Forward plan

14 January 2010 to 15 May 2010  (14/01/2010 to 15/05/2010, Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11)

Plan items
No. Item


Neighbourhood Services Fees and Charges for 2010/11

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services

Decision due:   19/01/10

Lead officer:  Rachel Harrison


Report back on Changes to the Constitution

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   19/01/10

Originally due:   01/12/09

Lead officer:  Alison Lowton

Decision status:  Decision Made


Minutes of Working Groups

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   19/01/10; This is a "Date Comment"

Lead officer:  Jayne Carr

Decision status:  Decision Made


Access York Phase 1 Park & Ride Development - Procurement of Lead Design Consultant and Preferred Bidder Recommendation

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   19/01/10

Lead officer:  Paul Thackray

Decision status:  Decision Made


Local Area Agreement Refresh 2009/10

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   19/01/10

Lead officer:  Nigel Burchell

Decision status:  Withdrawn


The Future Delivery of Key Account Management and Inward Investment Activity in York

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   19/01/10

Lead officer:  Roger Ranson

Decision status:  Decision Made


Residents Parking Scheme review of low carbon emission policy

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   19/01/10

Lead officer:  Stephen Hockley

Decision status:  Decision Made


Revenue Budget Estimates 1210/11 - Children & Young People's Services New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Children & Young People's Services

Decision due:   25/01/10; This is a "Date Comment"

Lead officer:  Richard Hartle


Health Scrutiny Committee's response on the Executive referral regarding overspends in HASS

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Decision due:   26/01/10

Lead officer:  Tracy Wallis


Response to Petition for Double Glazing

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Decision due:   26/01/10

Lead officer:  Steve Waddington


Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11 - Housing and Adult Social Services New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Decision due:   26/01/10; This is a "Date Comment"


Non Residential Charging Policy

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Decision due:   26/01/10

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell


Adoption of Zero Waste Accreditation for York New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services

Decision due:   Before 26/01/10

Lead officer:  Geoff Derham


Annual Parking Services Report 2008/09 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services

Decision due:   26/01/10

Lead officer:  Liz Levett


Neighbourhood Services Budget for 2010/11 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services

Decision due:   26/01/10

Lead officer:  Rachel Harrison


Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11 - Chief Executive's New!

Decision maker:  Leader

Decision due:   27/01/10

Lead officer:  Patrick Looker


Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11 - Economic Development New!

Decision maker:  Leader

Decision due:   27/01/10

Lead officer:  Patrick Looker


Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11 - Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Leisure, Culture & Social Inclusion

Decision due:   27/01/10; This is a "Date Comment"

Lead officer:  Richard Hartle


Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11 - City Strategy Fees and Charges New!

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision:   28/01/10

Decision status:  Decision Made


Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11 - City Strategy New!

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision:   28/01/10

Decision status:  Decision Made


Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11 - Resources Directorate New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision due:   29/01/10

Lead officer:  Patrick Looker


Feedback on Public Data Sources/Approval of Launch of a Local Information System for York and North Yorkshire New!

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   02/02/10

Lead officer:  Pauline Stuchfield

Decision status:  Decision Made


A19/A1237 Roundabout Improvements - Detailed Design

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision:   02/02/10

Decision status:  Decision Made


Public Rights of Way - Application for Definitive Map Modification Order Alleged Public Footpath, Thorganby Lane to Lawn Closes (Public Footpath No.7), Wheldrake

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Lead officer:  Joanne Coote

Decision status:  Decision Made


Public Rights of Way - Application for Definitive Map Modification Order Alleged Public Footpath, Ings Bridge to Storwood, Wheldrake

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision:   02/02/10

Decision status:  Decision Made


Public Rights of Way - Application for Definitive Map Modification Order Alleged Public Footpath, from Main Street to Sparrow Hill Farm, Wheldrake

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision:   02/02/10

Decision status:  Decision Made


Public Rights of Way - Application for Definitive Map Modification Order Alleged Public Footpath, Church Lane to Carr Lane, Wheldrake

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision:   02/02/10

Decision status:  Decision Made


Public Rights of Way - Application for Definitive Map Modification Order Alleged Public Footpath, Main Street to North Lane (Love Lane), Wheldrake

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision:   02/02/10

Decision status:  Decision Made


Orbital Cycle Route : Proposed Improvement Schemes

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision:   02/02/10

Decision status:  Decision Made


Performance & Finance Monitor 3

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Peter Lowe, Janet Lornie

Decision status:  Decision Made


Capital Programme Monitor 3

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Ross Brown, Louise Branford-White

Decision status:  Decision Made


Treasury Management Monitor 3

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Ross Brown, Louise Branford-White

Decision status:  Decision Made


Introduction of a Taxi Card for disabled persons

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Andrew Bradley

Decision status:  Decision Made


Fleet Management and Vehicle Maintenance

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   16/02/10


10:10 Campaign and Sustainability Update New!

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  David Warburton

Decision status:  Decision Made


Comments from the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee regarding the referral from the Executive on overspends in Adult Social services New!

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Tracy Wallis

Decision status:  Decision Made


Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators for 2010/11 to 2014/15 New!

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Louise Branford-White

Decision status:  Withdrawn


Capital programme Budget 10/11 to 14/15 New!

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Ross Brown

Decision status:  Withdrawn


Financial Strategy 2010 - 2016 New!

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Janet Lornie

Decision status:  Withdrawn


Expansion of Kerbside Boxes

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services

Decision due:   16/02/10

Originally due:   15/12/09

Lead officer:  Geoff Derham


Contaminated Land Update New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services

Decision due:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  Lucie Hankinson


Accounts Submitted for Write Off

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision due:   16/02/10

Lead officer:  David Walker


Minutes for Working Groups

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   02/03/10; This is a "Date Comment"

Lead officer:  Jayne Carr


Appointments of Local Authority School Governors

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Children & Young People's Services

Decision due:   16/03/10

Lead officer:  Sue Pagliaro


Information Governance Policy & Strategy 2010

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   30/03/10

Lead officer:  Robert Beane


Minutes of Working Groups

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   30/03/10; This is a "Date Comment"

Lead officer:  Jayne Carr

Decision status:  Decision Made


Corporate Asset Management Update Report

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   30/03/10

Lead officer:  Philip Callow, Tim Bradley


Strategic Asset Management Planning – (MfY)

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision due:   30/03/10

Lead officer:  Philip Callow


New Business Model for the Peripatetic Music Service New!

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services, Executive Member for Children & Young People's Services

Lead officer:  Gill Cooper

Decision status:  Decision Made


Accounts Submitted for Write Off

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision due:   27/04/10

Originally due:   20/04/10

Lead officer:  David Walker


Minutes of Working Groups New!

Decision maker:  Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Decision:   11/05/10; This is a "Date Comment"

Lead officer:  Jayne Carr

Decision status:  Decision Made


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