Issue details
Occupational Health Provision
Purpose of Report: To seek permission to re-procure an Occupational
Health Provision for the Council.
The Executive will be asked to:
• Agree to procure an occupational health provision effective
from June 2022.
• To delegate to the Chief Operating Officer power to select
the appropriate procurement route and award the contract to the
successful bidder.
This item has now been withdrawn as it has been agreed as it is a standard contract renewal it can be approved as an officer decision.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Cabinet Decision - a 'Key Issue' - decision leading to savings or expenditure of £500,000 or above;
Decision status: Withdrawn
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/11/2021
Decision due: 09/12/21 by Executive
Reason: This item has now been withdrawn as it has been agreed as it is a standard contract renewal it can be approved as an officer decision.
Lead member: Executive Member for Finance and Performance
Lead director: Chief Operating Officer
Department: Directorate of Corporate
Contact: Kay Crabtree, HR Manager (Performance and Change) 07534 971816 Email:
Consultation process
To engage with a range of internal stakeholder groups from across the Council to review the current provision and agree outputs needed from any new contract provision.
• Workplace wellbeing group;
• Trade Unions;
• Cross Directorate Working Groups.
Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: To be completed.
- Occupational Health Provision