Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'

  • Councillor Paul Firth - Personal - In plans item 3a) (Creepy Crawlies, The Arena, Cliftongate Business Park, Wigginton Road, Wigginton) as he had been a member of Wigginton Parish Council when they had considered this application and he left the room and took no part in the discussion and voting thereon.
  • Councillor Richard Moore - - In connection with plans item 3d (376 Huntington Road, York) confirmed that he had been a member of the Licensing Panel that had considered an application by Tesco at this site for a drinks licence. He confirmed that following legal advice he had been assured that as the licensing application and the planning application for the ATM were separate matters that this would not affect his consideration of the application.
  • Councillor Sian Wiseman - Personal - In plans item 3b (Greystones Farm, Towthorpe Moor Lane, Strensall) as a member of Earswick Parish Council but that she had not viewed any plans or taken part in any discussion or voting at that meeting.


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