Issue details
Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist
Purpose of the Report: The Validation
Checklist is a list of documents required to make a planning
application valid. The checklist itself provides guidance on our
local validation requirements which have been identified as
necessary to indicate development proposals’ compliance with
the National Planning Policy Framework, the Local Plan and other
relevant legislation. The requirements are considered proportionate
to the nature and scale of the proposals and comply with current
best practice. The report will detail the legislative background to
the validation checklist as set out in the Development Management
Procedure Order 2015.
Executive Member will be asked to agree to public consultation on
the draft validation checklist for a period of no less than 6 weeks
early in 2025 (post adoption of the Local Plan). Agree delegation
to the Director for Environment, Planning and Transport for changes
to the Validation List prior to and post consultation for
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Decision Made
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/11/2024
Decision due: 04/12/24 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities
Lead member: Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities
Lead director: Interim Director of City Development
Department: Directorate of City Development
Contact: Alison Stockdale, Development Management Officer email:
Consultation process
All relevant officers and members have been
Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be considered as part of the report.