Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Revenue Budget 2008/09'

  • Councillor Dave Merrett - Personal - In relation to charges for school meals, Music and Arts services for schools, and school sports clubs as his daughter used these services.
  • Councillor David Horton - Personal - As a holder of a bus pass.
  • Councillor David Scott - Personal - As a member of the union, Unite, as a Theatre Royal member, and as a holder of a Respark permit.
  • Councillor Julie Gunnell - Personal - As an employee at York CVS.
  • Councillor Ken King - Personal - As he was a Member of the Theatre Board, as a holder of a bus pass, and in relation to homecare workers.
  • Councillor Ruth Potter - Personal - As Chair of the trustees of York Wheels, as Older People’s Champion, and in relation to music tuition fees, which she paid for her daughter.
  • Councillor Sandy Fraser - Personal - As a retired member of Unison in relation to staffing issues, and as a user of visitor permits in Respark zones.
  • Councillor Tracey Simpson-Laing - Personal - In relation to voluntary sector funding as an employee of a voluntary organisation, funding for after school clubs as her daughter attended one, and in relation to music tuition fees, which she paid for her daughter.


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