Issue details

York Youth Strategy

Purpose of Report: The report provides an update on plans to develop a Youth Strategy for the City and seeks the Executive’s approval of the strategy. The purpose of the strategy is to develop a new local landscape of how the council and providers of youth services work in partnership to meet the needs of young people and reflecting revised statutory guidance on youth offers.

The Executive will be asked to: Agree the Youth Strategy.

The original action date for this item was 10 October 2024. The date for this item has changed in order to continue co-production engagement with Youth Partnership members, to develop the priority activities to deliver the Strategy, and to consider feedback from Scrutiny Committee engagement.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/08/2024

Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;

Decision due: 14/11/24 by Executive
Reason: The action date for this item has changed. Please open item for more information.

Lead member: Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education, Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities

Lead director: Corporate Director of Children and Education, Pauline Stuchfield, Directorate of Housing and Communities, Martin Kelly

Department: Directorate of Children and Education

Contact: Niall McVicar Email: Email: Email:, Joe Micheli, Head of Communities Email:

Consultation process

The development of the strategy has been carried out in consultation with the York Youth Network and York Youth Council.

York Youth Network
York Youth Council

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: Yes



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