Outside body
Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Partnership Board
The Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Partnership Board is a sub-board of the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board is accountable to the Health and Wellbeing Board for delivering certain Health and Wellbeing Strategy priorities and objectives.
The Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Partnership Board has several specific responsibilities in relation to mental health and learning disabilities.
1. Taking joint leadership and responsibility for the city
2. Setting priority objectives, not only for health and wellbeing but also for any other matters relevant to mental health and learning disabilities, i.e. employment or housing
3. Collating an understanding of need, for use in Joint Strategic Needs Assessments
4. Investigating joint commissioning and shared budget arrangements
5. Overseeing whole system pathway redesign
6. Ensure individual organisation plans/spending reflect priorities
7. Monitoring outcomes
8. Setting up task and finish groups to undertake particular detailed work
9. Ensuring planning, commissioning and delivery is informed by community and patient voice
10. Producing an annual report for the Health and Wellbeing Board
Contact information
Tracy Wallis, Health and Well Being Partnerships Co-ordinator
Public Health Team
West Offices
Station Rise
York YO1 6GA
Phone: 01904 551714