Issue details
Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy 2024-29
Purpose of Report: The report will present to Executive the Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy for 2024-29. The Strategy will guide work in this area for the following five years and will seek to enlist partners, stakeholders and citizens in a plan to make homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.
The Executive will be asked to:
i. Approve the Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy for 2024-29.
ii. Establish a multi-agency governance board to help guide the Strategy.
iii. Authorise the Director of Housing and Communities and the Corporate Director – Adult Social Care and Integration, to work with partners on service re-design and service transformation, moving to a Housing First approach.
iv. Authorise Director of Housing and Communities to work with partners to increase the supply of suitable accommodation to help meet demand.
v. Authorise Director of Housing and Communities and the Corporate Director – Adult Social Care and Integration, to develop a preventative approach and services.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Decision Made
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2024
Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;
Decision due: 12/12/24 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities
Lead director: Corporate Director of Adult Services and Integration, Director of Housing and Communities
Department: Directorate of Housing and Communities
Contact: Andrew Bebbington, Housing Development Co-ordinator 01904 554351 / Email: Email:
Consultation process
Partner, stakeholder, staff, service user and
citizen engagement is underway and will continue through the
autumn. The outcome of this engagement will influence and shape the
Strategy that is presented to Executive in December 2024.
Primary Care - representing GPs
TEWV - Mental Health Services
Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Public health including addiction services
Corporate Parenting Board
Adult Services Boards bringing Health & Social Care
Staff working in hostels and support services and neighbourhood
Registered Social Landlords
University / Centre for Housing Policy
North Yorkshire homelessness & mental health connection
Mappa operational group
York Council for Voluntary Service
Tang Hall Smart
Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance
Tenants Panel
Changing Lives
Salvation Army
CareCent including Lived Experience
Peaseholme Charity
Community Safety Hub
NYC City Centre contact
Community Links
Community based churches and other organisations working with
single homeless people
.. and others
Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: Yes
- 13/12/2024 - Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy 2024-29
Agenda items
- 12/12/2024 - Executive Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy 2024- 29 (17:49) 12/12/2024
- Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy 2024-29