Issue details

Development of a new York Local Transport Strategy

Purpose of Report: To present a draft Local Transport Strategy (LTS) for York, a consultation plan and governance arrangements for further work on the LTS. If accepted, the York LTS will become an input into the Local Transport Plan being developed with North Yorkshire Council, which will be submitted by the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, in their role as Local Transport Authority for York and North Yorkshire after May 2024.

The Executive will be asked to approve the LTS as a basis for consultation and approve the consultation timescale and scope, governance arrangements and formation of a working group to assist with transport policy making and delivery in York.

Administrative error - this should have been allocated to October Executive not September as previously published.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/08/2023

Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;

Decision due: 12/10/23 by Executive

Lead member: Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Economy and Culture

Lead director: Corporate Director of Place

Department: Directorate of Place

Contact: Julian Ridge email:

Consultation process

The report asks permission to go to consultation, not to enact the LTS. There will be limited consultation before submission of the report in October to ensure the consultation will be accessible to all groups in the community including those with protected characteristics.

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be considered as part of the report.


Agenda items


  • Development of a new York Local Transport Strategy  


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