Issue details
Admissions Arrangements for the 2026/27 School Year
Purpose of Report: This report seeks the Executive Member’s approval for the City of York Council co-ordinated schemes and admission policies for the 2026/27 school year. It also seeks approval of the proposed individual school published admission numbers (PANs) for the academic year beginning in September 2026. The report follows a period of 6 weeks consultation from 7/10/24 to 18/11/2024.
The Executive Member will be asked to approve the admission arrangements (admissions policies and published admission numbers) for all schools for whom the local authority is the admissions authority, for entry into school in September 2026.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Decision Made (subject to call-in)
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2024
Decision due: 14/01/25 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education
Lead member: Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education
Lead director: Corporate Director of Children and Education
Department: Directorate of Children and Education
Contact: Barbara Mands, Acting Deputy Head of Service & Policy & Planning Manager Email: / Email: Email:, Rachelle White, School Admissions Manager Email:
Consultation process
The statutory requirement is for a six week
consultation 7th October to 18th November. Consultees: Headteachers
and governing bodies of all schools in the City of York area,
admissions authorities other than CYC (Voluntary Aided and Academy
schools), neighbouring admissions authorities, dioceses of Church
of England and Roman Catholic churches. Also any parent/carers of
children in the area who respond to consultation documents.
Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: To be completed