reported that there was a requirement for a new commitment at Barmby Close, Clifton Without to be included in the 2007/08 Capital Programme. This street had come into the Council’s ownership under Local Government reorganisation and a number of residents owned their own homes, however legally the Housing Revenue Account had a buy-back scheme in place for these properties.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members be advised to:


i)                    Note progress on the various schemes;

ii)                    Approve the variations listed in tables 1,2,3, and 4 of the report; 1)

iii)                Note the minor variations made under officers delegated authority; 2)

iv)                Agree to the Buy-Back and disposal of 2 Barmby Close as recommended in paragraphs 13 to 15 of the report; 3)

v)                  Recommend the variation in table 1 (Repairs to Local Authority Properties) to the Executive. 4)


Decision of the Executive Members


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  So that Executive Members are briefed on progress on schemes and variations required in the Housing and Adult Social Services Capital Programme for 2007/08.


York Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2007 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

This report outlines key findings of the York Strategic Housing Market Assessment and asks the Executive Member to consider and endorse the broad policy issues arising from these.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to:


i)                    Note the key findings and policy issues identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2007 (SHMA) as detailed in the report;


ii)      Endorse the policy issues identified in the report for submission as evidence to inform the Sustainable Community strategy review and Local Development Framework process.


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  i)          So that the findings of the SHMA 2007 can be used to inform future housing strategy, policy development and service improvement.


ii) So that Housing Services can ensure the broad policy issues arising from the SHMA 2007 are fully considered.


Members received a presentation from Officers, which outlined the key findings of the York Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) and the broad policy issues arising from them. Consideration was also given to a briefing report on the Assessment. It was suggested that these policy issues should be used to inform future housing strategy, service planning and improvement. It was reported that this should also be considered as part of the Sustainable Community Strategy review and Local Development Framework (LDF) process.


The findings had been published in July 2007 and  the LDF Working Group had agreed to publish the SHMA as part of the LDF evidence base and the Council’s Planning Committee had agreed to endorse the use of the Assessment for development control purposes.


Members questioned various aspects of the presentation and the findings and in particular:

·          Concerns that it was stated that workers in York were highly paid;

·          Questioned figures given for student numbers in paragraph 20 of the report;

·          Clarification required on student numbers.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to:


i)                    Note the key findings and policy issues identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2007 (SHMA) as detailed in the report;


ii)      Endorse the policy issues identified in the report for submission as evidence to inform the Sustainable Community strategy review and Local Development Framework process. 1)


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:       i)   So that the findings of the SHMA 2007 can be used to inform future housing strategy, policy development and service improvement.


 ii)So that Housing Services can ensure the broad policy issues arising from the SHMA 2007 are fully considered.


Upgrade of Communal TV Aerials pdf icon PDF 50 KB

This report outlines the options available to upgrade the communal aerials to blocks of flats in preparation for the switch over to a digital reception in 2011 and advises of the procurement process to appoint the contractor for the delivery of the digital infrastructure to tenants in blocks of flats.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to approve option three, to:


i)                    Approve the installation of Integrated Reception System (IRS) in council flats;

ii)                  Agree an increase in the service charge to 50p per week (48 weeks per year), the increase to commence from the start of the financial year following installation.


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  The installation of the IRS will provide customers with the widest choice and offers the opportunity to take advantage of further technologies which will be advantageous to the customer and the Council.


Consideration was given to a report which outlined the options available to upgrade the communal aerials to blocks of flats in preparation for the switch over to a digital reception in 2011. It also advised Members of the procurement process to appoint the contractor for the delivery of the digital infrastructure to tenants in blocks of flats.


Members considered the following options:


Option one              Do nothing this is always an option but customers will have blank screens when the switch-over happens.

Option two               Head end upgrade, this is potentially the cheaper solution however it has a number of limitations.


Option threeIntegrated Reception System (IRS), this is the most expensive option however offers the greatest potential.


It was reported that the IRS system would ensure that those living in flats would have the same choices as those living in houses and would allow the council to ban dishes. To cover the initial costs a CRAM bid had been submitted and that this had been built into the Business Plan.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to approve option three, to:


i)                    Approve the installation of Integrated Reception System (IRS) in council flats; 1)

ii)                  Agree an increase in the service charge to 50p per week (48 weeks per year), the increase to commence from the start of the financial year following installation. 2)


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  The installation of the IRS will provide customers with the widest choice and offers the opportunity to take advantage of further technologies which will be advantageous to the customer and the council.




Petition Relating to the Closure of Yearsley Bridge Day Centre pdf icon PDF 35 KB

This report advises of the petition received relating to the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre closure, provides an update of progress on the closure plan and asks the Executive Member to consider whether a formal response to the petition is needed.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services note receipt of the petition concerning closure of the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre and the update on progress with the closure plan.


Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To update Members on the receipt of the petition and closure plan.


Consideration was given a report, which advised Members of a petition received relating to the closure of the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre together with details of progress of the closure plan.


The report followed receipt, at Full Council in September 2007, of a petition with just short of 5000 signatures relating to opposition against the closure of the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre.  It was reported that closure of Yearsley Bridge was due to be completed in 2008 and that this was in line with the reconfiguration and modernisation of day services as a response to the Government paper “Valuing People”.


Consultation had been focussed on the options for new support to replace the Centre and this had been carried out through meetings with all service users, their families as well as their supports. It was reported that officers of the Council would continue to officer support to all those involved.


Officers confirmed that the aim of the reconfiguration and modernisation of the day services had not been monetary savings but social inclusion. They referred to the consultation process, which had been commenced in 2002 and confirmed that closure had been agreed in 2005. It was confirmed that a hydrotherapy pool was planned for the Oakland’s site, which would hopefully be completed by the summer of 2008.


Certain Members expressed sadness that users would lose friendships and the social side of their visits to Yearsley Bridge. Officers stated that these should continue as part of the new commissioning structure. In answer to Members questions Officers confirmed that check back meetings had now been held with all people that currently use the Centre.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services note receipt of the petition concerning closure of the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre and the update on progress with the closure plan.


Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To update members on the receipt of the petition and closure plan.



Changes to Continuing Care and Funded Nursing Care pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This report asks the Executive Member to note a summary of the new national framework for Continuing Health Care and Funding Nursing Care, the potential impact of the changes on Adult Social Services and action being taken to address these issues.


Note: Agendas 1-4 to the above item have been made available on-line only, as they are too large to print with the agenda.  Hard copies can be obtained from Democratic Services, if required.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised to:


i)                   Note action being taken to meet the new mandatory requirements for Continuing Health Care and the funding arrangements for Funded Nursing Care;

ii)                 In June 2008, following 6 months of implementation of the new policy to receive a further report back to the Executive Member.


Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To update members on changes to the national framework for continuing care and funded nursing care.


Consideration was given to a report, which requested Members to note a summary of the new national framework for Continuing Health Care and parallel changes to the funding arrangements for Funded Nursing Care. Details of the potential impact of the changes on workload, performance and budgetary issues for Adult Social Services together with action being taken to address issues was also reported.


The major changes that the new framework would bring were:

·          One national policy which was person centred

·          A common process for assessment and national tools to support decision making/eligibility

·          One single band for Funded Nursing Care.

Officers reported that these changes should enable more people to be supported safely in their homes and community. Officers stated that there would be additional costs to the PCT but that investment in additional council staff would be recouped through this. It was confirmed that there had been 17 requests since October and that as people became more aware of the changes that more requests will be made.


Members expressed their support for the changes and Officers confirmed that there could be challenges in developing capacity within local care services to meet increased and varied demands for fully funded health care.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised to:


i)                   Note action being taken to meet the new mandatory requirements for Continuing Health Care and the funding arrangements for Funded Nursing Care;

ii)         In June 2008, following 6 months of implementation of the new policy to receive a further report back to the Executive Member. 1)


Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To update members on changes to the national framework for continuing care and funded nursing care.




Annual Performance Assessment of Adult Social Services 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

This report informs the Executive Member of the outcome of the annual performance rating by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) of adult social services in York.


Note: The above item was originally listed on the Forward Plan for the January meeting and has been brought forward to this meeting, under informal Urgency procedures, to enable progress to be made at an early stage in tackling areas identified for development by the Assessment.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised to note the annual performance assessment of adult social care by the Commission for Social Care Inspection.


Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To ensure that the improvements achieved in 2006/07 are recognised by the council and that members are aware of the areas highlighted for improvement in the future.


This report informed Members of the outcome of the annual performance rating by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) of adult social services in York.


It was stated that the Commission had confirmed that the council delivered Good Outcomes for people and that the council had Promising Prospects for improvement. These combined assessments gave the authority a Two Star rating further details of which were set out in the letter from the Chief Inspector attached to the report.


Officers referred to the Commissions reference in the letter to the authority being lower spending per capita on adult social services than other authorities. The Executive Member confirmed that it had been a difficult year for this service but that Officers and Members were pleased with the overall report.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised to note the annual performance assessment of adult social care by the Commission for Social Care Inspection.


Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To ensure that the improvements achieved in 2006/07 are recognised by the council and that members are aware of the areas highlighted for improvement in the future.





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