Outside body

York College Governing Body


Below is a description of the College and the role of the Governing Body. The term of office is 4 years.


The Governance page of the College website can be found at http://www.yorkcollege.ac.uk/about-us/232-governance.html and the minutes of meetings can be accessed from the menu on the left hand side of that page.


Public Value

York College Corporation is an exempt charity for the purposes of the Charities Act 1993 as amended by the Charities Act 2011. The Corporation was established in 1999 and is subject to the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 for the purposes of conducting the activities of York College.


The Corporation is responsible for the following functions:

• The determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and the oversight of its activities.

• Approving the quality strategy of the institution.

• The effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the institution and the Corporation and safeguarding their assets.

• Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure.

• The appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the holders of senior posts and the Clerk.

• Setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.


In setting and reviewing the objectives and activities of the College, the governors, as trustees, have had due regard to the public benefit that is expected to derive from the advancement of education and training. They are particularly keen to ensure the College develops academic and vocational skills and knowledge, whilst providing a broad education which enhances an individual’s employability skills. Ultimately the College wishes to nurture responsible citizens for the future who can engage positively, in many ways, with their community. These overarching desires are expressed through the setting of the College’s mission, vision and values, strategic plan and key objectives. Reports on the College’s performance may be found in the Annual Report published each December, the College’s Self Assessment Report and other strategic documents.


Vision, Values and Mission:

Governors and all College staff have been consulted on the College’s mission, vision and values which underpin the annual setting of key objectives and strategy through the College’s Academic Board structure and governor strategic planning activities:

York College’s ambition is to be a truly Outstanding college.


The York College Mission:

York College: where everyone matters and a successful future begins.

York College's Mission is to provide a life enhancing educational experience, through inspirational teaching, working in partnership and helping individuals to be the best they can.


York College’s Values are summarised by the following statement:

'As a way of fostering learning, York College values:

• all our students and their individual achievements

• the commitment and professionalism of our staff

• the highest standards in all that we do

• working together to meet the needs of our College and

the wider community

• effective, efficient and appropriate use of resources

• respect, equality and honesty'


The College’s progress against its key objectives is monitored closely by governors and College managers and other staff and informs strategic planning and the College’s self assessment activities and reports. Governors also direct activities and receive regular information and reports regarding the College’s engagement with its communities, the satisfaction expressed with the portfolio and education and training and service offered by the College, and future developments planned based upon the feedback received.


Feedback is gathered from stakeholders in a number of ways, including:

• Surveys (including parents, students, employers, staff)

• Focus groups

• Feedback following events

• Parent, carer, employer, student, prospective student advice and

feedback activities

• Governor activity including Employer and Skills committee and Chair directed appraisal of Principal involving key stakeholders

• Reporting including that of complaints and compliments

Contact information

Sarah McKenzie, Clerk to the Corporation
Secretary: Cheryl Pearson, 01904 770227

York College
Sim Balk Lane
YO23 2BB

Phone: 01904 770211

Website: http://www.yorkcollege.ac.uk/about-us/232-governance.html

York City is not responsible for the content of any external link

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