Agenda and minutes

Contact: Laura Clark  Democratic & Civic Services Manager

Webcast: video recording

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point, Members are asked to declare:

·        any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests

·        any prejudicial interests or

·        any disclosable pecuniary interests

which they may have in respect of business on this agenda.



Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests, any prejudicial interests or any disclosable pecuniary interests they might have in the business on the agenda.


No personal interests were declared.


The following prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests were declared:






Agenda Item



7.  Report of the Leader

8.  Report of the Deputy Leader

11. Report of the Executive Member

Councillor Flinders declared a prejudicial but non-pecuniary interest in view of his employment but in relation to which he had previously been granted a dispensation by the Deputy Monitoring Officer and Chair of Joint Standards Committee.

Description of Interest


York Central – Employed by Network Rail




Minutes pdf icon PDF 299 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the Council meeting held on 13 December 2018 and the meeting of Budget Council held on 28 February 2019.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the minutes of the last ordinary meeting of Council held on 13 December 2018 and the meeting of Budget Council held on 28 February 2019 be approved and then signed by the Chair as correct records.



Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider excluding the press and public from the meeting during consideration of Annexes A and B to the report appended to Minute 110 of the Executive meeting held on 14 February 2019 (Chief Officer Redundancy), under Agenda Item 7 (Report of the Executive Leader and Executive Recommendations and Questions), on the grounds that they contain information relating to an individual and the financial or business affairs of a particular person.


This information is classed as exempt under paragraphs 1 and 3 of Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as revised by The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).



Members were asked it they wished to speak on the exempt information in the annexes to the report on Chief Officer Redundancy, which related to the recommendation at Minute 117 of the minutes of the Executive meeting on 14 February 2019. No Member indicated that they wished to speak on the exempt information therefore there was no need to agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting.


Civic Announcements

To consider any announcements made by the Lord Mayor in respect of Civic business.


As Councillor Neil Barnes had announced that he was not standing again at the local elections, the Lord Mayor expressed his thanks, on behalf of Members, to the two palantypists for the support they had given to Councillor Barnes at meetings during his time as a Councillor and wished them all the best for the future.


The Lord Mayor then announced that he had received a Chinese vase from the Chinese Consul General to the North of England, which he had brought to the meeting for Members to view.



Public Participation

At this point in the meeting, any member of the public who has registered to address the Council, or to ask a Member of the Council a question, on a matter directly relevant to the business of the Council or the City, may do so.


The deadline for registering is 5:00pm on Wednesday 20 March

2019. To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda.


Filming, Recording or Webcasting Meetings

Please note this meeting will be filmed and webcast and that

includes any registered public speakers, who have given their permission. This broadcast can be viewed at


Residents are welcome to photograph, film or record Councillors and Officers at all meetings open to the press and public. This includes the use of social media reporting, i.e. tweeting. Anyone wishing to film, record or take photos at any public meeting should contact the Democracy Officer (whose contact details are at the foot of this agenda) in advance of the meeting.


The Council’s protocol on Webcasting, Filming & Recording of

Meetings ensures that these practices are carried out in a

manner both respectful to the conduct of the meeting and all

those present. It can be viewed at






Ten members of the public had registered to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


The first four speakers all addressed the council in relation to Motion no. 4 on the list of motions at agenda item 9, relating to declaring a Climate Emergency.


John Cossham, a representative from Extinction Rebellion, spoke in support of the climate emergency motion. He suggested that the city needed to adopt a more sustainable approach, along with employing a Climate Emergency Officer.


Amy Elliot, a resident spoke on the climate emergency and her concerns as a young person. She also spoke on local issues such as flooding in the city.


Tom Franklin, Chair of York Green party, also spoke on the Climate Emergency Motion. He highlighted that local leadership was needed to ensure the city was carbon neutral by 2030. He highlighted the importance of better public transport links and sustainable development.


Danyal Ismail, a resident, also spoke on the climate emergency motion. He stated that climate change was the biggest challenge facing his generation and radical action needed taking. He also expressed concerns around flooding and air quality in the city.


The fifth speaker, Merry Dickinson representing Extinction Rebellion, then spoke in relation to the Climate Emergency petition which was submitted by Councillor Craghill. She pointed to the actions taken by councils around the country to mitigate climate change and hoped that CYC would follow suit.


Anne Kerr then addressed the council on behalf of York Labour Women’s Forum in relation to the living wage petition which was submitted by Councillor Wells. She stated that the fall in weekly salaries between 2017 and 2018 was the largest in York. The city was now within the 10 bottom cities for weekly wages in the UK. She urged Members to pay all service workers the living wage.


Rachel Melly, also spoke in relation to the living wage petition submitted by Councillor Wells. She stated that a real living wage should be paid to all those providing council services and stressed the importance of fair pay for fair work. She also highlighted the increase in food bank use and the gender pay gap in the city.


Gwen Swinburn then spoke on agenda item 19 (Pay Policy) and matters relating to restructures. She expressed concerns about the implementation of another layer of management. She stated that no rationale had been provided for this and that the cost neutral assurance was absent.


Honorary Alderman Brian Watson spoke in relation to Park and Ride charges at the Community Stadium. He stated that such charges would impact on all of the facilities in the stadium when the city should be trying to attract fans and visitors.


Alasdair McIntosh, a resident, then spoke on agenda item 7 (the Executive Recommendation in relation to Hyper Hubs). He stated that he was fully supportive of hyper hubs but expressed his concern over the lack of charging facilities for those households without access to off street parking.


Finally Samuel  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.



To consider any petitions received from Members in accordance with Standing Order No.15. Notice has been received of 11 petitions, to be presented by:


Councillor Crawshaw, calling for a Resident Parking Scheme in Rectory Gardens.


Councillor Pavlovic, on behalf of the University of York Student Union, calling for a public inquiry into York’s failing transport system.


Councillor K Taylor, in relation to the Railway Museum’s expansion plans over Leeman Road.


Councillor Cullwick, calling to reverse the proposed £10 Park & Ride parking charge at the York Community Stadium.


Councillor D’Agorne, to present three petitions as follows:


·        Save our Open Spaces, calling for CYC to protect the ‘green’ as open space on Fulford Cross;

·        Residents Parking request – Kilburn Rd;

·        Residents Parking request – Wellington St, Willis St, Gordon St, Wolsley St (Heslington Rd area)

Councillor Doughty, asking that the Council reduce the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph on Towthorpe Rd, Towthorpe.


Councillor Wells, on behalf of York Labour Women’s Forum, calling on the City of York Council to pay the living wage to all their services suppliers’ workers, as they have committed to do as a Living Wage Employer.  


Councillor Waller, requesting that;


·        The Council reviews safety at the current junction of Tudor Road with Gale Lane and reintroduces the crossing island at this wide junction on a route to school and local  shops and services;

·        The new junction with the Lowfields Playing Fields housing estate does not result in the loss of parking provision in the area; and

·        The Council ensures that there is no worsening of surface water issues in the surrounding area resulting from the building on playing fields.

Councillor Craghill, on behalf of Extinction Rebellion, asking the City of York Council to Declare a Climate Emergency.












Under Standing Order 15, the following petitions were presented by the following Members for reference to the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee, in accordance with the Council’s petition arrangements:


Councillor Crawshaw, calling for a Resident Parking Scheme in Rectory Gardens.


Councillor Pavlovic, on behalf of the University of York Student Union, calling for a public inquiry into York’s failing transport system.


Councillor K Taylor, in relation to the Railway Museum’s expansion plans over Leeman Road.


Councillor Cullwick, calling to reverse the proposed £10 Park & Ride parking charge at the York Community Stadium.


Councillor D’Agorne, the presented three petitions as follows:

·        Save our Open Spaces, calling for CYC to protect the ‘green’ as open space on Fulford Cross;

·        Residents Parking request Kilburn Rd;

·        Residents Parking request Wellington St, Willis St, Gordon St, Wolsley St (Heslington Rd area)


Councillor Doughty, asking that the Council reduce the speed

limit from 60mph to 40mph on Towthorpe Rd, Towthorpe.


Councillor Wells, on behalf of York Labour Women’s Forum,

calling on the City of York Council to pay the living wage to all

their services suppliers’ workers, as they have committed to do

as a Living Wage Employer.


Councillor Waller, requesting that;

·        The Council reviews safety at the current junction of Tudor Road with Gale Lane and reintroduces the crossing island at this wide junction on a route to school and local shops and services;

·        The new junction with the Lowfields Playing Fields housing estate does not result in the loss of parking provision in the area; and

·        The Council ensures that there is no worsening of surface water issues in the surrounding area resulting from the building on playing fields.


Councillor Craghill, on behalf of Extinction Rebellion, asking the City of York Council to Declare a Climate Emergency.



Report of Executive Leader and Executive Recommendations and Questions pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To receive and consider a written report from the Leader and, to answer questions on the work of the Executive, and the Executive recommendations for approval, as set out below:










14 February 2019




Minute 110:Chief Officer Redundancy

(report appended)









18 March





Investment in the redevelopment of Lincoln Court Independent

Living Scheme [To follow]






18 March





A Sustainable Future for York with Hyper Hubs [To follow]



Additional documents:



A. Executive Leader’s Report

A written report on the work of the Executive was received from the Executive Leader, Cllr Gillies.


Members were then invited to question the Leader on his report and questions were received from the floor from the following Members in relation to the subjects listed:


·        Cllr Carr  - Local Plan and removal of Strensall Barracks


Cllr Carr – Consideration of lower ONS figures

Cllr Kramm – Use of greenfield sites

·        Cllr Williams – Duplication of topics in the Leader and Deputy Leader reports

·        Cllr Kramm – Political balance of the Council and the number of Independent Members

·        Cllr Crawshaw – Climate Emergency and how York Central would contribute


Cllr Crawshaw – Sustainability of York Central

Cllr Craghill and Cllr Kramm – Transport Plan for York Central

·        Cllr Kallum Taylor – HIF grant and the size of the York Central development

·        Cllr Fenton – York Central and employment opportunities in the City  


Cllr Gillies responded directly to all the questions put to him, including supplementary questions.



B. Executive Recommendations


Chief Officer Redundancy


Cllr Gillies moved and Cllr Aspden seconded, the following recommendation contained in minute 117 of the Executive meeting held on 14 February 2019.


Recommended:           That Council approve the proposed redundancy.


Reason:              In accordance with legal and constitutional procedures.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was:


Resolved:           That the above recommendation in respect of the Chief Officer Redundancy be approved. 1



Investment in the Redevelopment of Lincoln Court independent Living Scheme


Cllr Gillies moved and Cllr Aspden seconded, the following recommendation contained in minute 138 of the Executive meeting held on 18 March 2019.


Recommended:           That Council approve the revised gross capital investment of £4.793m in the scheme, noting that this equates to £137k per unit of accommodation, which compares favourably to other older persons’ accommodation schemes being delivered across the city.


Reason:              To secure the long term future of Lincoln Court and ensure that it will provide high quality of accommodation for older people to help meet the increasing demand for accessible accommodation in this area.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was:


Resolved:           That the above recommendation in respect of Investment in the Redevelopment of Lincoln Court independent Living Scheme be approved 2.






A Sustainable Future for York with Hyper Hubs


Cllr Gillies moved and Cllr Aspden seconded, the following recommendation contained in minute 139 of the Executive meeting held on 18 March 2019.


Recommended:           That Council approve the budget of £700k for the Hyper Hubs project.


Reason:              In order to move forward and implement a sustainable approach to EV charging to meet the council’s ambitions in terms of promoting sustainable transport, reducing the city’s carbon footprint and increasing the use of electric vehicles in the city, and to work towards increasing air quality in the city.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was:


Resolved:           That the above  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.


Report of Deputy Leader and Questions pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To receive and consider a written report from the Deputy Leader and, to question the Deputy Leader thereon.



A written report was received from Cllr Aspden, the Deputy Leader, on his portfolio area.


Members were then invited to question Cllr Aspden on his report and questions were received from the floor from the following Members in relation to the subjects listed:


·        Cllr Cuthbertson – Strensall Barracks site and housing numbers in the Local Plan

·        Cllr Williams – York Central and the planning consultation response from York Liberal Democrats


Cllr Williams – York Liberal Democrats and York Central

Cllr Richardson – Jobs created by York Central site

Cllr Kramm – York Central air quality and Clean Air Zone

·        Cllr Warters – housing figures in the Local Plan

·        Richardson – Money being given Haxby library


Cllr Aspden responded directly to all the questions put to him, including supplementary questions.


Motions on Notice

To consider the following Motions on Notice under Standing Order 22:


Motions submitted for consideration directly by Council, in accordance with Standing Order 22.1


(i)    From Councillor K Taylor


Highways Standards


“Council notes that potholes affect all road users including cyclists, public transport users, those with mobility issues and private car users.


It further notes worrying trends on local road standards, including:


-      An increase in secondary roads in need of repair jumping from 7% to 21% in the past three years;

-      An increase in unclassified roads in need of repair jumping from 10% to 28% in the past three years;

-      An increase in those local roads in the worst states of repair jumping from 16% to 24% in the past four years;

-      York’s position as having the highest percentage of poorly maintained minor roads in the entire country.


Under investment in roads is an issue at both a local and national level, with 18% of the local road network estimated to be in need of repair nationally, with an associated cost of £9.31bn.


Council believes:


That greater investment in repairing York’s roads is urgently needed and that long term, more sustainable solutions must also be found including:


-      Earlier detection and intervention;

-      Better, more sustainable repair materials and technologies;

-      Reducing wear through increased walking and cycling; and

-      Increased investment in public transport to reduce car-dependency


Council resolves to ask the next Executive to make road repairs more of a local priority by:


-      Adopting a progressive and game-changing strategy that seeks to reverse each of the above indicators to fewer than one in five roads being in need of repair;

-      Investing at least an extra £1m each year for pothole repairs, targeted at secondary and unclassified roads, above current approved budgets; and

-      Giving cyclists a fair deal by increasing the proportion of highways expenditure spent on cycling.”


(ii)         From Councillor K Myers


Youth Clubs




Believes  it is vital for all young people to have the best possible start in life and that socialising with other young people and physical exercise outside of school plays a crucial role in this, as well as providing an antidote to an over-reliance on online activities;


Welcomes the joint administration's funding initiatives such as the £400k investment in upgrading 14 play parks, its £2.75m programme for new sporting facilities, including after school gymnastics coaching, at Burnholme and eight new sports pitches near Askham Bar, in addition to its commitment to fund all York libraries into the future whilst supporting their reinvention as relevant and accessible destinations for today's young people;


Is concerned however that many areas, especially outlying wards, lack access to facilities such as Youth Clubs which, unlike the case in some city centre wards, are not directly funded by the council.


Council therefore requests the Children, Education & Communities Policy & Scrutiny Committee to consider setting up a Task Group to engage with all relevant groups to look into the best way the city can  ...  view the full agenda text for item 68.


Motions submitted for consideration directly by Council, in accordance with Standing Order 23.1.


At this point in the meeting, to assist with the progress of the meeting, Councillor Gillies moved that all motions on notice, including amendments, be put  to the vote without debate, after having been moved and seconded.The Lord Mayor allowed that motion to be put as a procedural motion and Council agreed to proceed, as proposed.


Highways Standards


(proposed by Councillor Kallum Taylor and seconded by Councillor Boyce)


“Council notes that potholes affect all road users including cyclists, public transport users, those with mobility issues and private car users.


It further notes worrying trends on local road standards, including:

·        An increase in secondary roads in need of repair jumping from 7% to 21% in the past three years;

·        An increase in unclassified roads in need of repair jumping from 10% to 28% in the past three years;

·        An increase in those local roads in the worst states of repair jumping from 16% to 24% in the past four years;

·        York’s position as having the highest percentage of poorly maintained minor roads in the entire country.


Under investment in roads is an issue at both a local and national level, with 18% of the local road network estimated to be in need of repair nationally, with an associated cost of £9.31bn.


Council believes:

That greater investment in repairing York’s roads is urgently needed and that long term, more sustainable solutions must also be found including:

·        Earlier detection and intervention;

·        Better, more sustainable repair materials and technologies;

·        Reducing wear through increased walking and cycling; and

·        Increased investment in public transport to reduce car-dependency


Council resolves to ask the next Executive to make road repairs more of a local priority by:

·        Adopting a progressive and game-changing strategy that seeks to reverse each of the above indicators to fewer than one in five roads being in need of repair;

·        Investing at least an extra £1m each year for pothole repairs, targeted at secondary and unclassified roads, above current approved budgets; and

·        Giving cyclists a fair deal by increasing the proportion of highways expenditure spent on cycling.”


In moving his motion Councillor Kallum Taylor indicated that he was minded to accept the amendment to be proposed by Councillor Craghill.


Amendment from Councillor Craghill

After ‘Council resolves to ask the next Executive to make’ replace ‘road’ with ‘highway’

Add two final bullet points at the end of the motion as follows:

-         Giving pedestrians and people with mobility difficulties a fair deal by making sure a greater proportion of the budget is spent on improving pavements and providing more pedestrian priority.

-         Ensuring that the winter maintenance regime takes a risk-based approach with priority gritting for the city’s main cycling and pedestrian routes including key cycle/pedestrian bridges requiring separate treatment (Millennium Bridge, Hungate Bridge and the new Scarborough Bridge route).


Upon being formally asked, Council then agreed to accept the motion as altered above for debate so that it now read:


“Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68.


Questions to the Leader or Executive Members

To question the Leader and/or Executive Members in respect of any matter within their portfolio responsibility, in accordance with Standing Order 20.


In accordance with Standing Order 21, Members were invited to question the Leader and/or the other Executive Members in respect of any matters within their portfolio responsibility.


Questions were received from the floor from the following Members in relation to the subjects listed:


(i)      To Cllr Gillies, Leader

·        From Cllr Williams – Congestion Commission report and addressing congestion in the City


Cllr Williams – Record of administration’s measures to improve congestion

Cllr Craghill – Traffic levels in York

Cllr Crawshaw – Climate Emergency and system change


(ii)      To Cllr Aspden, Deputy Leader

·        From Cllr Kramm – Member support for Members who work


(iii)     To Councillor K Myers, Executive Member for Education, Children and Young People

·        From Cllr Crawshaw – Shortfall in the High Needs Block for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN).


Cllr Crawshaw – Overspend at Danesgate

Cllr D Myers – Overspend on Home to School Transport for SEN pupils


(iv)    To all Executive Members

·        From Cllr Warters – Clifford’s Tower


The Leader/Deputy Leader/Executive Members responded directly to all the questions put to them, including supplementary questions.


Report of Executive Member pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To receive a written report from the Executive Member for Economic Development & Community Engagement, and to question the Executive Member thereon, in accordance with Standing Order 19.


Council received a written report from Councillor Aspden, Executive Member for Economic Development and Community Engagement.


Questions were received from the floor from the following Members in relation to the subjects listed:


·        Councillor Steward – Deputy Leader’s achievements over this period


Cllr Steward – Ward Committees and Economic Growth

Cllr N Barnes – Ward Committee funding

Cllr Pavolvic – Ward funding delays

·        Councillor D Taylor – new jobs/low paid jobs in the City


Cllr D Taylor – Inward investment


Cllr Aspden responded directly to all the questions put to him, including supplementaries but advised that he would forward the required information to Hull Road Ward councillors and the statistics to Councillor Dave Taylor.


Resolved: That the report of the Executive Member for Economic Development and Community Engagement be received and noted.


Report of the Chair of the Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee pdf icon PDF 172 KB

To receive a report from Councillor Williams, Chair of the Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee (CSMC) on the work of the Committee.

Additional documents:


Councillor Williams moved, and Councillor Galvin seconded, the report of the Chair of the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee on the work of the Committee.


Resolved: That the report of the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee be noted.


Reason:     To update Members on the work of the committee.


Recommendations of the Gambling, Licensing & Regulatory Committee pdf icon PDF 86 KB





 Gambling,           11 February           Minute 28: Statement

 Licensing &                                       of Licensing Policy &

 Regulatory                                        Cumulative Impact

 Committee                                        Assessment




Cllr Lisle moved and Cllr Funnell seconded the following recommendations of the Gambling, Licensing and Regulatory Committee meeting held on 11 February 2019.


Statement of Licensing Policy & Cumulative Impact Assessment


Recommended:           That the draft Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment be adopted.


Reason:              To reflect the result of the consultation and meet legislative requirements.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was:


Resolved:  That the above recommendation of the Gambling, Licensing and Regulatory Committee meeting held on 11 February 2019  in relation to the draft Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment be approved. 1


Pay Policy 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To present the council’s Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 for approval.

Additional documents:


Councillor Gillies moved and Councillor Aspden seconded a motion to approve the Council’s Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 relating to the pay of the Council’s senior staff, and changes to the Chief Officer Pay Policy (including a community impact assessment)  to fulfil the requirements of Sections 38 – 43 of the Localism Act 2011.


On being put to vote, the motion was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved:  (i)      That the motion in respect of the Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 be approved.


(ii)      That the changes to the Chief Officer Pay Policy detailed in Appendix A of the Pay Policy Statement be noted and approved. 1


Reason:     In order to fulfil the requirements of Sections 38 – 43 of the Localism Act 2011 for the Council to produce and publish an annual policy statement that covers a number of matters concerning the pay of the Council’s senior staff, principally the Chief Officers and relationships with the pay of the rest of the workforce.



Appointments and Changes to Membership of Committees and Outside Bodies for the Remainder of 2018/19. pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider the appointments and changes to membership of committees and outside bodies set out on the list attached to this summons.


Resolved: That the appointments set out at page 141 of the council agenda be approved.


Designation of Interim Monitoring Officer pdf icon PDF 119 KB

In light of there being no further ordinary meeting of Full Council until July 2019 and in accordance with section 100B (4)(b) of the 1972 Local Government Act, the Lord Mayor, as Chair of Full Council, has agreed that Members consider this report under urgent provisions in view of the statutory requirements for the Council to designate one person to act as Monitoring Officer in the specific absence of the current designee.




In light of there being no further ordinary meeting of Full Council until July 2019 and in accordance with section 100B (4)(b) of the 1972 Local Government Act, the Lord Mayor, as Chair of Full Council agreed that Members consider this report under urgent provisions in view of the statutory requirements for the Council to designate one person to act as Monitoring Officer in the specific absence of the current designee.


Councillor Gillies moved and Councillor Aspden seconded the recommendation in the report. It was


Resolved:  That Council agree to remove the designation of Monitoring Officer from the current Assistant Director of Legal & Governance and re-designate the role of Monitoring Officer to the Interim Assistant Director Legal & Governance at the point at which their employment commences.


Reason:     To ensure that the Council is operating appropriately in

accordance with statutory requirements and with the

necessary advice and guidance required through a

monitoring officer.






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