Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, York

Contact: Jill Pickering  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.


Councillor Hyman declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 4 (Loan to Science City York) as a member representative of Science City York.


The Head of Civic, Democratic and Legal Services advised Members that they were not required to declare a prejudicial interest only a personal interest in relation to agenda item 5 (Chief Executive’s Monitor 1 Financial and Performance Report 2008/09) in relation to the Members superannuation scheme as they had been given a dispensation in this respect.


Councillor Potter declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 5 (Chief Executive’s Monitor 1 Financial and Performance Report 2008/09) in relation to the request for a supplementary estimate of £20k to allow Members access to the superannuation scheme.


Councillor Crisp declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 5 (Chief Executive’s Monitor 1 Financial and Performance Report 2008/09) in relation to the request for a supplementary estimate of £20k to allow Members access to the superannuation scheme.


Councillor Waller declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 5 (Chief Executive’s Monitor 1 Financial and Performance Report 2008/09) in relation to the request for a supplementary estimate of £20k to allow Members access to the superannuation scheme.


Councillor D’Agorne declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 5 (Chief Executive’s Monitor 1 Financial and Performance Report 2008/09) in relation to the request for a supplementary estimate of £20k to allow Members access to the superannuation scheme. He also declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda items 7 and 9 (Manor School – Highway Improvements) and (York Cycling City) as a member of the Cycle Touring Club (CTC) and the York Cycle Campaign. Also in agenda item 15 (Quality Bus Partnership Progress Report) as he had requested the update report.


Councillor Gillies declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 8 (Coach Strategy Review) as a Director of Visit York.



To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting of the Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel held on 14 July 2008.


RESOLVED:             That the minutes of the last meeting of the Panel held on 14 July 2008 be approved and signed by the Chair and the Executive Members as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Panel’s remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is Friday 5 September 2008 at 5.00 pm.


It was reported that there had been six registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Mr Hall spoke regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements). He referred to his email, circulated at the meeting, which thanked both Members and Officers for taking on board resident’s comments and amending the proposals for the junction at Beckfield Lane/A59. He stated however that he felt that many residents concerns over proposals for the Beckfield Lane cycle path had not been taken into account as the scheme had been extended to the Ostman Road junction without informing those concerned. He referred to his personal experience of problems with cycle paths and confirmed that he wished to make the cycle path safe for all. He went on to state that it could not be automatically assumed that an off road path would be more appropriate and that he felt that this would not be practical and could lead to more accidents.  


Mr Crookes spoke regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements) as a resident of Beckfield Lane, adjacent to where the cycle path was proposed. He confirmed that he supported the junction proposals to assist cyclists in crossing Boroughbridge Road but that he had major concerns regarding the proposed cycle path. These concerns included sight lines from adjacent drives, current off road parking which would transfer to Beckfield Lane, the speed of cyclists and future problems that could arise for those with visual impairment or disabilities.


Mr Pagliaro spoke regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements) and he presented the views of a Manor School pupil, a motorist involved in a collision at the Beckfield Lane/A59 junction, from the York Access Group and from his personal experience as a cyclist.  He fully supported the proposals for an off road cycle path to provide a safe access to the new school.


Councillor Horton spoke, as Local Member, regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements) he thanked the Officers for their work on this complex scheme. He stated however that he still had some concerns in relation to certain parts of the proposed scheme. His main concerns related to the signalised junction with the filter phase for cyclists and vehicles, the creation of rat runs on Wheatlands Grove and Lygett Grove and access problems for 200-206 Boroughbridge Road. He raised further concerns regarding the cycle lane proposed on Low Poppleton Lane and Beckfield Lane and the need for the provision of new signs to warn drivers that Low Poppleton Lane was a no through road with no access to the industrial estate on Millfield Lane. He stated that police accident statistics were required to support the proposals.


Councillor Simpson-Laing spoke, as Local Member, regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements). She referred to her written submission, which had been circulated at the meeting. She also confirmed the need for signage to prevent vehicles entering Low Poppleton Lane and to possible future drainage  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.


Loan to Science City York

This report asks the Executive Member to recommend that the Executive approve a loan of £50,000 from the Council to Science City York Company Limited by Guarantee to assist with its cash flow.


 Consideration was given to a report which sought approval to make a loan of £50,000 to Science City York Company Limited by guarantee (CLG) to assist with its cash flow whilst drawing down on external funding.


Science City York was jointly owned by the City of York Council and York University and was responsible for delivering contacts for business support from Yorkshire Forward. Following results of a cash flow forecast the company had requested the loan to ensure that they were in a firm financial position to deal with cash flow arising from delays in payment of grant claims from Yorkshire Forward. It was reported that the University of York had already agreed their loan to the company.


The options the Panel considered were to either approve a loan to the CLG or not to do so.  The loan would cover short term cash flow issues for the company caused by the delay in expenditure being covered by the receipt of external grant income.  It was reported that Officers had worked with the CLG to prepare their cash flow forecasts.  The option of not approving a loan would create significant risk to the cash flow of the CLG at a time when it was seeking further external funding from European Regional Development Funds and Yorkshire Forward.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to recommend that the Executive approve a loan of £50,000 from the Council to the Science City York Company Limited by guarantee to assist with its cash flow.

Decision of the Executive Member for Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To support the development of Science City York and the contribution it makes to the City and the Council’s strategic objectives.  The loan will enable the establishment of Science City York as a company limited by guarantee to proceed on a firm financial basis and fulfil contractual requirements to Yorkshire Forward. 




 Consideration was given to a report which sought approval to make a loan of £50,000 to Science City York Company Limited by guarantee (CLG) to assist with its cash flow whilst drawing down on external funding.


Members were reminded that Science City York was jointly owned by the City of York Council and York University and that they were responsible for delivering contacts for business support from Yorkshire Forward. Following results of a cash flow forecast the company had requested the loan to ensure that they were in a firm financial position to deal with cash flow arising from delays in payment of grant claims from Yorkshire Forward. It was reported that the University of York had already agreed their loan to the company.


It was reported that Officers had worked with the CLG to prepare their cash flow forecasts and that the option of not approving a loan would create significant risk to the cash flow of the CLG at a time when it was seeking further external funding from European Regional Development Funds and Yorkshire Forward.

Members questioned the level of the interest rate proposed on the loan and details of the call in period.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to recommend that the Executive approve a loan of £50,000 from the Council to the Science City York Company Limited by guarantee to assist with its cash flow. 1.

Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To support the development of Science City York and the contribution it makes to the City and the Council’s strategic objectives.  The loan will enable the establishment of Science City York as a company limited by guarantee to proceed on a firm financial basis and fulfil contractual requirements to Yorkshire Forward. 




Chief Executive's Monitor 1 Finance and Performance Report 2008/09

This report combines performance and financial information for the Chief Executives Directorate for Monitor 1 2008-09. The Executive Member is asked to note the financial and performance position of the portfolio and to recommend the Executive to release a contingency sum to fund the additional cost of Members superannuation costs.


Members considered the performance and financial information for the Chief Executive’s Directorate for the 2008/09 Monitor 1. The performance element covers key and Council Plan indicators and projects, and the financial aspect deals with performance against budget for the Chief Executive’s Directorate.


The latest budget for the Directorate totalled £4,873k and current projections showed that the Directorate would overspend by £105k, which equated to 0.95% of the gross expenditure budget. Included in the overspend was a projected cost of £20k in allowing Members access to the superannuation scheme and it was recommended that a request was made to the Executive to fund this pressure.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to


(i)    Note the financial and performance position of the portfolio;


(ii) Recommend to the Executive to release a contingency sum of £20k to fund the additional cost of Members superannuation costs.

Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.



Members considered the performance and financial information for the Chief Executive’s Directorate for the 2008/09 Monitor 1. The performance element covered key and Council Plan indicators and projects, and the financial aspect dealt with performance against budget for the Chief Executive’s Directorate.


The latest budget for the Directorate totalled £4,873k and current projections showed that the Directorate would overspend by £105k, which equated to 0.95% of the gross expenditure budget. Included in the overspend was a projected cost of £20k in allowing Members access to the superannuation scheme and it was recommended that a request was made to the Executive to fund this pressure.


Members questioned the following points:

·        Details of the new occupational health contact and the proposed management training;

·        Paragraph 38: Scrutiny structures project review – when will further consultation take place with Groups? (Officers to reply by email); 1.

·        Paragraph 40: Ongoing work to respond to the Act – when will Members be consulted? (Officers to reply by email); 2.

·        Single Improvement Plan – further details requested in particular how and when Members would be updated on the Plan (Officers to reply by email); 3.

·        In which Directorates was good progress being made, paragraph 46 refers (Officers to reply by email); 4.

·         BVPI 12: Number of staff days lost to sickness (and stress) across the Council – 08/09 target;


Following further discussion


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to


(i)    Note the financial and performance position of the portfolio;


(ii) Recommend to the Executive to release a contingency sum of £20k to fund the additional cost of Members superannuation costs. 5.

Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.



2008/09 First Monitoring Report for Economic Development Service - Finance & Performance

This report presents the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by Economic Development, as well as performance against target for:

·        National Performance Indicators

·        Customer First targets (letter and telephone answering)

·        Staff Management targets (sickness absence & appraisals completed)

The Executive Member is asked to approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio.


Members considered the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by Economic Development, as well as performance against target for;

  • National Performance Indicators
  • Customer First Targets (letter and telephone answering)
  • Staff Management targets (sickness absence and appraisals completed).


The Panel were reminded that the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs) had now been superseded by a new indicator, the National Performance Indicators (NPIs) of which Economic Development now had 14, the majority of which were annual.


The current approved budget was £2,345k, including £15k which had been carried forward from 2007/08 and a further £20k to reduce the market income expectation. Current projections showed that the Economic Development outturn would be £2,368k, and overspend of £+23k.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to approve the financial and performance position of the Economic Development portfolio.


 Decision of the Executive Member for Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.



Members considered the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by Economic Development, as well as performance against target for;

  • National Performance Indicators
  • Customer First Targets (letter and telephone answering)
  • Staff Management targets (sickness absence and appraisals completed).


The Panel were reminded that the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs) had now been superseded by a new indicator, the National Performance Indicators (NPIs) of which Economic Development now had 14, the majority of which were annual.


The current approved budget was £2,345k, including £15k which had been carried forward from 2007/08 and a further £20k to reduce the market income expectation. Current projections showed that the Economic Development outturn would be £2,368k, an overspend of £+23k.


Members referred to the reference, in paragraph 24 of the report, that only 15 businesses had committed to moving into the York Eco Business Centre from early September (25% of the buildings capacity). Officers confirmed that marketing was being undertaken and that the business plan for the Centre showed occupancy rates for Years 1/2 which they were confident could be met.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to approve the financial and performance position of the Economic Development portfolio.


 Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.



Manor School - Highway Improvements (including Beckfield Lane cycle scheme)

This report summarises the outcome of consultation on a package of highway improvements aimed at providing safe and sustainable transport links to the new Manor School on Millfield Lane. Approval of a scheme for implementation is sought together with authorisation to advertise the related traffic regulation orders.


Consideration was given to a report which summarised the outcome of consultation on a package of highway improvements aimed at providing safe and sustainable transport links to the new Manor School located on Millfield Lane.

The package included elements that the school was required to provide as planning conditions, plus other complementary proposals, which would be funded via the Council’s Local Transport Plan. Issues arising through the consultation were detailed, and possible amendments to the proposals were considered. Options for providing cycle facilities along Beckfield Lane were also discussed. Approval of a scheme for implementation was sought, along with authorisation to advertise some related traffic regulation orders. 


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)           Approve the following as the preferred package of measures for implementation, subject to resolution of any Traffic Regulation Order issues and possible minor amendments required by further detailed design and the road safety audit process:

·        the alternative School Safety Zone layout on Millfield Lane shown in Annex H of the report;

·        the arrangements around the Millfield Lane /Low Poppleton Lane junction shown in Annex D of the report;

·        the scheme layout shown in Annex E, including the revision shown in Annex I of the report;

·        the revised layout of the Boroughbridge Road/ Low Poppleton Lane / Beckfield Lane junction shown in Annex M of the report;

·        the proposals for Beckfield Lane shown in Annex G of the report;

·        the relocation of the bus stop on Boroughbridge Road as shown in Annex L of the report.

(ii)               Authorise the advertisement of any Road Traffic Regulation Orders associated with the preferred highway improvement scheme and, subject to no objections being received, the Orders be made.  Any unresolved objections to be referred to the Director of City Strategy to consider in consultation with the Executive Member for City Strategy.

           (iii)     To approve, in principle, a long term aim of introducing off-road cycle paths along either side of Beckfield Lane where practical, and agree to the development of detailed proposals for providing a path on the east side of the street extending as far south as Ostman Road as the priority for 2008/09.  

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:     (i) To provide safe and sustainable transport links to the new Manor School, deliver the required highway improvements as conditioned within the planning approval, and to respond to issues and concerns raised through consultation on the detailed scheme plans.

(ii)               To enable any necessary restrictions on parking, use of any section of carriageway or footway, and changes to speed limits to be introduced.

(iii) To provide officers with direction on how to progress the Beckfield Lane Cycle Route scheme, and make best use of the funding currently available to take this forward.





Consideration was given to a report, which summarised the outcome of consultation on a package of highway improvements aimed at providing safe and sustainable transport links to the new Manor School located on Millfield Lane.


The package included elements that the school was required to provide as planning conditions, plus other complementary proposals, which would be funded via the Council’s Local Transport Plan. Issues arising through the consultation were detailed, and possible amendments to the proposals were considered. Options for providing cycle facilities along Beckfield Lane were also discussed. Approval of a scheme for implementation was sought, along with authorisation to advertise some related traffic regulation orders. 


Officers updated that additional representations, both in support and in objection, to the amendments proposed to the scheme had been received from the following, copies of which were circulated at the meeting:

·        Letter from Cllr Simpson-Laing detailing the strong concerns of local residents on the proposed revisions to the scheme, particularly in relation to the ‘off road cycle lane’ on Beckfield Lane;

·        Email from Mr A Hall of Beckfield Lane, advising Officers of residents continued concerns over the proposals for a cycle path on Beckfield Lane;

·        Five emails, mainly from Governors of Manor School, supporting the safer route for cyclists and highway improvements proposed by Officers for the new school;

·        Written report representing the personal views of Mr Pagliaro as a cyclist, of his grand daughter who attended Manor school, his daughter who had been involved in an accident at the junction of Beckfield Lane/A59 and from York Access Group;

·        Letter from Mr J Doherty, a member of the York Access Group fully supporting the proposals.


A number of Members referred to the continued concerns raised by residents in relation to the cycle lane proposals for Beckfield Lane. They questioned whether this aspect of the scheme could be deferred to allow further consultation and an examination of how the cycle way could be better integrated into the cycle network.


Members also stated that parents driving children to school would tend to leave them in Low Poppleton Lane requiring the vehicles to complete a turning manoeuvre in the vicinity of the rising bollard raising safety concerns. Some Members felt that a complete review was required of priorities on Beckfield Lane with cyclists requiring greater priority.


Following further discussion Cllr Potter moved and Cllr Scott seconded the following amended recommendation:

(i)Approve the following as the preferred package of measures for implementation, subject to resolution of any Traffic Regulation Order issues and possible minor amendments required by further detailed design and the road safety audit process:

·        the alternative School Safety Zone layout on Millfield Lane shown in Annex H of the report;

·        the arrangements around the Millfield Lane /Low Poppleton Lane junction shown in Annex D of the report;

·        the scheme layout shown in Annex E, including the revision shown in Annex I of the report;

·        the revised layout of the Boroughbridge Road/ Low Poppleton Lane / Beckfield Lane junction shown in Annex M of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


Coach Strategy Review

This report provides a description and analysis of key findings arising from the York Coach Strategy Update (2008) and recommends that a detailed examination is made as to the feasibility of coaches using bus lanes in York.



A.     To retain St George’s Field in the short to medium term as a coach-parking site so that use can be monitored in order to establish whether the site is a suitable long-term option.

B.  Use St George’s Field as a temporary coach park with a view to relocating coach parking in the medium term, primarily to Park and Ride sites as these are the recommended option in the study.

C. Progress work on examining the feasibility of allowing coaches to use     bus lanes.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)       Approve Option A to allow coach parking to remain at St George’s Field in the short term but note that there are advantages in coaches parking away from the City centre, as far as possible, in the future; 

(ii)               Approve Option C for Officers to investigate the feasibility of the use of bus lanes by coaches but stress that any proposed changes must guarantee no worsening of stage carriage and park and ride bus performance;

(iii)      Agree to Officers investigating the possibility of introducing restrictions on coaches parking free of charge on roads such as Knavesmire Road;

(iv)      Note that the City has no objections in principle to coaches using Park and Ride sites with their passengers using these bus service links to access the City centre. Instructs Officers to survey local businesses like the Designer Outlet Centre for their views on this option whilst also bearing in mind this possible demand when designing the 3 new park and ride sites scheduled to be constructed in the City.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:   (i)To allow York to offer quality facilities suited best to the visitor demographic that will enable the city to strongly compete with other destinations for coach trade.

(ii)                         (iii) (iv)To enable Officers to carry out feasibility assessment of allowing coaches to use the bus lanes, restrictions on coach parking and survey local business on their views on coach parking.





Members considered a report, which provided a description and analysis of key findings arising from the York Coach Strategy Update (2008). This study had been commissioned to update the information gathered in a previous 2003 report, in order to provide current information with regard to implementing the city’s coach strategy.

The report had highlighted a number of issues two of which were that drivers had a preference for a central coach park together with improved coach facilities. Other findings discussed were the retention of St George’s Field as a coach park in the short to medium term and the need for a detailed examination as to the feasibility of coaches using the bus lanes in York.

Members expressed some concerns regarding:

·        Desirability of coach parking in the centre of York and the possibility of moving this to the Park and Ride sites;

·        Use of bus lanes by coaches and the potential impact on traffic;

·        The issue of indiscrimination parking of coaches on Knavesmire Road;

·        That there was still a need for facilities for coach drivers;

·        Affect on existing Park and Ride users if coach parking moved to Park and Ride sites;

·        Need for clear ‘signing’ of a safe walking route from St Georges Field car park to the city centre.

Consideration was then given to the following options:

A.     To retain St George’s Field in the short to medium term as a coach-parking site so that use can be monitored in order to establish whether the site is a suitable long-term option.

B.  Use St George’s Field as a temporary coach park with a view to relocating coach parking in the medium term, primarily to Park and Ride sites as these are the recommended option in the study.

C.            Progress work on examining the feasibility of allowing coaches to use        bus lanes.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)       Approve Option A to allow coach parking to remain at St George’s Field in the short term but note that there are advantages in coaches parking away from the City centre, as far as possible, in the future; 1.

(ii)               Approve Option C for Officers to investigate the feasibility of the use of bus lanes by coaches but stress that any proposed changes must guarantee no worsening of stage carriage and park and ride bus performance;2.

(iii)      That the possibility of introducing restrictions on coaches parking free of charge on roads such as Knavesmire Road be investigated;3.

(iv)      That the City has no objections in principle to coaches using Park and Ride sites with their passengers using these bus service links to access the City centre. Instructs officers to survey local businesses like the Designer Outlet Centre for their views on this option while also bearing in mind this possible demand when designing the 3 new park and ride sites scheduled to be constructed in the City. 4.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


York Cycling City

This report advises Members of progress made in developing the York Cycling City project since the announcement of the successful bid in June 2008. Members are asked to note the content of the report and approve the proposals for moving the project forward.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)    Note this report and the progress made to date on the cycling city project and the cycling target and;


(ii) Endorse the next steps to the further development of the cycling city project as set out in paragraphs 18 to 22 of the report.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To enable progress to continue and ensure delivery of all the elements of the project.




Consideration was given to a report, which advised Members of progress in developing the York City Cycle project, since the announcement of the successful bid in June 2008. The report highlighted the key points of the bid, the proposed governance structure for delivering the project and set out the next actions to be implemented in moving the project forward. Also included was an update on progress towards the cycling target and actions to help meet it that had been put in place during the last two years.


Officers updated that a questionnaire aimed at non-cyclists to obtain their views on the reasons why they no longer cycled or had never cycled would be available on the Councils website from tomorrow. Members were informed of the successful all day visit made by representatives of Cycling England on Thursday 21 August for discussions and site visits with officers, stakeholders and Members.


Members commented on the following points:

  • Concern at the very ambitious targets proposed and the need to improve existing cycling facilities in conjunction with involving new cyclists;
  • Emphasis required on younger cyclists and schools;
  • Need to work with the Police and Bike Rescue in an effort to assist those who had insufficient money to purchase a bike;
  • When addressing gaps in provision with investment there was a need to do this in conjunction with cycle uptake;
  • Gaps in provision on the inner ring road around the Foss Basin area;
  • Had an advert been placed for the critical role of a Project Manager for the project delivery? Officers confirmed that a temporary appointment was to be made pending the results of pay and grading;
  • Confirmation that the proposed bridge was now a part of the York Central development and that its exclusion from this project would not affect funding;
  • Membership of the Strategy Management Group and dates of appointment.


Members welcomed the report and the ambitious projects proposed for York as a cycling city.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)    Note this report and the progress made to date on the cycling city project and the cycling target and;


(ii) Endorse the next steps to the further development of the cycling city project as set out in paragraphs 18 to 22 of the report. 1.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To enable progress to continue and ensure delivery of all the elements of the project.




Winter Maintenance Service 2008/09

This report advises Members of the outcome of a review of last seasons Winter Maintenance Service and seeks approval of Officers actions in renewing the winter maintenance forecast provision contract.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to note the report and approve the action to seek renewal of the winter maintenance forecast contract as set out in paragraph 9 of the report.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To ensure that the current winter maintenance policy is robust whilst ensuring the budget if expended in the most cost effective way based on the Council’s assessed priorities.




Consideration was given to this report which advised Members of the outcome of a review of last seasons Winter Maintenance Service and sought approval of Officers actions in renewing the winter maintenance forecast provision contract.


It was reported that it had been an average winter the previous year with no requirement to open the emergency control room. There had been very little snowfall which had resulted in only 67 treatments being carried out on the road network (70 being the average) and 9 treatments of the footway network.


Officers also reported that the contract for the provision of winter maintenance forecast information had been re-tendered for a further 5 years and that the service provider would be known by the end of August.


With reference to paragraph 5, one of the Local Members for the Fishergate Ward, requested the addition of the Millennium Bridge as part of the footway network for treatment in the future.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to note the report and approve the action to seek renewal of the winter maintenance forecast contract as set out in paragraph 9 of the report. 1.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To ensure that the current winter maintenance policy is robust whilst ensuring the budget is expended in the most cost effective way based on the Council’s assessed priorities.




Results from the Street Lighting Trials

This report examines the results of the street lighting trials, which took place earlier this year and examines how this could be progressed, in line with the recommendations of the Executive.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to request further reports by January 2009 in support of specific variable lighting schemes that meet the criteria set out by the Executive .


(Officers informed Members that these further reports would be presented to the Neighbourhood Services Advisory Panel meeting in January 2009.)


 Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To deliver the appropriate levels of lighting to support communities using the least amount of energy.




Members considered a report, which examined the results of street lighting trials, which had taken place earlier in the year. Trials had taken place in Museum Street and Rawcliffe Bar Park and Ride site. The results had shown that overall the vast majority of people taking part in the trials did not notice any perceived difference in the various levels of lighting and that there had been no increase in crime as a result.  The report examined how this matter could be progressed, in line with the recommendations of the Executive.


Members were reminded that the trials had only been carried out on a small scale and that these results could not simply be extended to the larger scale situation. The positive outcome however suggested that there was scope to consider some further use of variable lighting levels in line with the Executive recommendations in the sustainable street lighting strategy of 23 October 2007.


Members expressed their support for the implementation of optimised lighting schemes in suitable areas. They requested Officers to draw up plans for different types of schemes and report back to EMAP in January 2009, prior to the budgets being set.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to request further reports by January 2009 in support of specific variable lighting schemes that meet the criteria set out by the Executive. 1.


(Officers informed Members that these further reports would be presented to the Neighbourhood Services Advisory Panel meeting in January 2009.)


 Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To deliver the appropriate levels of lighting to support communities using the least amount of energy.




2008/09 City Strategy Finance and Performance Monitor One

This report presents two sets of data from the City Strategy Directorate:

a.     the latest projections for revenue expenditure and capital expenditure for City Strategy portfolio,

b.Monitor 1 (2008/09) performance against target for a number of key indicators that are made up of:

                                                              i.      National Performance Indicators and local indicators owned by City Strategy[1]

                                                            ii.      Customer First targets (letter answering)

                                                          iii.      Staff Management Targets (sickness absence)  

Members are requested to note the financial position of the directorate portfolio, agree to the release of a contingency sum and approve a one off virement.

[1] Unless otherwise specified City Strategy excludes Economic Development as this service area is reported separately.


Members had the option to support the request for a supplementary estimate from contingency or whether to require the Director of City Strategy to deliver alternative savings.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)        Note the financial and performance position of the portfolio;


(ii)      Recommend the Executive release a contingency sum of £180k to support pressure on the Penalty Charge Notices budget;

(iii)    Approve the one off virement of £155k between the Waste Procurement budget and Yorwaste dividend income.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.




Consideration was given to a report, which presented two sets of data from the City Strategy directorate:

a.     the latest projections for revenue expenditure and capital expenditure for City Strategy portfolio,

b.Monitor 1 (2008/09) performance against target for a number of key indicators that were made up of:

·  National Performance Indicators and local indicators owned by City Strategy

·  Customer First targets (letter answering)

·  Staff Management Targets (sickness absence) 


Members expressed concerns regarding the following points:

·        Paragraph 51 – contribution as part of the joint waste project with North Yorkshire and the dividend from Yorwaste;

·        Paragraphs 44 and 45 – problems with recruitment and the need to employ agency staff;

·        Performance Indicators (PI’s) that there was a need to monitor those that were underperforming.


Members then had the option to support the request for a supplementary estimate from contingency or whether to require the Director of City Strategy to deliver alternative savings.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)        Note the financial and performance position of the portfolio;


(ii)      Recommend the Executive release a contingency sum of £180k to support pressure on the Penalty Charge Notices budget; 1.

(iii)    Approve the one off virement of £155k between the Waste Procurement budget and Yorwaste dividend income. 2.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.




2008/09 City Strategy Capital Programme Monitor 1 report

This report sets out progress to date on schemes in the City Strategy Capital Programme for 2008/09 and asks the Executive Member to approve the amendments to the 2008/09 budget.


Consideration was given to a report which set out progress to date on schemes in the City Strategy Capital Programme for 2008/09. It detailed budget spend to the end of July 2008 and also gave an update on any scheme works that had occurred since the end of July to give a more accurate picture of progress and any adjustments that needed to be made.


It was reported that the current approved budget for the City Strategy Capital Programme for 2008/09 was £8,439k and the current approved programme had a value of £9,405k, which included £966k of overprogramming. Most of the schemes in the capital programme were on schedule to achieve their programme of works and spend by the end of the financial year.


Members were presented with a number of amendments to the capital programme for approval, which were required to ensure that the schemes were deliverable within funding constraints whilst enabling the objectives of the approved Local Transport Plan to be met.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)    Approve the adjustments to budgets as set out in Annexes 1 and 2 of the report;


(ii) Note the pressures on the Capital Programme budget in future years identified in paragraphs 10 to 14 of the report.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To manage the Capital Programme effectively.




Consideration was given to a report which set out progress to date on schemes in the City Strategy Capital Programme for 2008/09. It detailed budget spend to the end of July 2008 and also gave an update on any scheme works that had occurred since the end of July to give a more accurate picture of progress and any adjustments that needed to be made.


It was reported that the current approved budget for the City Strategy Capital Programme for 2008/09 was £8,439k and the current approved programme had a value of £9,405k, which included £966k of overprogramming. Most of the schemes in the capital programme were on schedule to achieve their programme of works and spend by the end of the financial year.


Members were presented with a number of amendments to the capital programme for approval, which were required to ensure that the schemes were deliverable within funding constraints whilst enabling the objectives of the approved Local Transport Plan to be met.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)    Approve the adjustments to budgets as set out in Annexes 1 and 2 of the report; 1.


(ii) Note the pressures on the Capital Programme budget in future years identified in paragraphs 10 to 14 of the report.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To manage the Capital Programme effectively.




A Comparison of Bus Fares in York with other Local Authorities

This report advises Members of the comparative cost of bus travel, how local bus services in York compare to those in similar conurbations, how Park and Ride fares compare and how fares differ between bus companies operating in York.


Consideration was given to a report which advised Members of the comparative cost of bus travel in response to a request made for this information at the meeting of the Panel in July 2007.


The report examined the following areas:

  • How local bus service fares in York compare to those in other, broadly similar conurbations.
  • How Park & Ride fares in York compare to those in other local authorities.
  • How fares differ between the bus companies operating in (and into) York.

Members were reminded that they had little control over fares levels on commercial bus services.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to continue to support Officers in their work with bus operators to further improve the quality and retain the existing fares on bus services in York.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To continue to monitor local bus service and Park and Ride fares against other comparable Local Authorities.




Consideration was given to a report, which advised Members of the comparative costs of bus travel in response to a request made for this information at the meeting of the Panel in July 2007.


The report examined the following areas:

  • How local bus service fares in York compared to those in other, broadly similar conurbations.
  • How Park & Ride fares in York compared to those in other local authorities.
  • How fares differed between the bus companies operating in (and into) York.

Members were reminded that they had little control over fares levels on commercial bus services although fares in York were not excessive when compared to other areas of the country.


Members thanked Officers for the report and requested that a Forward Plan for City Strategy was in future circulated with the agenda. 1.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to continue to support Officers in their work with bus operators to further improve the quality and retain the existing fares on bus services in York.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To continue to monitor local bus service and Park and Ride fares against other comparable Local Authorities.




Quality Bus Partnership Progress Report

This report details decisions made by the Quality Bus Partnership (QBP) since its relaunch in August 2007 and is in response to a request made Cllr D’Agorne.


Consideration was given to a report, which set out details of the decisions made by the Quality Bus Partnership (QBP) since its relaunch in August 2007. It was reported that the Partnership had undergone a transformation with the creation of ‘working groups’ operating alongside the main QBP. The groups were tasked with examining specific issues designed to improve the quality of bus services in York.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to note the contents of the report.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In order to be informed on the progress of the Quality Bus Partnership in the past year.




Consideration was given to a report, which set out details of the decisions made by the Quality Bus Partnership (QBP) since its relaunch in August 2007. It was reported that the Partnership had undergone a transformation with the creation of ‘working groups’ operating alongside the main QBP. The groups had been tasked with examining specific issues designed to improve the quality of bus services in York.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to note the contents of the report.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In order to be informed on the progress of the Quality Bus Partnership in the past year.




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