Agenda item

Report of Executive Leader and Executive Recommendations and Questions

To receive and consider a written report from the Leader and, to answer questions on the work of the Executive, and the Executive recommendations for approval, as set out below:










14 February 2019




Minute 110:Chief Officer Redundancy

(report appended)









18 March





Investment in the redevelopment of Lincoln Court Independent

Living Scheme [To follow]






18 March





A Sustainable Future for York with Hyper Hubs [To follow]





A. Executive Leader’s Report

A written report on the work of the Executive was received from the Executive Leader, Cllr Gillies.


Members were then invited to question the Leader on his report and questions were received from the floor from the following Members in relation to the subjects listed:


·        Cllr Carr  - Local Plan and removal of Strensall Barracks


Cllr Carr – Consideration of lower ONS figures

Cllr Kramm – Use of greenfield sites

·        Cllr Williams – Duplication of topics in the Leader and Deputy Leader reports

·        Cllr Kramm – Political balance of the Council and the number of Independent Members

·        Cllr Crawshaw – Climate Emergency and how York Central would contribute


Cllr Crawshaw – Sustainability of York Central

Cllr Craghill and Cllr Kramm – Transport Plan for York Central

·        Cllr Kallum Taylor – HIF grant and the size of the York Central development

·        Cllr Fenton – York Central and employment opportunities in the City  


Cllr Gillies responded directly to all the questions put to him, including supplementary questions.



B. Executive Recommendations


Chief Officer Redundancy


Cllr Gillies moved and Cllr Aspden seconded, the following recommendation contained in minute 117 of the Executive meeting held on 14 February 2019.


Recommended:           That Council approve the proposed redundancy.


Reason:              In accordance with legal and constitutional procedures.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was:


Resolved:           That the above recommendation in respect of the Chief Officer Redundancy be approved. 1



Investment in the Redevelopment of Lincoln Court independent Living Scheme


Cllr Gillies moved and Cllr Aspden seconded, the following recommendation contained in minute 138 of the Executive meeting held on 18 March 2019.


Recommended:           That Council approve the revised gross capital investment of £4.793m in the scheme, noting that this equates to £137k per unit of accommodation, which compares favourably to other older persons’ accommodation schemes being delivered across the city.


Reason:              To secure the long term future of Lincoln Court and ensure that it will provide high quality of accommodation for older people to help meet the increasing demand for accessible accommodation in this area.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was:


Resolved:           That the above recommendation in respect of Investment in the Redevelopment of Lincoln Court independent Living Scheme be approved 2.






A Sustainable Future for York with Hyper Hubs


Cllr Gillies moved and Cllr Aspden seconded, the following recommendation contained in minute 139 of the Executive meeting held on 18 March 2019.


Recommended:           That Council approve the budget of £700k for the Hyper Hubs project.


Reason:              In order to move forward and implement a sustainable approach to EV charging to meet the council’s ambitions in terms of promoting sustainable transport, reducing the city’s carbon footprint and increasing the use of electric vehicles in the city, and to work towards increasing air quality in the city.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was:


Resolved:           That the above recommendation in respect of Hyper Hubs be approved3.


Supporting documents:


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