Agenda item

Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Panel’s remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is Friday 5 September 2008 at 5.00 pm.


It was reported that there had been six registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Mr Hall spoke regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements). He referred to his email, circulated at the meeting, which thanked both Members and Officers for taking on board resident’s comments and amending the proposals for the junction at Beckfield Lane/A59. He stated however that he felt that many residents concerns over proposals for the Beckfield Lane cycle path had not been taken into account as the scheme had been extended to the Ostman Road junction without informing those concerned. He referred to his personal experience of problems with cycle paths and confirmed that he wished to make the cycle path safe for all. He went on to state that it could not be automatically assumed that an off road path would be more appropriate and that he felt that this would not be practical and could lead to more accidents.  


Mr Crookes spoke regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements) as a resident of Beckfield Lane, adjacent to where the cycle path was proposed. He confirmed that he supported the junction proposals to assist cyclists in crossing Boroughbridge Road but that he had major concerns regarding the proposed cycle path. These concerns included sight lines from adjacent drives, current off road parking which would transfer to Beckfield Lane, the speed of cyclists and future problems that could arise for those with visual impairment or disabilities.


Mr Pagliaro spoke regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements) and he presented the views of a Manor School pupil, a motorist involved in a collision at the Beckfield Lane/A59 junction, from the York Access Group and from his personal experience as a cyclist.  He fully supported the proposals for an off road cycle path to provide a safe access to the new school.


Councillor Horton spoke, as Local Member, regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements) he thanked the Officers for their work on this complex scheme. He stated however that he still had some concerns in relation to certain parts of the proposed scheme. His main concerns related to the signalised junction with the filter phase for cyclists and vehicles, the creation of rat runs on Wheatlands Grove and Lygett Grove and access problems for 200-206 Boroughbridge Road. He raised further concerns regarding the cycle lane proposed on Low Poppleton Lane and Beckfield Lane and the need for the provision of new signs to warn drivers that Low Poppleton Lane was a no through road with no access to the industrial estate on Millfield Lane. He stated that police accident statistics were required to support the proposals.


Councillor Simpson-Laing spoke, as Local Member, regarding agenda item 7 (Manor School – Highway Improvements). She referred to her written submission, which had been circulated at the meeting. She also confirmed the need for signage to prevent vehicles entering Low Poppleton Lane and to possible future drainage problems that could arise for properties on this lane. Again her main concern related to the proposals for the cycle path on Beckfield Lane and the lack of consultation with residents. She recommended Members to support the proposals in Annex M of the report.


Councillor Vassie spoke, as the Councils Energy Champion, regarding agenda item 11 (Results from the Street Lighting Trials). He requested Members to support the positive results of the street lighting trials by agreeing a plan of action to implement similar schemes on the inner ring road, at the Park and Ride sites, on non-residential roads (eg Malton Road) and at Crockey Hill and similar road junctions. He stated that the trials had a high level of support including the Safer York Partnership and that these schemes would have a major impact on reducing energy levels.


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