Issue details

Consideration of representations received for Annual Review of Traffic Regulation Order Requests

Purpose of the Report: Consider the representations received following the advertisement of the Annual Review of Traffic Regulation Order proposals.

Executive Member will be asked: To consider the representations received from residents and to approve the officer recommendations within the report.

The date for this item has changed from 21 May 2024 to 28 May 2024 to align with the change in meeting date.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Acomb Ward; Bishopthorpe Ward; Clifton Ward; Copmanthorpe Ward; Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward; Fishergate Ward; Fulford and Heslington Ward; Guildhall Ward; Haxby and Wigginton Ward; Heworth Ward; Holgate Ward; Huntington and New Earswick Ward; Micklegate Ward; Osbaldwick and Derwent Ward; Rawcliffe and Clifton Without; Rural West York Ward; Westfield Ward; Wheldrake Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/04/2024

Decision due: 28/05/24 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport
Reason: The date for this item has changed. Please open for more information.

Lead member: Executive Member for Transport

Lead director: Corporate Director of Place

Department: Directorate of Place

Contact: Geoff Holmes, Traffic Projects Officer email:;.

Consultation process

The items proposed following approval at a public decision session with the Executive Member were advertised on 10th November to 1st December 2023. The proposals were advertised in the York Press, locally on street with Notice of Proposals and letter drops to adjacent properties. Ward Councillors and Parish Councils were also notified of all proposals.

Consultees: Residents, local Ward Councillors and Parish Councils.

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be considered as part of the report.


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