Issue details

Recycling Waste Consultation and Next Steps

Purpose of Report: Further to, Executive Member Decision and guidance from scrutiny this report will feedback from the city wide consultation and insight workshops to allow members to consider changes to the recycling collection methodology.

The Executive will be asked to consider the consultation responses and determine whether to;
i) To procure vehicles based on the current recycling collection methodology;
ii) To consider additional work required to determine the collection methodology for the future;
iii) Or to make the decision to change recycling methodology and procure the vehicles for this collection methodology.

Given the incredible engagement with the consultation and the large volume of responses, this report will be deferred until the 24 June 2021 allow the responses to be fully considered before Executive are asked to determine next steps.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Be significant in terms of its effects on communities;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/04/2021

Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;

Decision due: 24/06/21 by Executive
Reason: This item has now been defered until 24 June 2021, please open this item for further detail.

Lead member: Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change

Lead director: Corporate Director of Place

Department: Directorate of Place

Contact: Ben Grabham, Head of Environment Email: Email:

Consultation process

An Executive Member Decision Session on 3 March 2021 referred potential changes to recycling collection methodology now to ensure the correct vehicles were ordered. The Executive Member then referred this to an Economy and Place Policy and Scrutiny Committee on the 25th March 2021. Subsequently an Officer Decision was made in Consultation with the Executive Member for Environment to consult on Recycling Options.
A city wide consultation has taken place on the proposed changes as well as some targeted insight work through focus groups. This report will feedback the outcome.
The consultation process started with a commissioned scrutiny, in addition the public have been consulted and the purpose of the report and then to determine next steps in any changes to recycling waste collections and the vehicle specification.


Agenda items


  • Recycling Waste Consultation and Next Steps  


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