Councillor Ian Cuthbertson

Party: Liberal Democrats
Political grouping: Liberal Democrat
Ward: Haxby and Wigginton Ward
Other councillors representing this Ward:
More information about this councillor
Additional Information
I currently receive a basic allowance of £11,392.
Information on Members' Allowances and Expenses
Information about Haxby and Wigginton Ward can be found here:
City of York Council is not responsible for the content of external websites.
You can view my personal website @
Contact information
Home address:
26 Earswick Chase
YO32 9FY
Phone: 01904 764356
Download Councillor Ian Cuthbertson contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
- Children, Culture and Communities Scrutiny CommitteeHaxby & Wigginton Ward
- Corporate Appeals Panel
- CouncilHaxby and Wigginton Ward
- Haxby and Wigginton Ward Committee
- Licensing and Regulatory Committee (Vice-Chair)Haxby & Wigginton Ward
- Licensing/Gambling Hearing (Vice-Chair)
- Local Plan Working Group (Substitute)
Terms of Office
- 05/05/2003 - 07/05/2007
- 09/05/2011 - 11/05/2015
- 11/05/2015 - 06/05/2019
- 06/05/2019 - 08/05/2023
Appointments to outside bodies
- City of York Trading Company
- Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (Mental Health and Learning Disabilities)
- Schools Effectiveness and Achievement Monitoring Group
- St Wilfrid's Eleemosynary Charity
- York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Audit and Governance Committee (Substitute)