Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, York. View directions

Contact: Catherine Clarke and Louise Cook  Democracy Officers

No. Item


Inspection of Sites


The following sites were inspected before the meeting:




Attended by

Reason for Visit

Junior School Bungalow, 16 Low Green, Copmanthorpe

Councillors Crisp, Sue Galloway, Gillies, Looker, and Reid

As objections had been received and the recommendation is to approve.

Woodlands, Wetherby Road, Rufforth

Councillors Crisp, Sue Galloway, Gillies, Horton, Looker and Reid

At the request of Councillor B Hudson


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business of the agenda.


Councillor Horton (Chair) declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 4c (Junior School Bungalow, 16 Low Green, Copmanthorpe) as he was a Governor at Copmanthorpe Primary School. He withdrew from the meeting for this item and Councillor Sue Galloway (Vice Chair) took the Chair.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of the West & City Centre Area Planning Sub-Committee held on 19 June 2008 and 1 July 2008.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meetings held on 19 June 2008 and 1 July 2008 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Public Participation

It is at this point in the meeting that members of the public who have registered their wish to speak can do so. The deadline for registering is by 5pm the working day before the meeting. Members of the public can speak on specific planning applications or on other agenda items or matters within the remit of the committee.


To register please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of this agenda.


It was reported that nobody had registered to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme on general issues within the remit of the Sub-Committee.


Plans List

Members will consider a schedule of reports of the Assistant Director (Planning and Sustainable Development), relating to planning applications with an outline the proposals and relevant policy considerations and the views and advice of consultees and officers.


Members considered a schedule of reports of the Assistant Director (Planning and Sustainable Development), relating to the following planning applications, outlining the proposals and relevant policy considerations and setting out the views and advice of consultees and officers.


Tancred House, Main Street, Hessay, York, YO26 8JR (08/01220/FULM) pdf icon PDF 50 KB

30m x 50m ménage including 6 no. floodlights and access road, and change of use of agricultural land to paddock. [Rural West York Ward] [Site Visit]

Additional documents:


It was reported that a major full application, submitted by Mr Chris Digby for a 30m by 50m ménage including 6 floodlights and access road and change of use of agricultural land to paddock, had been withdrawn by the applicant.


Woodlands, Wetherby Road, Rufforth, York, YO23 3QF (08/00836/FUL) pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Erection of dormer bungalow revised access and creation of parking and turning area. [Rural West York Ward] [Site Visit].

Additional documents:


Members considered a full application from Professor J Jones for a erection of  a dormer bungalow, revised access and the creation of parking and turning area.


The Case Officer advised Members that an objection had been received from the Drainage team. They had reported that Rufforth had suffered from flooding including both foul and surface water. They advised that, as the proposed method of surface water disposal was via soakaway, this should be shown to work through an appropriate assessment carried out under BRE Digest 365, carried out in wet weather, to prove that the ground has sufficient capacity to accept surface water discharge and to prevent flooding of the surrounding land and the site itself. The applicant must prove that no adverse effects would arise from the proposal however insufficient information had been received from the applicant to determine this. The Planning Officer proposed that, as this was not a matter that could be conditioned, this be added as an extra reason for the officer recommendation of refusal of the application.


Representations were received from the Agent, in support of the application. He advised Members that that there had been notable changes in this part of the village over recent years. He stated that the plot was not considered an  important space within the street scene and that, in his opinion, views would not be adversely affected. He stressed that this was a small scale development with only 2 bedrooms and sufficient space for a useable garden. He pointed out that there had been no objections from Highways regarding the access road and spoke briefly about methods of drainage.


Members commented that, having visited the site, there didn’t appear to be an  evident plot for an additional residential dwelling and also expressed concerns over exacerbating the existing drainage problems in Rufforth.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused 1


REASON:                  1.         The introduction of this property to this constrained driveway site would be out of character with the existing spaces around  surrounding properties towards the edge of Rufforth village and would create an awkward relationship with Highfield House. It would result in the loss of separation gaps and create a more dense pattern of development which would be out of character with the semi rural pattern of development . The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policies GB2, GP10 and GP1 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan 2005 and guidance issued in the Rufforth Village Design Statement. The proposal would also be contrary to national guidance issued in PPG 2 'Green Belts' and PPS 1 'Delivering Sustainable Development'.



                                    2          Approval of the property would involve the creation of a new residential access link within the designated Green Belt , outside the Defined Settlement Limit which would be contrary to Policy GB1 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan 2005 and guidance contained within PPG2 'Green Belts'.


                                    3          Rufforth has suffered from flooding and drainage problems. Insufficient information has been submitted to show that the proposed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25b


Junior School Bungalow, 16 Low Green, Copmanthorpe, York, YO23 3SB (08/01311/GRG3) pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Change of use from caretaker's dwelling to out of school club. [Rural West York Ward] [Site Visit].

Additional documents:


Members considered a General Regulations (Reg3) application by the City of York Council for a change of use from caretaker’s dwelling to out of school club.


The Case Officer reported that the School had submitted a statement in support of the application. A copy of the full statement was circulated to Members and the Planning Officer summarised the statement as follows:


“The School sees the proposal as an opportunity to further its partnership with the community and particularly to benefit children in the village. The school has been encouraged to follow government initiatives for extended day facilities, especially in providing for the transition of younger children into school. Many other schools in City of York already provide these facilities. The school encourages pupils and parents to walk to school and the school has recently received a bronze eco mark. Parents would be encouraged to walk their child to the bungalow and this philosophy would form part of the selection process for the provider of the unit.”


The Case Officer reported that five residents from Low Green had objected to the proposal and that two further e-mails had been received from the objectors requesting that residents parking restrictions should be imposed on Low Green to alleviate problems with traffic and parking and that conditions should be imposed in respect of noise levels. Residents also raised concerns that the operation of the club could be contracted out.


The Case Officer reported that in respect of parking provision, Highways Network Management commented that this application did not warrant additional traffic controls and that any existing problems should be reported directly to the Traffic Section with a view to being included in the annual review of Local Traffic Regulations.


The Planning and Development Officer, in the Learning Culture and Children’s Services Directorate, attended the meeting to answer any questions Members had on the application.


Members raised concerns that providing a drop off point could encourage parents to use cars instead of walking their children to school. They also enquired about the provision of car parking spaces. The Planning and Development Officer responded to Members concerns and advised that the car parking spaces were intended for use outside school hours.


Members welcomed the opportunity to re-use the caretakers dwelling, which if left alone could become derelict, and to clear up the area around the building. They agreed that the out of hours club would benefit from being in a purpose built building and allow it space to develop.


Members agreed that there was no reason to prevent use of the building on Saturdays and agreed to amend conditions 4, 5 and 6 to remove restrictions on Saturday use.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the following amended conditions1:


Amended Condition 4

The hours of operation of the school club shall be confined to 07:30 - 18:00 Mondays to Saturdays, with no operation of the school club on Sundays and Bank Holidays.


Reason:  To safeguard  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25c


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