Issue details
Occupational Health and Day One Absence Management Provision
Purpose of Report: To seek permission to re-procure an Occupational Health and Day One Absence Management Service for the Council, key in ensuring employees are able to fulfil their duties safely with their health and wellbeing supported.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Cabinet Decision - a 'Key Issue' - decision leading to savings or expenditure of £500,000 or above;
Decision status: Decision Made
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/10/2022
Decision due: 22/11/22 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Finance and Performance
Lead director: Chief Operating Officer
Department: Directorate of Corporate
Contact: Kay Crabtree, HR Manager (Performance and Change) Email:, Claire Waind, HR Business Partner Email:
Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: To be completed.
Agenda items
- 22/11/2022 - Executive Occupational Health and Day One Absence Management Provision (20:07) 22/11/2022
- Occupational Health and Day One Absence Management Provision