Decision details

Fossgate Public Realm Improvements

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of the report: To report on the proposals and consultation for improvements to the layout and appearance of Fossgate and its junctions with Pavement and Walmgate/Merchantgate, and to seek approval to implement the proposed changes.

To request approval to advertise amendments to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for revisions to parking bays and waiting restrictions, and to implement the amendments if no objections are received. If objections to the TRO advertisement are received, these will be reported back to Executive Member decision session for a decision.

The report will ask the Executive Member to consider the content of the report and any objections raised against the proposed scheme, and approve the implementation of the proposals as per the recommendations. Approve the advertisement of the TRO and subsequent implementation of the changes (if no objections are received).




(i)      That the implementation of the proposed scheme as shown in Annex C be approved.


Reason: The proposals serve to provide much needed improvements to enhance the layout of the street in support of the recent change in traffic flow direction, thereby improving the quality and experience for pedestrians with additional crossing facilities, widened footways and sections of the road raised to improve accessibility. By renovating the junction of Pavement and modifying the Merchantgate junction, this will provide improved connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists to access Fossgate.


(ii)      That approval be given to advertise a Traffic Regulation Order required to amend the parking and waiting restrictions on Fossgate associated with the measures and to give approval to implement the changes to the TRO if no objections are received. If objections are received to the TRO advertisement, these will be reported back to the Executive Member for a decision.


Reason: to enable the parking and waiting restrictions to be amended and implemented concurrent to the proposed scheme


(iii)     That approval be given to undertake a future, more focussed consultation on the potential to pedestrianise Fossgate either in full or partially,noting that any consultation would not take place until works on the scheme had been completedand after options for pedestrianisation had been presented to the  Executive Member.


Reason: The consultation has highlighted that there is a strong desire to pedestrianise Fossgate.


(iv)    That the recommendations of the Economy and Place Policy Development - Pre Decision Call In were taken into consideration in coming to a decision.


Reason: To consider the views of Councillors through the Pre Decision Scrutiny process.

Report author: David Mercer

Publication date: 15/11/2018

Date of decision: 15/11/2018

Decided at meeting: 15/11/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 20/11/2018

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