Outside body

Early Years SEN Steering Group




The Early Years Steering Group was originally the City of York Portage Steering Group, set up to ensure accountability and oversight of the delivery of the Portage Home Visiting Service. Portage was established in 1996 with the aim of enhancing the development of pre-school children who have a disability by providing a highly specialised home visiting service. It became part of the multi-disciplinary Specialist Early  Years Support Team (SEYST), line-managed by the Senior Educational Psychologist for Early Years.


By 2012 the group incorporated the work of other SEYST members including the Early Years Specialist Teachers and the Early Support Coordinator. The Early Years Steering Group  was re-named and exists now as a multi-agency steering group which is comprised of representatives from the Local Authority, Health, Social Care and a CYC Councilor. More recently a representative from the Local Authority Childcare Strategy has joined to ensure there is a link to the government initiative for the 30 hours childcare entitlement. It is chaired by the Principal Educational Psychologist with the Senior Educational Psychologist for Early Years as the vice-chair.




Meetings are held every 6 months (May and November) for three hours and are held at Hob Moor Childrens Centre.

All administration for meetings is undertaken by Sara Pay, SEYST Business Support Sara.Pay@york.gov.uk


City of York Council Officer Contact:


Tina Hardman

Principal Educational Psychologist

Telephone:  (01904) 554305

Email: Tina.Hardman@york.gov.uk


Geraldine Jackson

Senior Educational Psychologist for Early Years

Telephone: (01904) 551370

Email:  Geraldine.jackson@york.gov.uk


(formerly Portage and Early Support Steering Group)

Contact information

Tina Hardman
Principal Educational Psychologist

Our representatives


Recite Me accessibility and Language Support