Issue details

New Lane Acomb SMS – Consultation Feedback

Purpose of Report: The report details the results of a consultation exercise with regard speed management proposals for New Lane, Acomb following on from the completion of a feasibility study and the receipt of a 124 signature petition

The Executive Member will be asked to make a decision on how to proceed with the speed management scheme.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Holgate Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/06/2023

Decision due: 11/07/23 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport

Lead member: Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Economy and Culture

Lead director: Corporate Director of Place

Department: Directorate of Place

Contact: Ben Potter Email:

Consultation process

Consultation letter and associated plans delivered to local residents and issued to relevant external parties including all emergency services.

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be considered as part of the report.


Agenda items


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